Far Cry (360) interview

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pjbliverpool said:
Given that the game isn't out yet, Farcry is almost 2 years old, and Crysis is out in less than a year, its a more valid comparison to compare the 360 version of Farcry to Crisis than it is to compare it to the "old" Farcry. If you really want to compare Farcry to something and see what gets "murdered", compare it to console games of 2 years ago. At least you would be comparing 2 games which where actually available to buy at the time and not one in development against one thats almost 2 years old.

Well, Scooby was the very one who originally said it looked like the original far cry engine earlier in this thread.

Clearly the video shows it is not, anyway.
pjbliverpool said:
Given that the game isn't out yet, Farcry is almost 2 years old, and Crysis is out in less than a year, its a more valid comparison to compare the 360 version of Farcry to Crisis than it is to compare it to the "old" Farcry. If you really want to compare Farcry to something and see what gets "murdered", compare it to console games of 2 years ago. At least you would be comparing 2 games which where actually available to buy at the time and not one in development against one thats almost 2 years old.
When far cry came out ,,i don't believe that anybody had a PC that could run it at higher than a constant 30 fps.

Far Cry still has the best graphics of any PC game with everything maxed out .That is a matter of opinion,of course,but IMO Farcry looks much better than things like HL2 and F.E.A.R.You still need a monster PC to get a constant 60 fps.My PC is P4 3GHz,1 MB ram,Gforce 6800gt and it chokes on far cry and that's not with everything on max.

Some people are acting as if the PC Farcry has graphics that are comparable with what the xbox or the ps2 can offer....

So let me get this straght:we must compare the xbox360 version of Farcry(which is a very well worked port anyway) with something that doesn't exist right now(in game form) and won't be out for a...year???((the crisis engine)Wow great logic but expected i guess...

From the video it seems that Farcry:predator will be a really amasing looking game.I mean better looking than "pc-on maximum settings" Farcry and with a constant 60 fps??Who can complain about that???
Far Cry ran great on my 9700 pro.

Of course perhaps that wouldn't be the case if all qaulity settings were set highest. CAnt say I tried that.
Someone at GAF also mentioned:

The engine is highly scalable. Something about you could easily replace the polygons because the engine is modular and it would look great on a high end PC today.

The HDR hack is a very recent addition. Makes the game look pretty modern, but also was recently released.

So I guess it depends what Far Cry you're exactly talking about. Seems a chameleon of a game.
Good shots

Love_In_Rio said:

Thank you for many good shots my friend. If that is maximum settings PC shots then Xbox360 is Far Cry is much much better. Water is much better and everything has more detail and bump-maps. If you have shots for draw distance view then I like to see that also please. Thank you.
far cry is not 2 years old, the 1.4 engine with hdr, msaa+hdr, sm 3.0, is 1 months old
and this engine is made from dust for pc hardware

far cry instinct 360 predator use an engine ported from the xbox1 engine of FCI

we have to wait for an engine made from zero for 360, to see the hardware shine (crysis?)

Griffith said:
far cry is not 2 years old, the 1.4 engine with hdr, msaa+hdr, sm 3.0, is 1 months old
and this engine is made from dust for pc hardware

far cry instinct 360 predator use an engine ported from the xbox1 engine of FCI

we have to wait for an engine made from zero for 360, to see the hardware shine (crysis?)

I do not know what is ported from Xbox1 my friend. Shaders have much more "sophistication" than Xbox1 Far Cry so I think is created for Xbox360 atleast 99%. Stil maybe not optimized I dont know. But even not optimized Xbox360 Far Cry is much better for my tastes than PC Far Cry.
ihamoitc2005 said:
I do not know what is ported from Xbox1 my friend. Shaders have much more "sophistication" than Xbox1 Far Cry so I think is created for Xbox360 atleast 99%. Stil maybe not optimized I dont know. But even not optimized Xbox360 Far Cry is much better for my tastes than PC Far Cry.

the engine is a mere porting of xbox1 FC Instinct, (xbox1 uses pixel and vertex shaders)

the developers says that they are still working on shaders in this porting
so the work is still in progress, the graphical side will improve until the game will be finished

Griffith said:
the engine is a mere porting of xbox1 FC Instinct, (xbox1 uses pixel and vertex shaders)

the developers says that they are still working on shaders in this porting
so the work is still in progress, the graphical side will improve until the game will be finished

Shader is small program for making effects. Shader can be made for vertex effect or pixel effect. More fancy shader has more fancy effect. I do not think they used very simple Xbox1 shaders my friend. I think they write new much better shaders for much more "sophisticated" effects. I think if you see shots for Xbox1 and Xbox360 you will Xbox360 effects is much more "sophisticated" and this effect cannot be from simple Xbox1 shader.
ihamoitc2005 said:
Shader is small program for making effects. Shader can be made for vertex effect or pixel effect. More fancy shader has more fancy effect. I do not think they used very simple Xbox1 shaders my friend. I think they write new much better shaders for much more "sophisticated" effects. I think if you see shots for Xbox1 and Xbox360 you will Xbox360 effects is much more "sophisticated" and this effect cannot be from simple Xbox1 shader.

I blame my poor english for the misunderstanding

I agree with you ;)

what I'm saying (and what I've understood from the interview) is that they have improved the xbox1 engine working on effects (hdr + msaa) and shaders (they say this clearly)

but this is not an engine made from the grounf for 360. es, don't use tiling, procedural stuff, parallax
and they says that are still working on shaders..

so all the video and screens are not rappresentative of the final graphical impact

Griffith said:
I blame my poor english for the misunderstanding

Or maybe my poor english, I apologize for this. Many times I think I say something and many think I say something else. But I hope I am getting better.
fulcizombie said:
When far cry came out ,,i don't believe that anybody had a PC that could run it at higher than a constant 30 fps.

No my 9800pro which wasn't the best at the time ran it fine - at max settings.

Far Cry still has the best graphics of any PC game with everything maxed out .That is a matter of opinion,of course,but IMO Farcry looks much better than things like HL2 and F.E.A.R.

Yes it is just opinion, but games like CoD2, NFS:MW and KK:Gamers edition are all representitive of X360 level graphics and so if your saying Farcry looks better than them, then your saying its quite comfortably in "X360 league".

You still need a monster PC to get a constant 60 fps.

No a midrange PC will handle it just fine at max settings and a decent resolution.

My PC is P4 3GHz,1 MB ram,Gforce 6800gt and it chokes on far cry and that's not with everything on max.

Then you have something wrong, even the 6600GT breezes through the game at max settings with FSAA/AF:


Some people are acting as if the PC Farcry has graphics that are comparable with what the xbox or the ps2 can offer....

Farcry on the PC is way in excess of anything on any of the last gen consoles, I would have thought that was obvious.

So let me get this straght:we must compare the xbox360 version of Farcry(which is a very well worked port anyway) with something that doesn't exist right now(in game form) and won't be out for a...year???((the crisis engine)Wow great logic but expected i guess...

Ummm... and you can play Farcry X360 version now can you? Its you who is trying to compare an X360 game which doesn't exist yet with a PC game thats 2 years old. All im saying is that if you want to make a comparison to a game on the PC, wouldn't it be better to make it to a game coming out within a 6 month window of it rather than a 2+ year window?

From the video it seems that Farcry:predator will be a really amasing looking game.I mean better looking than "pc-on maximum settings" Farcry and with a constant 60 fps??Who can complain about that???

Who's complaining? Yes it looks amazing and definatly better than the PC version in that video. However I was playing the PC version with those graphics 2 years ago. In 3 months you might be playing a better looking version but 6 months after that I could be playing its far better looking sequal.

Incidentally, I have an X360 too and may well pick this up because I absolutely loved the original - however part of the charm of the original were its absolutely mind blowing graphics for the time. the 360 version in the context of when it is released looks like its going to have far worse graphics.
Lightning seems to be a lot better in FCI as well. The Jungle ambiance seems to be really good ...
Now ill hear that now pc version can handle HDR, but then you are not comparing to the 2 year old pc game, since HDR is fully playable only with 7800GTX...
again, far cry engine is not 2 years old, the FIRST release was 2 yo, the engine is 1 month old for his 1.4 version, made from the groud for pc gpus

and the engine of 360 is only a porting, so don't use the gpu at his power, and it's not yet finished
pjbliverpool said:
No my 9800pro which wasn't the best at the time ran it fine - at max settings.

Yes it is just opinion, but games like CoD2, NFS:MW and KK:Gamers edition are all representitive of X360 level graphics and so if your saying Farcry looks better than them, then your saying its quite comfortably in "X360 league".

No a midrange PC will handle it just fine at max settings and a decent resolution.

Then you have something wrong, even the 6600GT breezes through the game at max settings with FSAA/AF:


Farcry on the PC is way in excess of anything on any of the last gen consoles, I would have thought that was obvious.

Ummm... and you can play Farcry X360 version now can you? Its you who is trying to compare an X360 game which doesn't exist yet with a PC game thats 2 years old. All im saying is that if you want to make a comparison to a game on the PC, wouldn't it be better to make it to a game coming out within a 6 month window of it rather than a 2+ year window?

Who's complaining? Yes it looks amazing and definatly better than the PC version in that video. However I was playing the PC version with those graphics 2 years ago. In 3 months you might be playing a better looking version but 6 months after that I could be playing its far better looking sequal.

Incidentally, I have an X360 too and may well pick this up because I absolutely loved the original - however part of the charm of the original were its absolutely mind blowing graphics for the time. the 360 version in the context of when it is released looks like its going to have far worse graphics.
First of all you are lying when you say
that your 9800 run it fine with maximum everything(unlesss you had 2 gigs of ram and a 3.6+ Ghz cpu or something,or by fine you mean 20 fps).It's as simple as that.I still remember the countless threads on just about every forum whining about how the crytech engine was a bitch to run,when far cry was released.People were also praising half-life 2 when it was saying how much better optimised its engine is compared to crytech.

And no there's nothing wrong with my pc,it's just the fact that you are lying.
I didn't say "run fine",i said "run at a constant 60 fps".

IMO,farcry on the pc absolutely crushes things like COD2.Judging by the small video Predator will look much better than COD2 when it's released.

For a "cheap port",predator looks amasing(and i am judging it by videos not screenshots).

I could care less how old the pc farcry,the original Unreal was released in 1998 and was much better looking than the first ps2 FPS(timesplitters).
fulcizombie said:
First of all you are lying when you say
that your 9800 run it fine with maximum everything(unlesss you had 2 gigs of ram and a 3.6+ Ghz cpu or something,or by fine you mean 20 fps)

with PC Far Cry at maximum everything, for me is:

a) menu option at max
b) msaa 4x
c) hdr
d) 1280 resolution

I don't think that a 9800 can run it at eye candy

from what I know, but I can be wrong (then correct me) the lower hardware to reach this is 1800xl, and not at 60 fps

I remember well?
Griffith said:
again, far cry engine is not 2 years old, the FIRST release was 2 yo, the engine is 1 month old for his 1.4 version, made from the groud for pc gpus

and the engine of 360 is only a porting, so don't use the gpu at his power, and it's not yet finished

1) Tweaks to a 2 year old game engine don't magically make it a 1 month old game.

2) The comparison video was to the original version of Farcry - no sign of HDR, Instancing or enhanced textures.

with PC Far Cry at maximum everything, for me is:

a) menu option at max
b) msaa 4x
c) hdr
d) 1280 resolution

In which case they weren't comparing to the PC version on maximum. And why stop at 1280 anyway? Why not 1920x1200 with 6xFSAA? Unless your going to go crazy with image quality settings, then max details means max details in the menu's and a passable resolution, i.e. 1024x768. And yes, my 9800pro handled that fine because its what I played the entire game on.
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