swaaye said:
Well he's 100% right about it being a LOT harder to program for these crazy in-order multi-core oddities.
These chips seem to have been designed to make it easy to boast about them. It's just going to be insanely harder to get max performance out of them. Absolutely untrivial. And it will require serious changes in how a senior coder from this gen deals with next gen. Nothing like throwing away years of experience on out-of-order cores?
In-order cores haven't been used on PCs since the original Pentium. Excluding low performance Centaur-team chips. Hell the AMD K5 was out of order! The gist of it is that the high performance chips are all out of order designs. OOO has been evolving for like 10 years! And now they just drop it in favor of massive clock speed and multi-cores.
I would go so far to say that an AthlonXP 3200+ is a decent match for what these new console chips are capable of. At least until (or if it's possible) to do some serious, down to the metal optimization of code. MASSIVE man hours and skill.... I've visited and spoken to the developers at Raven Software a few times. Last time I was there they were telling me how development costs and time are rising out of control for big titles. Well, they sure as hell didn't need this kind of bomb dropped on them. This is going to cost a LOT of money for developers. A LOT.
At least the GPUs in the new consoles are full-on designs that seem to have very few serious cost cutting measures going on.
I just think many of you are caught on this hype trail, as is ALWAYS the case with consoles. You don't see just what the CPU engineers have done to these chips.... It's very bad.
The original Pentium Pro ran code made for the Pentium slower than the Pentium did, though once code was made specifically for the Pro(didn't take long) it performed much better. Wasn't the PPro capable of outperforming cpus that had 3-4x it's theoretical power? The new console cpus have quite a bit more than that though.
BTW, how come the G5 cpu had so many less transistors than a P4 or Athlon 64? I doubt that the huge difference is due to the x86 frontend.....could it just be that the G5 just didn't have the same kind of out of order capabilities as the x86 designs? It would explain why despite its impressive specs it often performed far far worse, sometimes 1/3rd the performance of a top x86 cpu, perhaps if the G5's out of order capabilities weren't very advanced that these new cpus won't perform much worse per mhz.
If you are programming in a HLL the fact that the processor is in-order is irrelevant to you
That's assuming that the compiler is not only up to par, but that it likes your particular code. I'd imagine there will be a lot more quirks to learn, I believe Intel has over 100 pages of quirks in the P4 processor that can be programmed around, we might see 1000s of pages for these console cpus.
That Athlon is not, I repeat is not a decent match for the CELL and XeCPU!!! Its just NOT the same. The serious amount of flops that the CELL can provide is something that the Athlon just can't get near it.
In that case niether can the Athlon 64. If we just look at the flops, you have to have like a 16 core opteron system before you surpass the Xcpu in flops.(which I believe achieves around 116 GFlops in measured performance, while wasn't there just a post about Cell achieving around 40GFlops in real world scenarios?)
However, I'm sure he is quite upset that all the effort that went into HL2 engine is more or less useless(considering the tone of the article) for the lucrative, sinfully-delicious engine-licensing market for next-gen. Lots of sour grapes on his plate, seeing how Epic's development plans and direction with Unreal engine are now earning them the monopoly over next-gen engine licensing.
There's still a good chance revolution might be able to run Source without major modifications, even if Revolution skimps out on the graphics capabilities it'll still likely be more than able to handle what Source can do, and maybe Rev will have an easy to use cpu. BTW, who would use Source next gen anyhow? Unreal engine is really the only engine that takes advantage of the graphical capabilities of the next gen systems.
Source was amazing, costing millions I imagine, and less than a year later it's pretty much dated.
Maybe they should start focusing on selling games over Steam more then, get more small devs to pick up the Source engine and release their games over Steam. IMO Steam's distribution platform is the big deal and not the Source engine, Valve may as well just license the Unreal engine and make modifications to it.
Okay so how much would that actually cost? I assume WAY more than what Sony and MS are paying. I wasn't talking about unlimited funds here. Maybe I should have added that in. Within cost what is out today or maybe coming out within a year that could out do what the PS3 and X360 is going to do?
I think the die size of one P4 chip is about the same as the tricore x360 chip, and maybe with the much higher production levels of the P4 maybe 1 dual core Intel chip could have been substituted for the tricore heavy on flops X360 cpu. Of course, then you have the whole PC base thing that may add more costs onto the rest of the system.