It's so hard to score with goal posts constantly being shifted. First it was most games on XBO aren't 1080p. And then the goal posts moved to...most multi-platform games aren't 1080p on XBO. And then the goal posts shifted yet again to...demanding games aren't 1080p on XBO.
Next stop. All games that aren't 1080p on XBO aren't being rendered at 1080p.
TBH all games can be 1080p60 - the point is that 'cutting edge' games are always pushing hardware boundaries and therefore the true test of how hardware is 'holding up' (obviously poor engines omited). When talking about the latest games (I think) we're talking about Battlefield/CoD/Deus Ex/insert the big name AAA cross platform title.
Most of these (as pointed out) still show a gap - and whilst most will openly admit that the differences are only noticable side by side they do exist...and a similar gap (or more) expected from Pro to Scorpio - however as pointed out diminishing returns etc and only 4K owners getting full benefit.