Fight Night (Xbox 360) - 3 Million Polys Per Fighter

I'd like to pop in a question:-

Given the nature of a fighting game, is there a huge performance gain to be made by the reduced draw distance & reduced LOD switching? Obviously there is to begin with, that' not what I'm asking, what I mean is in the case of FNR3 is this one way how the devs got the peformance up, given the super-high poly count + HDR etc? How do the the arenas, massively detailed as they are, compare with the draw distances of, say, Far Cry or Battlefield 2 in terms of sheer workload?
weaksauce said:
Huz ha hmpf what?

I'm saying I wan't to see nice ragodoll physics, physics blended with control (like those football players), full physics in skin, jaw, head, like the ps3 demo had, and not some half-animation where the face makes a wrinkled expression. (even if the ps3 demo was all scripted and didn't have physics or whatever. I won't be glad if the ps3 comes out the same, just one less game for me to get then :p)

I think it's more fun to see that instead of a crowd.

And if that's the best animations ever possible then, uhm, that's not good...

The ps3 demo had NONE of that.
Qroach said:
The ps3 demo had NONE of that.

I don't know if it was all scripted, it probably was ( I mean they had no real physics ) but they did show what was possible, right? Or a representation at least. Maybe they didn't have that football thing but it would be cool if you were supposed to lift the player up when knocked on the ropes and such you know.. :p
I'm saying that I'd rather see them focusing on that, rather than the crowds.

But that demo is what makes me really want the game, it looks so good and fun when it's so real.
weaksauce said:
rosman said:
Sometimes power doesnt make everything...

Huz ha hmpf what?
The point is that power isn't the problem. The crowd isn't using power, and shifting power from the crowd to the animations is nonsense.

The problem is EA. Their animations always sucked, except for the FIFA series (which wasn't outstanding, but certainly didn't suck). I don't know why, because there are so many papers out there about fluid and natural animation. There are several companies out there offering great software capable of this stuff.

It's been almost a decade since I've seen a good improvement in animation from EA Sports.
This games getting a bad knock for the animations, it has all new animations on the knockdowns, on the stand-ups, you can actually see their chest move as they breath, physics are pretty good with the gloves deforming on impact, trunks swaying and nice knockout animations and physics. Judging by the latest videos they've also totally cleaned up the fake knock-down ragdoll physics, the models look much more heavy/realitsic.

Too many people watching crapp internet videos and not actually playing the game on a nice big HDTV is the problem, the animations aren't a huge leap up from FN2 but they ARE better, and compared to most games I can think of they're pretty much top of the line.

The only things that reakky suck are the parry animations, and that's more of a conscious decision by EA than anything.
Dont forget about HSR tech as well. not all 3 million pollys are being rendered to the screen. You can make a model out of 3 mil but in the case of Xenos Hyper Z and its other HSR technologies are going to reduce the total number of actual rendered pollys.

RSX will be similar.
scooby_dooby said:
Too many people watching crapp internet videos and not actually playing the game on a nice big HDTV is the problem, the animations aren't a huge leap up from FN2 but they ARE better, and compared to most games I can think of they're pretty much top of the line.

I saw people playing it at CES... I didn't think it was as bad as some people make it out to be.

Maybe I'm just not sensitive enough. :???:
Alstrong said:
I saw people playing it at CES... I didn't think it was as bad as some people make it out to be.

Maybe I'm just not sensitive enough. :???:

I've played the game at EB and the animations weren't as good as I would have liked them to be. But more than likely their game that will probably come out next year will have better animation.
New comparison of all the versions up at

Here's a bit from the 360 portion: said:
Clearly, this is the big boy. The graphics blow away the current generation visuals in a way that hasn't been seen in any of the previously released 360 versions of multiplatform games, the improved facial expressions and animations make everything appear more realistic, and the gameplay pace works well with what EA describes as a "film like" quality.
Just got back from picking up RE: DS, the assistant manager there brought me over to the second 360 they got setup, and loaded up the demo for this game. Apparently it was released on Live, and the main manager brought the HDD home and loaded it on the drive for the stores second one.

I was kinda surprised. The game looks really great visually, though I could see it was running about 30 FPS or so. Not enough for me to buy the system itself though, as boxing games dont really interest me but yeah, the game looks fantastic. Lighting is ace on it. When it zoomed in the FPS seemed to improve a little bit, but not my much.
I have to say, I'm far more impressed with the new vids I've seen than what was shown in the original Jones vs Hopkins vids. There are a lot of different fighting styles, and the animation looks a bit better. I still think the punches don't look like they have a lot of impact, but the game is a lot more appealing to me now that I've seen how you can customize your fighting style. I would definitely use Archie Moore's cross-arm defence, for my guy. Too bad I can't afford an 360, and my only other option is PC and Gamecube.