Explosion in London

London Bombs May Have Been Suicide Attacks

LEEDS, England - Surveillance cameras captured the images of four men, including at least three Britons of Pakistani descent, who may have carried out suicide attacks in London, officials said after uncovering new evidence.

Police raided six homes in Leeds Tuesday searching for explosives and computer files that would shed more light on what were believed to be the first suicide bombings in Western Europe. They arrested a man, identified by the British news agency Press Association as a relative of one of the suspected bombers.

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Seems like they also found a car full of explosives.
They've pretty much confirmed they were suicide bombers and have named the men. Looks like the bus bomb was because when the guy got to his target station, he found it closed and decided to get on a bus and detonate his bomb there.
Crisidelm said:
I think many British think that there can't be such thing as a terrorist who is also British: they rule out each other.

I think you don't know what you're talking about! Maybe you should read up on our history some more.
Uh-huh. Tell that to Ian Paisley, see what reaction you get ;) (I'd duck if you're face-to-face... or maybe trying telling him from Texas!)
Ok so...... terrorists and bombers are different?

Bombers are just people who put bombs and terrorists are people who put bombs to spread terror?

Bombers still wear 90's jackets while terrorists go all desert gear-y?
One thing that really puzzled me about the bombings is that the four bombers rented a Nissan Micra to drive down to London from Leeds in (a few hours drive). Surely if you know you are going to die soon you would rent something a bit more comfy with some more space? Guess that shows how hardcore the bombers really were...