Final Fantasy XIII to be shown at E3?

The May issue of EGM, which we're thumbing through right now, hints that before Final Fantasy XII is released in the U.S. Square Enix plans to unveil Final Fantasy XIII at this May's E3. This issue also reveals in its rumor mill section that we should "expect a brief teaser video and confirmation from the publisher that the RPG will be a PS3 exclusive."

This corroborates rumblings we've heard that Final Fantasy XIII is practically close to being finished, and Square has been holding off on revealing it until FFXII (which was delayed several times) was released in Japan.

The issue also features some other tasty rumor nuggets worth checking out: Mario Paint for DS, a new PSP design (and new functions), and a sequel to a popular SNES/N64 franchise for the Revolution (read the mag to find out which it is). In any case, FFXIII at E3. Commence freaking out. We are.

OMG! Can it be true? If so this E3 will be the best ever.
It's not Final Fantasy, but Final Fantasy.
That is, it's a fantasy of a final, meaning it'll never end....

Which is fine and good for me, as I love a Final Fantasy (every two or three years that is :) )
Why would it end? It is one of the most reliable massively profitable game franchises around.

It is called "final fantasy" because if the first one had bombed horribly it would have been the end of Square.
Didn't Squaresoft make some pornos back in the day, lol? :LOL: Or was it just Uematsu did some music for a porno game? Can't remember which.
NucNavST3 said:
Is there any indication when the Fantasy will "Final"-ly be over...13, damn...

you might not live to play it. SO sad.
nah, i really wonder wether square would succeed in creating an equal franchise.
booomups said:
you might not live to play it. SO sad.
nah, i really wonder wether square would succeed in creating an equal franchise.
It will take years to build a franchise equal in success and quality to Final Fantasy, because it took them years and many iterations to get where the franchise is today.
I think Kingdom Hearts is one hell of a goldmine they produced, with immense potential a a much more "approachable" franchise than FF is, obviously due to the fact that people know Disney characters more than they know the always changing characters in each Final Fantasy. The fact that Kingdom Hearts the game is also very very solid surely helps.

I was shocked that KH2 got a 7.6 score on IGN (all other reviews and user reviews are in the 9's), but they do that sometimes to very good games...
i have very, very strong doubts FFXIII is close to finished. either way it would take JAPAN RELEASEDATE+2 YEARS for Europe anyway... :smile: knowing SquareEnix logic ....
hey69 said:
i have very, very strong doubts FFXIII is close to finished. either way it would take JAPAN RELEASEDATE+2 YEARS for Europe anyway... :smile: knowing SquareEnix logic ....

I remember seeing "teaser art" of FF12 even before FFX was released.
They might be working on the design now, but the game really isn't going to come out any time soon. Which in Square terms means we'll have to wait at least 2 years, if we're lucky...
Please disregard my post. I misread and thought they were implying that FFXII is due out in NA before E3.

I've played the first Kingdom Hearts, and though I love the adventure, after I was done with it I realize the battle system was kinda flat. If they do continue the adventure, I hope they add more depth.

And if this news isn't an early April's fool joke, I hope the trailer would be comprise mostly of in-game footage. They wowed some viewers with the PS3 FFVII tech, and if they keep that up, I'm sure people would be more than happy.

london-boy said:
I remember seeing "teaser art" of FF12 even before FFX was released.
They might be working on the design now, but the game really isn't going to come out any time soon. Which in Square terms means we'll have to wait at least 2 years, if we're lucky...

yup i remember that too. a long long time ago
london-boy said:
I remember seeing "teaser art" of FF12 even before FFX was released.
They might be working on the design now, but the game really isn't going to come out any time soon. Which in Square terms means we'll have to wait at least 2 years, if we're lucky...

Remember the release date of FF IX on an aging PSone system and the release date of FF X on a new PS2? Don't you think they might be doing the samething again with the PS3 in mind? FF XIII might actually come out fall of 2007.
mckmas8808 said:
Remember the release date of FF IX on an aging PSone system and the release date of FF X on a new PS2? Don't you think they might be doing the samething again with the PS3 in mind? FF XIII might actually come out fall of 2007.

Exactly. IX, X, and XI were all in development at the same time (in fact, they were all revealed at the same conference. . . what an awesome show that was) and came out what, a year apart? Assuming that XIII has been in development alongside XII, and given XII's massive delays, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see XIII hit within a year of XII. For a while there were even rumors that XIII would come out before XII (and the names would be changed of course).
gaming-age link

There have been a number of rumors that Final Fantasy XIII would be unveiled as an exclusive PlayStation 3 title at this year's E3. Well Square Enix has pre-emptively made an announcement regarding it.
Regarding Final Fantasy XIII for the PlayStation 3.

"While there have been numerous rumors about Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix has never released any information about the title. The recent online article stating that the title will be exclusive for PlayStation 3 and shown at E3 is not based on any official information obtained by us. I hope readers will remember April Fool's day is tomorrow and many Print and Online outlets pull pranks ever year, before they get their hopes crushed by a joke." -- Square Enix PR
<nu>faust said:
gaming-age link

There have been a number of rumors that Final Fantasy XIII would be unveiled as an exclusive PlayStation 3 title at this year's E3. Well Square Enix has pre-emptively made an announcement regarding it.
Regarding Final Fantasy XIII for the PlayStation 3.

"While there have been numerous rumors about Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix has never released any information about the title. The recent online article stating that the title will be exclusive for PlayStation 3 and shown at E3 is not based on any official information obtained by us. I hope readers will remember April Fool's day is tomorrow and many Print and Online outlets pull pranks ever year, before they get their hopes crushed by a joke." -- Square Enix PR

Oh course the PR man has to say that. FF XII isn't even out in NA or EU yet. Must calm the storm before we get too excited it too early.
mckmas8808 said:
Remember the release date of FF IX on an aging PSone system and the release date of FF X on a new PS2? Don't you think they might be doing the samething again with the PS3 in mind? FF XIII might actually come out fall of 2007.
That's a possible date but it's still way too early to announce the sequel on E3 before FFXII get's a USA release. I expect S-E to unveil it at TGS.


btw guys check this out
