FS ATI interview on R500 + Block Diagram

Jaws said:
You'd think that multi-billion dollar projects do not operate with any contingencies? Sounds like sour grapes to me and clutching at straws! :p

Contingency plan does not mean first choice. I cannot find anything that indicates that the RSX is a new, or even highly specialized, design. Even from the comments about those under NDA it pretty much is "You will learn more once NV's new chips are launched".

You'd think the PS3, CELL+RSX did badly at E3 or something... :rolleyes:

I am not sure anyone has even suggested that. Although what exactly did we see on the RSX again?

What is more interesting is the "fine print" of the interview. He specifically mentions MS's budget.

Oh well... looks like both consoles are getting high end GPUs that compete with the best of the best of 2005/early 2006. I mean, a 300M transistor GPU?! Definately no cut corners on that monster :oops:
Joe DeFuria said:
Jaws said:
You'd think that multi-billion dollar projects do not operate with any contingencies? Sounds like sour grapes to me and clutching at straws! :p

Actually, I'd expect that ATI would have been in some competition with nVidia for the PS3 GPU, and would thus know something about Sony's PS3 GPU strategy.

On the other hand it could simply be a competator "verifying" rumors on the internet to make the competition seem less prepared.

quest55720 said:
I would love for dave or someone to break this down to laymans terms. I don't think you can compare shader instuctions per clock because the ATI GPU has to use a percentage of thiers for VS ops. From the sounds of it this GPU is trading raw fill rate for ALUs and e-ram. Would I be right in saying since this GPU does not have to worry about legacy apps like DX7 and older raw fill rate does not matter as much as it would a PC GPU? I could be wrong but this thing sounds like shading beast.
The nearest number we have is 136 shader ops per second on RSX, a number that would include the vertex shaders, I expect.

But these architectures are seriously different so there's no point getting hung up on these numbers.

Jawed said:
wireframe said:
Now I am thoroughly confused of what the R500 is. So, is it now etched in stone that the R500 can do 192 shader ops per clock? 48 parallel processing units, each capable of 4 ops?
This method of counting shader ops is the same as NVidia. At least superficially.

Still, there's a question mark over whether R500's ALUs are 4D+1D or 3D+1D.

Fun aint it?... :p

It's not really fun. I am shocked. When I first heard/read the 96 ops/clock number for Xbox 360 I was in awe. Then Sony dropped the 136 ops/clock bomb and I had to get a pair of new pants. Now, if the Xbox does 192 and FSAA for free I dunno what to think anymore. This is not one generation ahead of what we have in our PCs today. It's not even two generations. It's more like four...

Ok, so I am obviously excluding a lot of other parameters in my thinking here, but this is absolutely incredible to me. I was secretly thinking everyone would be somewhat underwhelmed by the specs, but instead I was thinking that the real performance would come from working so close to the hardware, allowing great efficiency and tuning. This is just crazy. I must go change pants again...
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

From the looks of it, the resolution will not go up - the system seems to be restricted to 720p.
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

how so when the edram gives it free AA and other effects at even 1080i?
Joe DeFuria said:
Jaws said:
You'd think that multi-billion dollar projects do not operate with any contingencies? Sounds like sour grapes to me and clutching at straws! :p

Actually, I'd expect that ATI would have been in some competition with nVidia for the PS3 GPU, and would thus know something about Sony's PS3 GPU strategy.

That would add further fuel to my sour grapes comment... ;)
dukmahsik said:
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

how so when the edram gives it free AA and other effects at even 1080i?

Anand even noted that the Gpu could do AA for free at 1080p.....

I dont understand this stuff anymore, wasnt Xbox 360 supposed to be weak and underwhelming? Is Xbox 360 starting to show some muscle or what?
therealskywolf said:
dukmahsik said:
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

how so when the edram gives it free AA and other effects at even 1080i?

Anand even noted that the Gpu could do AA for free at 1080p.....

I dont understand this stuff anymore, wasnt Xbox 360 supposed to be weak and underwhelming? Is Xbox 360 starting to show some muscle or what?

But to render the extra pixel it would need to have less VS or simpler PS, I am wrong?
Geeforcer said:
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

From the looks of it, the resolution will not go up - the system seems to be restricted to 720p.

no, the system standard resolution mandated my MS is 720p, it can go all the way up to 1080p if needed
therealskywolf said:
I dont understand this stuff anymore, wasnt Xbox 360 supposed to be weak and underwhelming? Is Xbox 360 starting to show some muscle or what?

This stuff is probably the result of Sony marketing and it's effects on the public. Most people with technical knowledge have long expected the X360 to be quite capable thanks to its innovative GPU design, based on the leaked information.
Geeforcer said:
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

From the looks of it, the resolution will not go up - the system seems to be restricted to 720p.

According to the article and to Dave, Xenos does 2xFSAA for free all the time and at 1280X720 and higher it does 4x with 95-99% efficiency... definitely deserves a :oops:

I think Feldstein said that the decision NOT to support 1080p was MS' as they (their webTv division) designed the video display chip...
I wonder if they can did the same in a CONSOLE CPU?

PS: I am not saing that they will get a better thing than Cell just a EVEN better thing for games/consoles.Peace.
blakjedi said:
Geeforcer said:
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

From the looks of it, the resolution will not go up - the system seems to be restricted to 720p.

According to the article and to Dave, Xenos does 2xFSAA for free all the time and at 1280X720 and higher it does 4x with 95-99% efficiency... definitely deserves a :oops:

I think Feldstein said that the decision NOT to support 1080p was MS' as they (their webTv division) designed the video display chip...

So we need Edram on Pc Graphics card fast dont we?? I mean games allways take quite the HIt when AA is enabled.

I guess ATI will have this on the R520? Or r600? Sooner or Later? :?:
pc999 said:
I wonder if they can did the same in a CONSOLE CPU?

PS: I am not saing that they will get a better thing than Cell just a EVEN better thing for games/consoles.Peace.

I wonder, do we know everything about the Xbox 360 Cpu? Does it have some added Bling Bling with games in mind?

Man.....this console is coming out in 6 months or so, and i know so little....
therealskywolf said:
blakjedi said:
Geeforcer said:
pc999 said:
I think that R500 will be at least as good as RSX in 720p in qualitity per pixel, but will go dawn fast as rez go up.

BTW it seems to have some nice features for "Fluid Reallity" :D

From the looks of it, the resolution will not go up - the system seems to be restricted to 720p.

According to the article and to Dave, Xenos does 2xFSAA for free all the time and at 1280X720 and higher it does 4x with 95-99% efficiency... definitely deserves a :oops:

I think Feldstein said that the decision NOT to support 1080p was MS' as they (their webTv division) designed the video display chip...

So we need Edram on Pc Graphics card fast dont we?? I mean games allways take quite the HIt when AA is enabled.

I guess ATI will have this on the R520? Or r600? Sooner or Later? :?:

Dunno but it makes sense seeing as how they are competing very well with chip that was designed later, with double the transistor count (inefficient? dunno)?

ATI said this part is NOT like any other part in existence or planned so...

apparently the API for this chip is also unique and does not neatly fit into the Directx implementation roadmap
Laa-Yosh said:
This stuff is probably the result of Sony marketing and it's effects on the public.
They are good at what they do. I remember reading in a mainstream news article, might have been Reuters or AP, that the PS2 had the power of a super computer so that it'll be illegal to export. I wonder how many Saddam bought to control his WMD collection.