Scorpio would render at a higher native res that's for sure something like 1800p but not yet 4k, especially the 60fps games. It might also employ that checkerboard technique to upscale to 4k but would look a bit sharper than Pro's result. I expect more ultra settings to be used in Scorpio but not fully Ultra. The difference in multiplatforms would not be huge but noticeable if put side by side. As for exclusives, if devs are coding their respective title using PS4 and XBone as a baseline then there might not be much of a difference in the end. I think the difference in power between PS4 and Xbone as well as between Pro and Scorpio would cancel each other out. After all this is the what happens when a 6tf console is shackled by a 1.3tf console, the level design, assets, setpieces and physics would not deviate much if at all from the lowest common denominator. While in Pro's case, since its baseline is 40% higher, you would naturally enjoy say a bigger level design, more characters on screen etc on the get go, but only looses out in the resolution. Now of course it's hard to compare exclusives directly unlike multiplats but that's the underlying mechanics, more or less.
So in short, PS4 Pro first party games should hang graphically in the same ballpark as Scorpio first party games.
Considering that Microsoft developed games are already doing 4K@60 FPS on hardware that is of a similar performance level, what makes you think it won't be rendering games at 4K? Especially, if as you contend, the base game will still be limited by what the PS4/XBO can do?
Just a simple increase in rendering resolution without changing quality settings generally only requires 2.0-2.5x the performance when going from 1080p to 2160p. That is far less than the performance difference between the XBO and Project Scorpio. Even going from 720p to 2160p won't require more than about 3x the performance or slightly more. That still leaves plenty of performance on table to potentially increase framerates (30-60 fps) or better graphical IQ presets.
This also assumes that not just GPU FLOPs are being scaled up. IE - more ROPs are definitely required, higher bandwidth will be needed, etc. In some cases you'll also potentially need a significant boost in CPU speed, especially for increases in FPS versus resolution at same FPS if the game was fully or partially CPU limited on the older console.
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