I'm just saying that it's an interesting phenomenon, especially since demos are pretty much a thing of the past.
A good example is Battletoads, which went something like this:
- I heard it was fun from the XOne Bros podcast
- Downloaded it on my son's GamePass since it was "free". Would never have downloaded it at $39.99 or even $19.99 probably.
- We tried it and loved it. It was a refreshing change from the usual RPG or FPS shooter. Great couch co-op experience.
- It made us love GamePass more.
It's weird, but we don't need much other than GamePass. I don't really care if I had to wait 3 years to play the Witcher 3, for instance.
Over the last couple months I played Grounded, Sea of Thieves, Hellblade, Demon's Tilt (pinball), Witcher 3, Wasteland 3, and Battletoads. All on GamePass.
Granted I'm catching up on a few years of gaming right now so it seems like there is more content than their really is, but once MS's 35 development teams (23 studios) start pumping out content I don't think I'm ever really going to need to get more than one 3rd party game every year basically. This year it'll probably be Cyberpunk 2077 after the true patch comes out. I might also get The Medium if it turns out well.
At launch I'm going to play Gears Tactics, Doom Eternal, Ori 2 and Gears 5 and hopefully Flight Sim 2020 will come out soon too. Then Halo Infinite, Fable, Forza 8, Hellblade 2, Everwild etc...
I'm never going to run out of stuff to play for $15 per month (for two people because I use my son's account). It's ridiculously good.
Unless you're stuck on something specific, like you have to have Call of Duty, GamePass is going to be enough to keep most gamers satisfied. I'm betting MS adds at least 5 million subscribers per year as the generation rolls on. 50 million is a conservative estimate for this generation IMO.