Far Cry (360) interview

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OMG! X360 vs. PC Far Cry comparison

Here's the comparison




To download the movie comparison go here.

Damn next-gen water is the best thing since sliced bread.
On the comparison, the 360 water looks great, but at times I prefer the PC because it gives you more of "beach" feeling (they don't always have waves). Hopefully, they mix it up so it doesn't always look like that (wavy).

wha they really need to get is the whole rolling waves thing, with the undertow and the big curls and the whole works, now that would be sweet...that water looks good, but it's still not realistic there's no ebb and flow, it's like a giant wave pool instead of an ocean.
I also noticed the draw distance is lower. Notice that while clearly superior, the scene takes place in a closed arena on 360 for the most part.

I notice this on Gears of War as well. There are always buildings around to obstruct the view.

This is something too me, PC's have always excelled at over consoles.

It also just shows how much raw improvement in graphics power is still possible. There are already soo much power lacking in the next gen machines that could be improved on.
Daryl said:
I also noticed the draw distance is lower. Notice that while clearly superior, the scene takes place in a closed arena on 360 for the most part.

FCI was originally made so that there wouldn't be objects far away.
Maybe it's possible to surf in the game :D

Thay also should add some more water animals (sharks,flippers etc) , some ugly spiders and 3meter snakes for the forest
Daryl said:
I also noticed the draw distance is lower. Notice that while clearly superior, the scene takes place in a closed arena on 360 for the most part.

I notice this on Gears of War as well. There are always buildings around to obstruct the view.

This is something too me, PC's have always excelled at over consoles.

It also just shows how much raw improvement in graphics power is still possible. There are already soo much power lacking in the next gen machines that could be improved on.
What modern PC games have huge areas except FarCry??Doom3???Quake4???FEAR???Half-life 2??

And maybe we should wait for the finsihed FarCry360(and esp. the new chapter in it,not the instincts port) to judge its draw distance(which allready looks great anyway)
Daryl said:
I also noticed the draw distance is lower. Notice that while clearly superior, the scene takes place in a closed arena on 360 for the most part.

I notice this on Gears of War as well. There are always buildings around to obstruct the view.

This is something too me, PC's have always excelled at over consoles.

Draw Distance always been better on PC!?
PS2 started the trend with a launch game (Smuggler's Run) and then constantly raised the bar with games that let you see miles into the horizon (Jak and Daxter, which also had no loading times, some 5 years ago)... Though i'm sure there were some examples on other platforms, but PC games have always been plagued by annoying fog in pretty much all games, except the last few years.
So no, PC have not "always excelled at [draw distance] over consoles". Not even close.
Daryl said:
Errf no, I remember Pc games with long draw distances that amazed me

Specifically this game released in December 2000:


I remember specifically never having seen a game that drew to the horizon like that before..no console could compete.

As i said, there are examples on all platforms, but it's clear the trend only started in 2000, with the release of PS2. In the end, PC games have not ALWAYS had great draw distance compared to consoles, which was your point.

For what it's worth, N64 had a couple of games that let you see miles away. Not the point.
The game later made it to Ps2 in 2001. Gamespots review says:

Though Giants for the PS2 is certainly a good-looking game, it loses some graphical polish in translation from the PC, where the game looks amazing. By comparison, the PS2 version's graphics aren't as richly colored, the 3D geometry isn't as complex, the resolution isn't as high, and the frame rate isn't as smooth as what you'd find on a high-end PC running the game. In practice, you'll find that the frame rate tends to bog down whenever you get into particularly hectic situations and that long-range firefights can be more difficult than they should be when that sea reaper you're sniping at appears to be just a couple of pixels tall. There are a few other problems--there's some clipping when 3D objects get too close to each other, and sometimes enemies will behave erratically, perhaps getting stuck on things or standing still while their buddies are doing a fine job of dodging your fire. Fortunately, these sorts of occurrences are rare enough that they don't really detract from the game

They dont mention the draw distance though. All I know is the game's draw distance stunned me on first seeing it on PC..
Daryl said:
The game later made it to Ps2 in 2001. Gamespots review says:

They dont mention the draw distance though. All I know is the game's draw distance stunned me on first seeing it on PC..

Yay let's use ports to compare architectures!!! Way to go!

The PS2 port of Giants was a very sloppy port. As i said, other games on PS2 had huge draw distance and looked much better than Giants.

But i won't convince you, so let's drop this.
Doesn't Shadow of the Colossus have some amazing draw distance?

On Topic: I love the water in the XB360 FarCry, it looks very very..tangible..I don't know how to explain it but just looks very distinct
Katamari Damacy has amazing scale, but then again it has very low poly models and simple textures :D
Still it looks good, in it's own way.
BlueTsunami said:
Doesn't Shadow of the Colossus have some amazing draw distance?

On Topic: I love the water in the XB360 FarCry, it looks very very..tangible..I don't know how to explain it but just looks very distinct
It does, but lots of PS2 games since launch had amazing draw distance.
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
The biggest draw distance in any game thus far is in WRC 5 on PS2

Off Topic: Gah..I keep hearing about the WRC series everywhere I go. I don't think it was released in the US either. I'm thinking about also picking up Toca Race Driver 3 (heard only good things about it).
I had played this game before 1.5 year and from what i remember the dd was a trade-off who was pising off many gamers.
When you zoom with binoculars to some area away from you , you can see a noticeable reduction of detail and a lower framerate.
I believe not only that they will keep the same great draw distance but they will not exist these annoying trade-offs.
PDZ has convinced me for this. :smile:
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