Firefly Coming to DVD

John Reynolds said:
Firefly is the best TV-produced sci-fi EVAR!
I have hopes for the new Galactica also. A little hevy on the 'look how much religious, Freud, and mythological imagery I can squeeze into 41 minutes while still having enough boom to keep the casual croud happy' from the writers. But that's still way better than the 'quantum-antimatter-injector-leak and/or planet of the week' legacy that StarTrek left us with...
london-boy said:
Mariner said:
london-boy said:
I fell asleep halfway through the pilot. I had the whole series on my hard drive and deleted it. Just couldn't force myself to watch it.

It did get much better as the series went on. I, too, thought it pretty weak at the beginning but it wasn't half bad overall.

Well it took me a few weeks to finish dloading it, and now that i've deleted it without even backing it up, not gonna dload it again anytime soon.
Dang it if you were in the US, id mail you my dvds so you could watch it. Maybe one of our fellow UK'ers would lend them to you. I am 99% sure that if you can finish watching the pilot and an episode or two, you will be hooked. The show was just that bad ass, I dont think ive fired up the dvd for a few weeks, but i still have the song "hero of canton" in my head. The show for some reason gets in you, and you hence forth judge other sci-fi based on this one.

got the lyrics of that song:
"Hero of Canton" by Joss Whedon(?) (Firefly, "Jaynestown")

The man they call Jayne
He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor
Stood up to the Man and he gave him what for
Our love for him now ain't hard to explain
The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne

Now Jayne saw the Mudders' backs breaking
He saw the Mudders lament
And he saw the magistrate taking
Every dollar and leaving five cents
So he said, "You can't do that to my people"
He said "You can't crush 'em under your heel"
Jayne strapped on his hat
And in five seconds flat
Stole everything Boss Higgins had to steal

He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor
Stood up to the Man and he gave him what for
Our love for him now ain't hard to explain
The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne

Now here is what separates heroes
From common folk like you and I
The man they call Jayne
He turned 'round his plane
And let that money hit the sky
He dropped it onto our houses
He dropped it into our yards
And the man call Jayne
He turned 'round his plane
And headed out for the stars

He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor
Stood up to the Man and he gave him what for
Our love for him now ain't hard to explain
The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne!

get it, watch it, youll not regret it. :)

Ah yes, another of the "Joss Whedon players". . .he ended up in a recurring role at the end of Angel too.

I love the director's commentary on the ep where he has to convince the bad guy he is willing to torture him. . .and Joss tells him "Look, don't play it 'large'. . .you don't need to do that. . .believe me, you are bringing 'large' to the party. . ."
Zaphod said:
I have hopes for the new Galactica also. A little hevy on the 'look how much religious, Freud, and mythological imagery I can squeeze into 41 minutes while still having enough boom to keep the casual croud happy' from the writers. But that's still way better than the 'quantum-antimatter-injector-leak and/or planet of the week' legacy that StarTrek left us with...

The new Battlestar Galactica series was OK in parts but far too many of the episodes were dealing with ludicrous civilian vs military political conflicts.

Some interesting new storyline twists in there compared to the original series, however, which made it worth watching.
Holy resurrected thread Batman!

Thanks to Zaphod I have finally got around to getting "Firefly" for peanuts, and it's as good as everyone says it is. Massive entertainment value of 14 episodes for a piffling $16.

I'm not sure if it's the best TV SF ever, but it's certainly up there at the top of the list. Brilliant writing, acting, characters, story, production values, etc. It's clever and in some ways quite unique, and the suits at Fox are idiots for destroying any chances of it succeeding (changing episode orders, not showing the pilot, delaying episodes for weeks and changing schedules for playoffs) and then killing it off without even showing the whole first series.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
and the suits at Fox are idiots for destroying any chances of it succeeding (changing episode orders, not showing the pilot, delaying episodes for weeks and changing schedules for playoffs) and then killing it off without even showing the whole first series.
If the movie does well maybe Universal will do a... uhm... Spinoff? They supposedly have an option contracted for two sequels at least. Fox may (probably?) still hold the television rights.
Zaphod said:
If the movie does well maybe Universal will do a... uhm... Spinoff? They supposedly have an option contracted for two sequels at least. Fox may (probably?) still hold the television rights.

There are a few shows that have come back because thier success on DVD has made them viable, and Firefly was extremely successful on DVD sales. However, I would be surprised that the same kind of idiot executives that cancelled it would be willing to admit they were wrong to do so by bringing the series back to life. Maybe if Serenity does well, there might be more of a chance though.

BTW, according to the article you linked, Joss Whedon has got the rights back from Fox and Universal are very interested in the show, so maybe a series might come back.
PatrickL said:
Friday i saw the 2 firsts episodes on cable tv and i can say i am not impressed for now.

The pilot is a little slow because it's got to set the scene and introduce the characters, but after that it really finds it's feet, and the characters really mesh well. I was a bit unimpressed after the pilot, but I'm three episodes from the end and I've enjoyed it immensely.

I think it's got to do with the way Whedon writes it. Characters and their development are important to him, so he takes time to lay down decent foundations and then build up a little more each episode. Fourteen episodes is really only half a series, and some of those weren't shown, so the series never even had a chance to find it's feet.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
BTW, according to the article you linked, Joss Whedon has got the rights back from Fox and Universal are very interested in the show, so maybe a series might come back.
It doesn't say anything about the TV rights, though. I think more often than not one does not nessecarily follow the other. JMS, for example retained (and subsequently optioned off, but now have them again) the rights to a B5 feautre film, while Warner owns all the television programming.
Zaphod said:
It doesn't say anything about the TV rights, though. I think more often than not one does not nessecarily follow the other. JMS, for example retained (and subsequently optioned off, but now have them again) the rights to a B5 feautre film, while Warner owns all the television programming.

True, but it does say that Whedon got the rights back from Fox, Universal has signed them on for three movies, and in one of the other interviews one of the actors is asked if they can go back and do more series after the movies, and he does answer "I hope so".

There's always a hope as things like B5, Enterprise, & Buffy switched networks, and even Farscape got their rights back in the end.