Forum Software Change!

I was still on forum runner instead of tapatalk because tapatalk doesn't seem to handle keeping track of unread threads very well.
I didn't add forumrunner support since it only showed a single user a lot of the time. Now I know who that is! I can add support back in for you, so your usual flow is still there.
I didn't add forumrunner support since it only showed a single user a lot of the time. Now I know who that is! I can add support back in for you, so your usual flow is still there.
I maybe spoke too soon, ForumRunner doesn't support XenForos > 1.2 yet (and the plugin hasn't been updated since early 2013, so I don't hold out hope that it'll support 1.4). Sorry that support for FR went away during the migration, I wish I could put it back.
The site seems to have forgotten the last read posts in all threads. OMG!

Otherwise it seems to be working beautifully.
So far, it's a bit of a change but slowly getting used to it. However...

I seem to have lost the ability to edit my posts. Is there a setting I'm mission somewhere or has editing of posts been disabled. I only noticed when I re-read a post I just made and realized that one of the things I typed out could be potentially misinterpreted.

Is there still an option somewhere to change the post counts displayed per page. I had it set it up to 50 previously and would very much like to be able to do it again. Still trying to come to grips with the new forum so pardon me if it's something staring at me in the face!
Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it. I'm loving the speed of the new forum as well. You guys are doing a great job. Now time to somehow get this looking orange and black like classic B3d.
Thanks for that link, I was having a bugger of a time trying to find out where to edit my preferences. Now if only I can edit my posts. ;)

Yeah, there's plenty of user-group cleanup that will be going on tomorrow. Once that's done then we can tackle the permissions and ensure everything is set a bit more permissive.
It's working for me. In the New Posts screen clicking the thread name takes me to latest unread.
I have to click the dot to the left of the title to get sent to the first unread post. Clicking on the title takes me to the start of the thread.
I have to click the dot to the left of the title to get sent to the first unread post. Clicking on the title takes me to the start of the thread.

That happened to me until I hit "Mark Forums Read". After that any new posts worked. I think Malo did the same.
Yep. As far as the forum is concerned, it's ALL new posts. Need to clear the backlog.

Notifications are little overkill, at least for an over-contributor like myself who's got their grubby little fingers in every thread. Would be nice to have settings to tweak them.

Also, moderators aren't distinguished from commoners at the moment. This is good in terms of a true, democratic discussion where everyone is seen as equal, but it's not so good when it comes to bossing people about as there's nothing to show one's authorised to do so.

These are probably already on your to-do list, but I thought I'd mention just in case.
I don't like popups, they appear over almost everything I point at. The most irritating is "+Quote|Reply" popup that appears when I select any text in posts. I am used to randomly select words/sentences with mouse when I read them, English is not my first language so I like to visually mark my progress while reading.
- Heh, I don't see where is "edit post" button. :)
- Because forum is so bright, can signatures get less opacity so that they are less noticeable?
- Will we get darker theme?
I am used to randomly select words/sentences with mouse when I read them, English is not my first language so I like to visually mark my progress while reading.
Dude, I'm just like you, always marking text as I read. It's my personal obsessive-compulsive tic... :p The popup is a little bothersome, I agree, but I suppose I will get used to it eventually.
I maybe spoke too soon, ForumRunner doesn't support XenForos > 1.2 yet (and the plugin hasn't been updated since early 2013, so I don't hold out hope that it'll support 1.4). Sorry that support for FR went away during the migration, I wish I could put it back.
Don't worry about it. FR has been crashing on opening an external link since the switch to iOS8 and hasn't been updated in a while. I already deleted it. Tapatalk will have to do.
Notifications are little overkill, at least for an over-contributor like myself who's got their grubby little fingers in every thread. Would be nice to have settings to tweak them.
Hover over the flag in the top right (I'm assuming you're looking at the Beyond3D theme) and in the bottom right of the box that pops up, there's a link to Alert Preferences. You can tone it down a bit from there. If that's not enough, let me know.