Explosion in London

london-boy said:
ZoinKs! said:
By "low" no one means that it doesn't matter or is somehow insignificant. What we mean is that it could have been many hundreds but apparently wasn't.

We don't know yet.

Sorry for sounding a bit mental.
Yes, I expect the number will rise by some amount... hopefully not much more then what we've already heard but that bus looks very bad.
london-boy said:
Druga Runda said:
london-boy said:
RussSchultz said:
Hrm. I find the 40 dead number super suprisingly low then.

Low? wow...

I think 40 people dead in my own city, plus more than 1000 injured is more than enough.

Or do we need more to impress the Sept 11th people?

Sorry, i just hate some of the things that are being said.

I actually find it very high, as initially they were mentioning a few dead here and a couple there and that was it. So I guess they were not too many bodies lying around, just many injured. Who knows what kind of setups were those. But yes when you show the picture of the bus, than it is kind of suprising that there were not more dead than that number. :|

Especially considering they were "power surges" at first.... I mean they must really think we're stupid huh... "power surges" that magically make 5 explosions in different parts of the tube, plus 3 buses... err...

yes :rolleyes:

anyhow good that they have not used some kind of nerve gas or some other poison... who knows if you remember they busted guys developing home made poision a few years ago that could have been released, maybe it was intended for an operation like that.
They haven't counted the buses people yet:

Seven people died in the first blast in a Tube tunnel 100yds from Liverpool Street Station, 21 died in a blast at between King's Cross and Russell Square and five died at Edgware Road station in an explosion involving three trains.

That's 33 already only on the tube. By the way, the Piccadilly line going through Kings Cross and Russell Square is the train i get every morning to go to work and back... 20 mins later and i'd have been on that one.

Here in the US, they've raised the threat level one notch but only for the mass transit sector. In the last few years, there's been effort put into airline security but not much for busses, trains, and subways.

There's not any sign that the terrorists are doing anything here but there wasn't any specific warning about the London bombings either.

The Sec. of Homeland Security is talking about using a measured and appropriate response.
Three explosions in the Tube, one on a bus. People at the stations either side of each explosion experienced them, hence the early fears of 6 explosions. Personally, I'm sure the 'power surge' crap was just part of the standard plan for evacuation after terrorist attacks. After all, with all the hoopla in the press about Chemical/biological weapons there would have been panic if the tannoy had said anything about bombs.

I tend to think that the one on the bus was calculated to cause many casualties. The terrorists would have known that the Tube would be shut down after the initial explosions and I'm just surprised they didn't have another couple of bombs on buses which would obviously be packed as people tried to get to work by different routes.

One worrying point is we don't know how many bodies are still down in the tube - there were rumours that two trains collided after a bomb went off which would obviously increase the number of casualties.
ZoinKs! said:
There's not any sign that the terrorists are doing anything here but there wasn't any specific warning about the London bombings either.
London's mayor, a few months ago said that the question wasn't if London will be the target of theses kind of attacks, but when it'll happen.

Also, the English autorities already stopped a few attacks before they happen (one was of chimical nature, they said).

BTW, in France, the "Vigi-Pirate" plan went from Orange to Red, this afternoon.
Im realy starting to worry about Dave and his wife. There is still no post from him. If theres any body thats lives near him can give him a call to see if he's ok please do so.
There's something fishy going on with this attack.

Looks like somone had prior knowledge

BREAKING: Scotland Yard says it got a warning before the attackand told Israel.

"The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit."

It does make you wonder, who would stand to gain in such an attack?
linthat22 said:
It does make you wonder, who would stand to gain in such an attack?

Let me get this straight -- the dead aren't even cold and you've started the conspiracy shit already? Do you have no respect?
Nobody is seriously going to believe that it was all an MI5 plot so Blair can introduce identity cards. People aren't that gullible to conspiracy theories, are they?
nutball said:
linthat22 said:
It does make you wonder, who would stand to gain in such an attack?

Let me get this straight -- the dead aren't even cold and you've started the conspiracy shit already? Do you have no respect?
Now is when the conspiracy nuts get all their info. They take incomplete news stories that are based on rumors and the fog of war and build entire mythos over them.

I'm sure, already, there's talk about the cover up of 3 extra explosions for whatever reason.
{Sniping}Waste said:
Im realy starting to worry about Dave and his wife. There is still no post from him. If theres any body thats lives near him can give him a call to see if he's ok please do so.

Seems like he lives in Bedforshire, at least that's what his profile says. Anyways, I hope they were not in London at the time.
Guden Oden said:
london-boy said:
After a group closely linked to AQ claimed responsibility
You know, anyone can claim responsibility for anything, and A-Q doesn't REALLY exist as a group either. It's not as if it's any real, tangible entity with a board room where usama and his officers have meetings you know... It's at best a loosely connected network of badguys and evildoers.

Whether or not they are AQ in name only, and not reporting to higher ups in Bin Laden's organization, I think we can safety predict that the perpetrators where:

a) Almost assured to be Muslim
b) Probably Arab (opr Moroccan) or Pakistani, but more likely to be Arab
c) get help from AQ-linked organizations, in planning, if not in resources.

London is one of the most secured cities I know. Camera's are everywhere. After 30 years of IRA attacks, British people are very aware of unattended packages. London trains stop when someone notifies about unattended bags. Yet, the attack was still pulled off, showing how easy public transportation is as a target, condensing individuals into neat little sardine packages to be bombed,, and there is not much defense against it.

Hopefully, the numerous cameras have video of the perpetrators planting the devices, and they will use this to round up the cells.

It's ridiculous to even suggest Britain should change its policies based on these attacks., especially in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is an international operation, there at the request of the Afghan democratically elected government, and the Arab terrorists who are demanding troops out of Afghanistan aren't even citizens of that country. What right do they have to speak for them. To give in to such blackmail would continue to set a dangerous precedent.

And not having troops in Afghanistan and Iraq doesn't even remove you from the target list, as France (one of the Axis of Peace countries opposed to Iraq War) learned last year when Muslim terrorists looking to blackmail for monetary gain put bombs on their rail lines.