Your first sentence makes me laugh pretty damn hard. That applies to every damn thing, what makes this so special and so super horrible? Nothing. Make the system standard, test it throughly, you'd rarely run into major issues.
It makes you laugh because you're not thinking it through. They can test a disk before they sell it, they can test the system before they ship, what they can't do is see what happens when 1 million people all try to test it at the same time? If every day 1 purchase of a AAA game is going to be like day one of MMO's. I'll pass.
Hardware that would cost very little to be honest, or the operator system would be entirely computer. Microsoft has certainly already got that fixed, as to many major companies. Hell, I had to have my password recent by phone for my AT&T DSL and the process was done entirely through a computer controlled "operator." Process was extremely smooth as well, best tech support ever! A number of software vendors already have such setups anyway, ever register Photoshop, there is a call option.
Sure it costs very little, maybe a couple dollars, but it doesn't offer a whole lot either and frankly I don't particularly like the idea of paying a couple of dollars for something which offers me no benefit. You also have to support that additional hardware.
Yes, MS has the basic infrastructure setup, but I doubt they have the infrastructure to handle potentially a million calls per day. Are you going to make these people wait on hold for 2 hours or a week? How many of those people would just return the damn game?
It could work, but its not just something that just happens by adding 2 bucks worth of hardware to every console.