Gamers prefer PS3 and 360 over Rev..

Don't be silly. Did you ever think that perhaps the PS2 isn't selling as well as it did 2 years ago was because everyone who wanted a PS2 already had one? 90 million consoles sold out of what about 140-150 million, and the PS2 needs to keep selling more and more? Please. This arguement between the 2 of you is silly. Instead of tossing back and forth articles proponing your positions, why don't you sit down and discuss what defines "momentum" or "success" or whatever you're arguing and then trickle out quantitative information set within proper context and scaled properly to not bias any one system. It requires actual thought and work, but it's a lot better than the pissing contest you're having right now.
scooby_dooby said:
Hey Tatiano, i didn't manage to convince you did I?

here's some new numbers for 2004 which should further show the xbox's growing MOMENTUM,

"The PS2 still keeps its position as the best-selling home console worldwide, but shipments have been declining for the past two years. In the overseas market in particular, the number of PS2s shipped has dropped by almost 50 percent, from 17.4 million units in 2003 to 9.29 million units in 2004.

The GameCube has suffered a smaller percentage decline overseas, from 4.18 million units to 3.68 million units. On the other hand, the American-made Xbox console has been doing well overseas, as its shipment count rose from 5.62 million units in 2003 to 6.16 million units in 2004. But little of that increase is due to Japan gamers clamoring for Xbox units. "

So xbox numbers continue to climb as ps2 numbers continue to fall, convinced yet? or will you still argue that "if anything sony has the momentum"?

I think his comment comes from the fact that Sony is still selling more consoles than MS. If MS really had more mommentum it should be outselling the PS2 (which arguably now has a harder time selling each additional unit since it's nearing saturation point) -- but it isn't (is it?). Sony still has a lot of momentum and is still selling PS2s like crazy -- Xbox's momentum is catching up, but it isn't the in the same boat as how Sony is selling. (this isn't directed at you Scooby -- I'm just responding to the thread with your post as a starting point)

I don't see how you guys can claim Playstation brand is dead just because Xbox brand is rising also -- it doesn't even make sense. Nothing posted here would lead a half intelligent person to believe that the PS brand is dying. It has sold near 90m units and is still selling better than other consoles...

The console race next time will be a lot closer -- that is for sure. But to say that PS brand is doomed is ignorant at best -- maybe even wishful thinking in some of the more sadistic of you.

I really don't understand the sentiment behind trying to show everyone the console you like is the best and then proceeding to bash other people's choices. It makes no sense at all. It just seems like a desperate attempt to justify your purchase -- whether that be the truth of the matter or not, that is what it looks like when you think about it (all sides do this also).
The market is as strong for Sony now as it was by the end of the last cycle in 2001, in the US. Possibly stronger worldwide. Pop culture - where's the metric for that?

Failure of psx , poor launch performance of the psp in the usa shows a diffrent picture .

I don't see how you guys can claim Playstation brand is dead just because Xbox brand is rising also -- it doesn't even make sense. Nothing posted here would lead a half intelligent person to believe that the PS brand is dying. It has sold near 90m units and is still selling better than other consoles...

What doesn't make sense is that a smart poster like you can fail to read what others write .

Reread my posts and then post again
jvd said:
Failure of psx , poor launch performance of the psp in the usa shows a diffrent picture .

It's not like they switched from PS2 to PSX. PS2 was PSX's worst enemy.

Re. PSP, it is a different market, which Nintendo knows only too well. That said, you consider ~500k units in 2 days to be poor? 600k in its first week? That's more than any of the current home systems sold at launch in the US bar PS2, I believe. Regardless, it's irrelevant to the home market.
jvd said:
600k out of a million is bad . Thats 40% unsold .

In absolute terms, in terms of the number of units sold, the only launch in recent history to trump it was the PS2's. You can talk in relative terms all you like, but that's the simple truth.

And again, it's irrelevant to PSone/PS2/PS3.
Titanio said:
In absolute terms, in terms of the number of units sold, the only launch in recent history to trump it was the PS2's. You can talk in relative terms all you like, but that's the simple truth.

And again, it's irrelevant to PSone/PS2/PS3.
ds sold better , xbox sold better , ps2 sold better , gamecube sold better .

All of these sold much closer to thier shpped numbers than the psp

Its bad when a newly launched product doesn't come close to selling out
jvd said:
ds sold better , xbox sold better , ps2 sold better , gamecube sold better .

All of these sold much closer to thier shpped numbers than the psp

Its bad when a newly launched product doesn't come close to selling out

You're too funny jvd.

PSP sold more than Xbox, GC, DS etc. at launch (600k in the first week). Really, get over it.

Such a hollow point, and completely irrelevant to the home market regardless.
We are talking about the playstation brand if you haven't been paying attention . Playstation portable is still playstation and it failed to sell out by over 400k units . It did sell more than the ds however the ds sold much much closer to its shipped units. If more were shipped it would have sold more at the time . TThe same can not be said for the psp .

The ps2 had no problem selling out all the units sony could ship .
If the Phantom sold 1 unit in year 2006 and then 3 units in 2007, that would mean sales jumped 300%!!! :eek: That would have to mean that the interest trend has outstripped all other console brands, which can now be safely assumed to be "dead", before the mighty Phantom. :rolleyes: This trend is simply plain as day...don't hide your heads in the sand!
jvd said:
We are talking about the playstation brand if you haven't been paying attention . Playstation portable is still playstation and it failed to sell out by over 400k units . It did sell more than the ds however the ds sold much much closer to its shipped units. If more were shipped it would have sold more at the time . TThe same can not be said for the psp .

The ps2 had no problem selling out all the units sony could ship .

It's embarassing to even have to argue this.

More people bought PSPs at launch than Xboxes, GCs, DSes etc. The only system they bought more of in recent history at launch was PS2.

Take what you like from that about the "playstation brand". But realise the portable market is irrelevant to the home market anyway.

Good lord. Round and round we go.
there were more psps avalible for launch . The system vastly underperformed what sony and anylsts thought it could . Which is a failure .
Titanio said:
It's embarassing to even have to argue this.

it's embarassing arguing with someone that despite seeing a 37% to 34% split in the USA regardind the future console of choice, REFUSES to admit that Sony is losing ANY marketshare.
jvd said:
there were more psps avalible for launch . The system vastly underperformed what sony and anylsts thought it could . Which is a failure . always debut with limited supplies, and then selling a lesser qty suddenly becomes a "success"!!! :rolleyes: Only jvd can conjure a spin where everyone who wanted a psp, got a psp (as far as availability) this time around, and this comes off as something negative.

I hope the rest of us here can now see how pointless this line of thinking is... Qty is still a goldstandard. This is not to say that other stats should be ignored, outright. They should be taken in-context with qty, however.
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As I've mentioned over and over, arguing about how successful a product is or fails to become is pointless until you discuss the actual criteria.

Is Nintendo a failure because year after year they've lost marketshare?
Or are they wildly successful because year after year they've made tidy profits?

What about Sony which is the opposite (well not quite true since their gaming division HAS been profitable afaik)?

MS? Zero market share to becoming #2 beating even the venerable Nintendo but losing tons of money?

See how easy it is to fight pointlessly over ever changing perspectives?

FWIW, I believe MS IS indeed riding a wave of momentum that will carry them quite nicely into XBox360 perhaps even becoming the dominant console in terms of #s. Sony will bear the brunt of this. Nintendo will be Nintendo, ducking under the swinging fists of the two gorillas hoping it doesn't get knocked out by either.

And no, gauging the success of a product simply by how close it came to be sold out during launch is silly.
scooby_dooby said:
it's embarassing arguing with someone that despite seeing a 37% to 34% split in the USA regardind the future console of choice, REFUSES to admit that Sony is losing ANY marketshare.

It's a poll. How can we talk about what will happen in the future? As of now, Sony has lost little if any marketshare. That's the ultimate poll, the marketplace, where people put the money where their mouth is.

And polls rarely ever reflect how things actual emerge, certainly this far out from the release of all the systems. I remember polls pre this current generation that placed Nintendo very strongly, I remember even analysts agreeing on quite a large scale that the market would split pretty evenly 3 ways. It never happened. That's not to say it can't happen, but comparing results from one poll and actual results on the market on even terms is misguided, IMO.
jvd said:
there were more psps avalible for launch . The system vastly underperformed what sony and anylsts thought it could . Which is a failure .

Its a failure because Sony is selling exactly what they planned on selling by the end of the quater ending in March. Your so funny though.

Ty said:
I believe MS IS indeed riding a wave of momentum that will carry them quite nicely into XBox360 perhaps even becoming the dominant console in terms of #s.

They have to prove it first. Show me something before we just give them a victory. PROVE yourself.
mckmas8808 said:
They have to prove it first. Show me something before we just give them a victory. PROVE yourself.

Uhh, I clearly stated, "I believe" and "into the future". The first means that it's _my opinion_ and the second means that it is _in the future_, which means that it has not come to past yet which further means that it can't be proven true OR false.

If you want to be incredulous of my belief, feel free, honestly. I in no way will ever claim that I can predict the future with any sort of accuracy.
Titanio said:
It's a poll. How can we talk about what will happen in the future? As of now, Sony has lost little if any marketshare. That's the ultimate poll, the marketplace, where people put the money where their mouth is.

Who's talking about what WILL happen!?

I said currently MS has the momentum, in NA the PS brand is CURRENTLY being forgotten and the xbox brand is SLOWLY becoming the "cool" console to have.

These numbers are indisputable evidence, 1200 people, and only 37% said they'd prefer an ps3, despite over 50% actually owning a ps2. 34% would like a x360, despite only 30% actually owning an xbox.

Can you SERIOUSLY not see the obvious here!?

Like I said at least 2 or 3 times, ps3 could easily reverse this momentum, so I'm not even trying to predict what WILL happen.

It's just ridiculous that you won't even admit that this trend is occuring, might as well argue the sky isn't blue and water isnt wet.
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scooby_dooby said:
Who's talking about what WILL happen!?
scooby_dooby said:

I said currently MS has the momentum, in NA the PS brand is CURRENTLY being forgotten and the xbox brand is SLOWLY becoming the "cool" console to have.

These numbers are indisputable evidence, 1200 people, and only 37% said they'd prefer an ps3, despite over 50% actually owning a ps2. 34% would like a x360, despite only 30% actually owning an xbox.

Can you SERIOUSLY not see the obvious here!?

Like I said at least 2 or 3 times, ps3 could easily reverse this momentum, so I'm not even trying to predict what WILL happen.

It's just ridiculous that you won't even admit that this trend is occuring, might as well argue the sky isn't blue and water isnt wet.

Sorry but it has got to be said so don't take it the wrong way. But what the hell are you talking about? Do you know anything about the current trends?

Almost everything PS2 related is outselling the xbox version. The PS2 is still outselling the xbox here in NA 2 to 1 easy. Again WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???