Forspoken (Project Athia) [PS5, PC]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7537
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the early gameplay trailers make it like FFXV, and the new demo makes it look like a budget FFXV. but i wonder if its because they chose bad looking / simpler region? they may be hasnt got the prettier looking regions properly optimized for ps5.

btw what does the RT were used for? shadows?
Honestly I don't really see the downgrade. Sure they probably used PC with cranked-up settings in their trailer but even so. The environments compared are not the same, this comparison is highly flawed. Playing it I feel it looked roughly like the trailer, I actually found the demo technically really good and next-gen enough (way better than for instance Wo Long which was graphically terrible).

My main problem with the demo (and in Wo Long) is how the character controls. I don't like the moveset and I don't like the camera. There is some latency in everything you do, even at 60fps. The character moveset is also plagued with animation priority (a bit like RDR) notably when you walk. Modern Assassin's creed have better controls than this. What's going on with those games with messed up controls? I also couldn't play Ghosts of tsushima because of the controls.

I had to turn off dialogues in this game as characters are constantly and uselessly talking and it's very annoying.

The best thing in that demo is how seamless everything is from start to finish. Instant initial loading then no loadings (even hidden in slow moments) anywhere on the map and framerate is very stable.

EDIT: Another game with useless quality and RT modes at only 30fps. Those modes are really not worth it. Thankfully the default mode is the best: performance.
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The 40fps mode is pretty good, shame the game looks like ass.
Honestly I don't really see the downgrade. Sure they probably used PC with cranked-up settings in their trailer but even so. The environments compared are not the same, this comparison is highly flawed. Playing it I feel it looked roughly like the trailer, I actually found the demo technically really good and next-gen enough (way better than for instance Wo Long which was graphically terrible).

My main problem with the demo (and in Wo Long) is how the character controls. I don't like the moveset and I don't like the camera. There is some latency in everything you do, even at 60fps. The character moveset is also plagued with animation priority (a bit like RDR) notably when you walk. Modern Assassin's creed have better controls than this. What's going on with those games with messed up controls? I also couldn't play Ghosts of tsushima because of the controls.

I had to turn off dialogues in this game as characters are constantly and uselessly talking and it's very annoying.

The best thing in that demo is how seamless everything is from start to finish. Instant initial loading then no loadings (even hidden in slow moments) anywhere on the map and framerate is very stable.

EDIT: Another game with useless quality and RT modes at only 30fps. Those modes are really not worth it. Thankfully the default mode is the best: performance.
The 40fps mode is pretty good, shame the game looks like ass.
You may be right. But I think technically the game is actually very solid: Seamless open world game with fast traversal with a stable 60fp, highly detailed ennemies with plethora of effects during combat, very high amount of vegetation, generous amount of geometry almost everywhere, high resolution textures and finally competent TAA + DRS solution. I have not noticed too much pop-in (I did notice tesselation pop-in on the rocks though).

The main problem is the very generic lighting + art direction. I think Elden Ring might look graphically more appealing while being technically way inferior in all those metrics.
You may be right. But I think technically the game is actually very solid: Seamless open world game with fast traversal with a stable 60fp, highly detailed ennemies with plethora of effects during combat, very high amount of vegetation, generous amount of geometry almost everywhere, high resolution textures and finally competent TAA + DRS solution. I have not noticed too much pop-in (I did notice tesselation pop-in on the rocks though).

The main problem is the very generic lighting + art direction. I think Elden Ring might look graphically more appealing while being technically way inferior in all those metrics.

Art direction is bad and we have seen better technology elsewhere on cross gen games. FF16 art direction is better than this too.

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Art direction is bad and we have seen better technology elsewhere on cross gen games. FF16 art direction is better than this too.

Come one now that's cherry picking 101, a demo vs a full game. And did you use the 60fps mode for Horizon which has a worse IQ and CBR tech than Forspoken, I don't think so. Besides Horizon world feels very restricted to me. Super narrow FOV, plenty of details but not much big environments, world feels small (contrary to Forspoken where the world actually feels big and has a decent FOV).

And what about the awful loadings and lack or RT in Horizons, not very next-gen are they? In many ways Forspoken is more next-gen than Horizon which (like Ragnarok) feel very much like up-resed PS4 games having great art direction (well, for some at least).

Saying this I don't intend of playing either of those games (as controls suck in both) but technologically speaking I'd say Forspoken is more "next-gen" than Horizon 2. But yes it looks way worse visually I'd gladly admit that. It's just that Horizon was already one of the most beautiful PS4 (and PS5) game, if not the best looking at least on PS4.
Come one now that's cherry picking 101, a demo vs a full game. And did you use the 60fps mode for Horizon which has a worse IQ and CBR tech than Forspoken, I don't think so. Besides Horizon world feels very restricted to me. Super narrow FOV, plenty of details but not much big environments, world feels small (contrary to Forspoken where the world actually feels big and has a decent FOV).

And what about the awful loadings and lack or RT in Horizons, not very next-gen are they? In many ways Forspoken is more next-gen than Horizon which (like Ragnarok) feel very much like up-resed PS4 games having great art direction (well, for some at least).

Saying this I don't intend of playing either of those games (as controls suck in both) but technologically speaking I'd say Forspoken is more "next-gen" than Horizon 2. But yes it looks way worse visually I'd gladly admit that. It's just that Horizon was already one of the most beautiful PS4 (and PS5) game, if not the best looking at least on PS4.

HFW performance mode was patched. No there is things like water rendering, rock rendering, cloud rendering, polycount, texture quality, better vegetation rendering(deffered texturing rendering) where HFW is far above Forspoken. There is more to current gen than RT shadows. And Forspoken IQ is bad and out of RT shadows there is nothing more than HFW. In Forspoken everything is done with lower quality technology than HFW out the shadows technology and loading speed. And HFW is not like GOW Ragnarok a PS4 game on PS5. There is some part of the rendering technology like for the cloud unique to PS5. And loading are ok in HFW this is not GOW Ragnarok They are slower than Forspoken around 4/5 seconds but not only two times faster than PS4 with HDD like GOW.

I like small environment looking like this.:ROFLMAO:

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HFW performance mode was patched. No there is things like water rendering, rock rendering, cloud rendering, polycount, texture quality, better vegetation rendering(deffered texturing rendering) where HFW is far above Forspoken. There is more to current gen than RT shadows. And Forspoken IQ is bad and out of RT shadows there is nothing more than HFW. In Forspoken everything is done with lower quality technology than HFW out the shadows technology and loading speed. And HFW is not like GOW Ragnarok a PS4 game on PS5. There is some part of the rendering technology like for the cloud unique to PS5. And loading are ok in HFW this is not GOW Ragnarok They are slower than Forspoken around 4/5 seconds but not only two times faster than PS4 with HDD like GOW.

I like small environment looking like this.:ROFLMAO:

Horizon is an incredible showcase for PS4 technology indeed. The technology they use is probably more complex and elaborate than Luminous engine. But we even know developers purposefully ignored PS5 specific features for their PS5 port.

It maybe great at doing stuff scalable on machines with more tflops than PS4, but that's not the definition of next-gen for me as their "technology" could run quite well on say Xbox One X 6Tflops GPU and its generous ram bandwidth.

What I don't like in Guerrilla technology (and in Naughty dog tech) is that they seemingly are not interested at doing games tailored at Playstation hardware anymore (since the Pro). They seem to be more interested into compatibility with PC hardware and I think that's sad. But let's just disagree on this as we probably don't talk about the same thing.
What I don't like in Guerrilla technology (and in Naughty dog tech) is that they seemingly are not interested at doing games tailored at Playstation hardware anymore (since the Pro). They seem to be more interested into compatibility with PC hardware and I think that's sad. But let's just disagree on this as we probably don't talk about the same thing.
I don't follow this. For two generations PlayStation hardware has been x86 and an AMD GPU with a fairly standard graphics features, the generation before was PowerPC and Nvidia GPU. The only things that are different between modern PlayStation, PC and Xbox, is the software aspect - the OS, and APIs. The differences are minuscule compared to the commonalities.
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Horizon is an incredible showcase for PS4 technology indeed. The technology they use is probably more complex and elaborate than Luminous engine. But we even know developers purposefully ignored PS5 specific features for their PS5 port.

It maybe great at doing stuff scalable on machines with more tflops than PS4, but that's not the definition of next-gen for me as their "technology" could run quite well on say Xbox One X 6Tflops GPU and its generous ram bandwidth.

What I don't like in Guerrilla technology (and in Naughty dog tech) is that they seemingly are not interested at doing games tailored at Playstation hardware anymore (since the Pro). They seem to be more interested into compatibility with PC hardware and I think that's sad. But let's just disagree on this as we probably don't talk about the same thing.

What feature RT? If for example you said to me Fortnite UE 5.1* has more impressive technology, I agree and it is not using RT. What I think Horizon is missing is a realtime GI system SW or HW more probably SW or something HW accelerated but using only bounding box like in one Nvidia paper and something like Nanite with at minimum better LOD management and a better shadow system maybe not RT(Virtual shadow maps?).

The only system they don't use on PS5 is the ID buffer and they told it is because it was not existing on base PS4 maybe in the DLC they create the Visibility buffer using the ID buffer hardware and not the slow Geometry shader.

And at least part of the cloud technology can't run on One X, not the same polygon density or texture quality a bit of seriousness. The One X can't even run The Calisto Protocol as good as the Xbox Series S and the PS5 is more powerful. Same the future iteration of the water system can't run on last gen machine, they need one polygon per pixel like Nanite to run it. And the current water system was less detailed on PS4. This is the direction they want to explore now than they aren't limited by PS4/PS4 Pro not the PC. There are not tons of technology in PS5 GPU not existing on PC only the ID buffer, the cache scrubbers and the flexible scalable rasterization into the hardware rasterizer. Out of this API is more low level and they use intrinsic and some functionality not expose by PC API.

* Imo Nanite + VSM is the big technology of the beginning of the gen. We have some glimpse of other realtime GI system with surfel caching from Frosbite or a GI system in Snowdrop engine for Avatar but nothing for micro polygons and better LOD management.

And TLOU Part 1 is just an upgrade to TLOU 2 technology, it is more a draft of where they will go when they will have time to improve the engine. They were in a hurry they needed to release the game on PS5 before the TV series arrive on HBO next January and asap on PC.
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What I don't like in Guerrilla technology (and in Naughty dog tech) is that they seemingly are not interested at doing games tailored at Playstation hardware anymore (since the Pro). They seem to be more interested into compatibility with PC hardware and I think that's sad. But let's just disagree on this as we probably don't talk about the same thing

Nope. These games are first and foremost designed for the PS platforms and then ported over to the PC. That means performance losses for the ports, but at the same time the PS platform doesnt sacrifice anything.

This is my playthrough.
First time I tried the game. I didnt like much the combat mechanics. Second time (which is this one) I got into it.
There is a nice flow to it. It has elements that remind me of F15 but I prefer this better. I also like it how you can play with the elementals.
This game might have started as another FF game and changed later.
There is too much whites and very dark elements. It crashes all the details. Enemies and often the character herself look like dark silhouettes. And then you have that super bright white sky and intense speculars on huge surfaces.
I am not sure if its a broken HDR. But there is not much going on in terms of colors between the bright whites and dark blacks.
The traversal system is screaming for objects in the demo for the character to do her tricks. Its like having Spider Man running on a flat plane when all his magic is using his parkour and web slinging capabilities.
Enemy designs in the demo are basic. Then again, their detail is crashed. Only the last crocodile monster looked interesting and the battle was satisfying
We need to see more of other enemy types and environments to conclude.

For whatever reason the resolution of the upload on youtube is incorrect :s
I would like to add with compute shading. there is no level of feature. The developer can do anything but after it depends of the power of the machine(Tflops, memory bandwidth). Many of the things they will add on PS5 use compute shader, they can try to run it on PS4 but it will not be fast enough to be playable in realtime. In theory Nanite can run on PS4 but it is not playable on last gen console.

  • art direction
  • cutscene direction
  • animation
  • lipsync
  • shading (characters looks as if photoshopped in?)
  • level/area design
  • music direction
  • voice x environment sound design (as if someone was talking in a studio)
all of those things are... lets say... highly concerning. even FFXV is much better in all of those aspects except on lip sync and voice x environment sound design.

even FFXV on last gen looks good despite the obvious low resolutino stuff, etc

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This is my playthrough.
First time I tried the game. I didnt like much the combat mechanics. Second time (which is this one) I got into it.
There is a nice flow to it. It has elements that remind me of F15 but I prefer this better. I also like it how you can play with the elementals.
This game might have started as another FF game and changed later.
There is too much whites and very dark elements. It crashes all the details. Enemies and often the character herself look like dark silhouettes. And then you have that super bright white sky and intense speculars on huge surfaces.
I am not sure if its a broken HDR. But there is not much going on in terms of colors between the bright whites and dark blacks.
The traversal system is screaming for objects in the demo for the character to do her tricks. Its like having Spider Man running on a flat plane when all his magic is using his parkour and web slinging capabilities.
Enemy designs in the demo are basic. Then again, their detail is crashed. Only the last crocodile monster looked interesting and the battle was satisfying
We need to see more of other enemy types and environments to conclude.

For whatever reason the resolution of the upload on youtube is incorrect :s

I wonder why they greenlit that menu/UI FX?

Not only it looks out of place, as action gameplay menu were designed as perspective circles while the menu where you just need to carefully read are presented with fuzzy Crt-like fisheye effect. It seems they also added chromatic aberration on top of that.

Or this is a hint that we are actually playing a video game? That the hero was not isekai-ed, but was just playing immersive video games like ready player one or Sao?

hopefully it can be easily made to look easier to read on pc version via a simple .ini edit

Edited for better language and discussion
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This is logic it looks so blurry, in Performance mode the game run on average under 1080p as base resolution and it go down to 720p- I hope performance will be better for final version and the game is not looking very good too.
720p is utterly ridiculous. I always blink when I see a DF assessment that notes Series S drops that low in a game on occasion (like Callisto Protocol) but for a PS5? Holy crapballs.