SDFGI Solving the accessible Global Illumination problem in Godot. Juan Linietsky (Godot Engine co-creator and technical lead) Requirements ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●. Easy to use (no scene or object setup at import time, no setting up SDF, cards, lightmaps, etc). Ideally enable with...
Guerrilla's Studio and Technical Director Michiel van der Leeuw talks about developing tools and technologies for growing projects, and the detail of aspects of Guerrilla's own Decima Engine.
Making tools for big games from the technical director of Guerrilla Games
Feel free to move, I did not find any thread about Guerilla nor any about decima engine.
I thought that Death Stranding and Horizon threads where not appropriate and the slide deck is 83 pages, so a bit hard to quote the good bits
Displacement mapping is a powerful mechanism for adding fine to medium geometric details over a 3D surface using a 2D map encoding them. While GPU rasterization supports it through the hardware tessellation unit, ray tracing surface meshes textured with high quality displacement requires a...
About displacement mapping, BVH, continuous LOD and raytracing.
With recent GPUs and shader models there is good support for 16 bit floating point numbers and operations in shaders. On paper, the main advantages of the a fp16 representation are that it allows p…
Basics of GPU Memory Integrated/UMA GPUs Dedicated/NUMA GPUs How It Works In D3D12 Common Patterns in D3D12 Textures And The Two-Step Upload Should We Upload Buffers? Working With The COPY Queue Two COPY Queues Are Better Than One? Allocating Staging Memory What About DirectStorage? Results From...