Gainward talks smack

So is Sapphire or some other ATi Aib going to release Brandon's comments in reply?

Maybe Gainward plans on doing it to coincide with the announcement with a Gainward release of ATi X800 boards. 8)
I think it's just sad that they felt the need to copy and paste a FiringSquad quasi-humorous article for their marketing FUD. At least with the context of the FS article you don't take his words as golden. I thought it was a little weird for a European marketing department to be talking about the Super Bowl :)

Whatever. The results will speak for themselves, whenever ATI or nv get around to releasing the XT or 6800U/UE. At least the X800 Pro is actually shipping, can't say the same for the GT.
Eronarn said:
ZoinKs! said:
This whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me at all :? :?:

It makes sense, it just makes me sad that it makes sense :cry:
I know what you mean, I really liked Gainward's hardware. I had a GF4 ti4400 golden sample that really impressed the hell out of me and made me like their company.

But if their top people are resorting to this... :rolleyes:
My Voodoo was from Gainward :? Anyway i've been wondering why would a german guy mention the super bowl?
digitalwanderer said:
The Dig waits patiently for WaltC to show up to absolutely shred the poor, foolish Gainward employee in his most condescending and rock-hard logical kind-o-fasion. 8)

You actually think it is logical? I just thought it was long...

oh and BTW I think I should be paid to be a PR guy I couldn't possibly be more stupid than many of them seem to be....
Sxotty said:
oh and BTW I think I should be paid to be a PR guy I couldn't possibly be more stupid than many of them seem to be....

Why do you think you wouldn't be able to get the job? :LOL:
I'll get yelled at, but I kind of agree with him. I have a 9700 Pro and I would not upgrade to either the X800 or the X800 XTPE. I'm not going to get a 6800, but I could slightly rationalize the 6800 GT. I still woulnd't get it though since my 9700 Pro is still kicking very well.

On subject though, when I buy a card I expect to use it for 2-3 years as my primary card. I do NOT buy it for today's games, but for tomorrows games. PS and VS 3.0 will be used in a couple years, since ATI is bound to have it in their next card. It just seems to me getting a R420 based card would be cutting myself off at the knees in a year or two. The 3.0 shaders only help performance, and I can't deny that would be great. So I'd like to buy a card that uses 3.0. I'm not saying the ATI cards are bad, I'm just saying I couldn't rationalize buying them, even if I NEEDED to upgrade. Sigh, I think the next gen cards will be better though, and I'm really looking forward to them since it will be upgrade time in about a year or so. $400 dollars is too much to spend if I only use it for 12 months and then need to upgrade for features (possibly, but I think it's better safe than sorry).
I really don't think the X800 will limit you in its "lifetime" (before the next-gen architecture comes out, say in 18 months). We all thought the 9700P was fast enough to drive quick SM2.0 adoption, but FC was released barely ahead of the gen after 9700P, the X800 and 6800. So I think that the 6800's SM3.0 support may not be as must-have for gamers as for devs (and mainly to code for the next gen of cards). Who knows, HLSL's purported ease of use (just recompile) may help buck the trend I see from PS1.1 and PS1.4, but I'm betting devs will focus on the largest market, which is and will continue to be SM2.0 (9500-9800 + 5700-5950 + X800 + 6800), not SM3.0 (6800).

Anyway, we probably won't know for sure which card will be superior overall until after we see benchmarks with shipping versions of Far Cry's SM2.0/3.0 mod, Doom 3, and Half-Life 2. If you're going to stick to $400MSRP cards, a 6800GT seems like a good choice vs. a X800P simply because it performs about on par with it, and you get SM3.0. The X800XT seems to open a bigger gap vs. the 6800U in some tests in the $500MSRP segment, making it harder to justify 6800U's potentially more graceful future performance degradation vs. the X800XT's visible current performance leadership in early PS2.0 games.

I wonder if Brandon was singled out by the Gainward PR guy b/c of the results of their current front-page poll, or simply b/c he was too lazy to change names while plagiarizing Jakub's rant? ;)
Pete said:
I'm surprised at how his comments parroted forum talk. No, wait, I think a more appropriate classification of my feelings would be disappointed.

Beyond the BS, my main Q is why did a Gainward rep have a conversation with Brandon at an ATi event? :?

Gainward/FS conversation never happened, the Gainward rep cut and pasted from an article we posted, I honestly haven't spoken with anyone from Gainward in over 6 months.

What was meant to be an entertaining article for the weekend is now really getting out of hand. :(
Brandon said:
Pete said:
I'm surprised at how his comments parroted forum talk. No, wait, I think a more appropriate classification of my feelings would be disappointed.

Beyond the BS, my main Q is why did a Gainward rep have a conversation with Brandon at an ATi event? :?

Gainward/FS conversation never happened, the Gainward rep cut and pasted from an article we posted, I honestly haven't spoken with anyone from Gainward in over 6 months.

What was meant to be an entertaining article for the weekend is now really getting out of hand. :(
NOWAY! he did that? so sad....... what a gumbey.pifft o_O
Brandon said:
Gainward/FS conversation never happened, the Gainward rep cut and pasted from an article we posted, I honestly haven't spoken with anyone from Gainward in over 6 months.

What was meant to be an entertaining article for the weekend is now really getting out of hand. :(
Wow, that was a direct cut 'n paste? Did they even include a link to your article (if not to include your rebuttal, at least to properly credit FS)?

As for the article itself, well, let's just say I get enough forum talk in the forums--I don't need to see Jakub repeat it in a more formal setting. And I was a bit scared at how closely your answers mirrored my forum replies.
CMAN said:
I'll get yelled at, but I kind of agree with him. I have a 9700 Pro and I would not upgrade to either the X800 or the X800 XTPE. I'm not going to get a 6800, but I could slightly rationalize the 6800 GT. I still woulnd't get it though since my 9700 Pro is still kicking very well.

On subject though, when I buy a card I expect to use it for 2-3 years as my primary card. I do NOT buy it for today's games, but for tomorrows games. PS and VS 3.0 will be used in a couple years, since ATI is bound to have it in their next card. It just seems to me getting a R420 based card would be cutting myself off at the knees in a year or two. The 3.0 shaders only help performance, and I can't deny that would be great. So I'd like to buy a card that uses 3.0. I'm not saying the ATI cards are bad, I'm just saying I couldn't rationalize buying them, even if I NEEDED to upgrade. Sigh, I think the next gen cards will be better though, and I'm really looking forward to them since it will be upgrade time in about a year or so. $400 dollars is too much to spend if I only use it for 12 months and then need to upgrade for features (possibly, but I think it's better safe than sorry).
You know how is it that so many peole have forgotten that Nvidia has never released a new card that delivered playable performance in the areas new fetures they PR about?

Nv40 is already behind the curve in PS2.0 performance compared to X800. Yet people seem to think they are magically going to have great PS3.0 performance. Not going to happen.

X800 will continue and increase its advantage in shader intensive games over the next couple years. Its that simple.
Hellbinder said:
You know how is it that so many peole have forgotten that Nvidia has never released a new card that delivered playable performance in the areas new fetures they PR about?

Nv40 is already behind the curve in PS2.0 performance compared to X800. Yet people seem to think they are magically going to have great PS3.0 performance. Not going to happen.

X800 will continue and increase its advantage in shader intensive games over the next couple years. Its that simple.

You'are a fanATIc. Its that simple.
Class Action Settlement
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mikechai said:
Hellbinder said:
You know how is it that so many peole have forgotten that Nvidia has never released a new card that delivered playable performance in the areas new fetures they PR about?

Nv40 is already behind the curve in PS2.0 performance compared to X800. Yet people seem to think they are magically going to have great PS3.0 performance. Not going to happen.

X800 will continue and increase its advantage in shader intensive games over the next couple years. Its that simple.

You'are a fanATIc. Its that simple.

I can see his point- they're having problems with PS2.0, I'm willing to bet money that they'll have the same problems with 3.0.