Fight Night (Xbox 360) - 3 Million Polys Per Fighter



Round 8: Poly Count Out

Three million polys per fighter. Damn. We're talking head and body scans of fighters so intense, when Winky Wright came in to get his done, all he was concerned about was making sure the pimple that just popped up on his face wouldn't be in the game. The nuances of every fighter I saw were unbelievable (the camera is much closer to the fighters so you can see if they're hurt), right down to the pimples (no worries Winky, EA sliced yours right off your character).

That's 360 Million polygons per second at 60fps for just the fighters. Heh. ;)

Or 180 Million polygons per second at 30fps. Still nothing to slough at. :oops:

I'm curious do you guys think this is an actual real-time poly count or just the count before normal mapping maybe??

Here's a screen:
my guess, a count before the normal mapping. notice the sentence after the number saying body and head scans. but its just my guess.
on the other hand think that the poly counts will be very high for each fighter, just dont know how high.

isnt this a ps3 title as well? ;)
3 million for a person is quite a waste IMO... you could do quite a fair bit with a fraction of that.
Bad_Boy said:
my guess, a count before the normal mapping. notice the sentence after the number saying body and head scans. but its just my guess.

isnt this a ps3 title as well? ;)

Yep, but they are specifically referencing the Xbox 360 version in this preview. The PS3 version could have an even higher or lower poly count ;)
Deepak said:
What else does a boxing game have? ;)

Thats what I was exactly thinking. All the polys would only have to be allocated to the Ring and the two boxers. You've got the crowd and member your coaches and stuff but its not full of stuff and moving at a fast pace like PGR3 is.
This is extremely unlikely im my opinion. I mean the game would have to be pushing well over 200 million polygons per second (30fps), that just sounds far to optimistic for a first gen game. If the game runs at 60fps then forget it, its either complete rubbish or just the number before normal mapping as you speculated Hardknock.
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Hardknock said:
Yep, but they are specifically referencing the Xbox 360 version in this preview. The PS3 version could have an even higher or lower poly count ;)

EA + Multiplatform game = No enhancements between them!! ;)

Teasy said:
This is extremely unlikely im my opinion. I mean the game would have to be pushing well over 200 million polygons per second (30fps), that just sounds far to optimistic for a first gen game. If the game runs at 60fps then forget it, its either complete rubbish or just the number before normal mapping as you speculated Hardknock.

If I’m not mistaken the Virtua Fighter 5 characters are rumored to be pushing around 5-6 million polygons per-character. :oops:
Teasy said:
This is extremely unlikely im my opinion. I mean the game would have to be pushing well over 200 million polygons per second (30fps), that just sounds far to optimistic for a first gen game. If the game runs at 60fps then forget it, its either complete rubbish or just the number before normal mapping as you speculated Hardknock.

Well even though they could be made up of 3 million polys, isnt there a pass to just render the visible ones? I dont think we're seeing ALL of those polys used to create the fighters at once, logic would suggest half that, or slightly more.
That's a lotta polys! :oops:

Makes you wonder if they are just there for the graphics or if the collision/hit-boxes will be very detailed. I suppose that could be useful in a game like this, but I dunno about having the hit detection being too detailed. It could be very frustrating for both the player and the developer.

Do games in this series have a replay after the match so you can watch the slugfest in all its glory? Highlights and such? I'm thinking something like racing games often have, where you get to watch the race in high detail from cool angles and so on.
I think the number is way off, i highly doubt both the 360 and PS3 versions are pushing that much polys per fighter.

If 3mil polys per fighter were to be true then you wouldn't be able to see any visble poly edges at all on either of these images.


More recent

Looking at them shoulders of both images i can't say that those models are anywhere near the 3 mil mark.
Stillmatic said:
I think the number is way off, i highly doubt both the 360 and PS3 versions are pushing that much polys per fighter.

If 3mil polys per fighter were to be true then you wouldn't be able to see any visble poly edges at all on either of these images.


More recent

Looking at them shoulders of both images i can't say that those models are anywhere near the 3 mil mark.

Those are not polygonal edges. That is the impression of his bone structure and muscles from under his skin.
BlueTsunami said:
Thats what I was exactly thinking. All the polys would only have to be allocated to the Ring and the two boxers. You've got the crowd and member your coaches and stuff but its not full of stuff and moving at a fast pace like PGR3 is.
I agree ..... as I posted @ GAF;

I can't remember if anyone has stated that Fight Night round 3 will run at 60 fps ..... However, if it runs at 30 fps, then I think 3 million polygons per fighter is feasible........

If one assumes that EA's dev. team is focussing on the fighters more than anything else (and it looks like they are, from the footage they have shown so far).. then say each fighter is 3 million polygons, and the entire rest of the surrounding environment is 3 million polygons..

at 30 fps, .. (3x2) + 3 = 9 ... 9x30 =

270 million polygons/sec.

RSX 's limit is 1100 million vertices/sec. , if one extrapolates from G70 's specs.

assuming vertices roughly equals polygons.... that's ~1100 million polygons/sec.

assuming that shaders / post processing effects bring that theoretical 1100 million vertices/sec. down to 25% of that level ....

~1100 x 0.25 = 275 million polygons/ sec. , which one can see is just above that 270 million polygons/sec. that I assumed earlier :D

.. and that’s not even including any help that RSX gets from CELL…
3 million polygons sound way too much for me. Unless they're doing displacement mapping, it isn't worth tesselating a subdiv model to such high density... With 3 million, for full-body views on 720p, I'd say that a polygon would be somewhere between 1 and 1/4 pixel big. This would cause shading aliasing (no supersampling!) so I think it'd actually make the game look worse.

3 million polygons for the scanned meshes used for normal mapping sounds a lot more likely.
BTW, can anyone give a rough calculation for how much data a 3 million poly model with UVs would be? I've had file sizes around 80-200MB for some of our stuff when we've tried to export it from Zbrush... so the only way to have such density in the game would require tesselation.