You know, anyone can claim responsibility for anything, and A-Q doesn't REALLY exist as a group either. It's not as if it's any real, tangible entity with a board room where usama and his officers have meetings you know... It's at best a loosely connected network of badguys and said:After a group closely linked to AQ claimed responsibility
Just because someone claims responsibility doesn't mean they did it, and just because it's said they're in connection with A-Q doesn't make it so either. It's routine A-Q gets the blame for pretty much any international terrorist attack that does not take place in countries with civil strife (such as Algeria for example, where they have their own homebrewn terrorists instead). This has been commonplace long before seven-eleven, by the way. A-Q was the reason clinton sent cruise missiles and blew up a pharmaceutical production facility in nigeria or some such place for example.