ChryZ said:
Thanx Deadmeat ... and back to square one. Let's lock up "Console Talk", the madness is breaking loose again
Hey now! Just drop it bud, it's over and the mods have done their thing - let’s respect it and do our part which is to make like it never existed. I'm sure the powers that be are aware of what's going down.
Anyways, I'm curious about this comment in particular:
DeadMeatGA said:
It is an impossible task to get PSX3 running even at 50% of capacity, and this poor coder is going to be facing the greatest obstacle in his entire programming career.
I'm curious as to why this is so. If we can first make the distinction that the
Broadband Engine (as we assume it to be) has it's roots in the PS2's design, it will share with it many of the same traits as the Emotion Engine; be these contextually posititive or negative.
So, if we look at the EE and it's problem with underutilization explicitly (as DMGA has done) is it in correct to state that the most pronounced design deficit on the EE centers around VU0, perhaps closely followed/intertwined by some deficits in the MIPS core. If this is so, which I'm opening up to criticism and comment, then it would appear that the concept of a APU goes along way to resolving this efficiency problem. If the patent is to be believed (again, a known assumption) then it would appear that by making the APUs symmetric in conjunction with increasing the number of registers and amount of local cache, as well as their interconnectivity, would lend itself to comparing a singular APU more to VU1 - which AFAIK is getting pretty damn good efficiency out of programmers. The PA results would seem to bear this out. And while we're basically clueless to the microarchitectual details of the PE, be it Power/MIPS or ARM based, wouldn't it be true that since the APU's are now stand-alone processors capable of "feeding themselves" (elegantly said, I know. But to the point...

) as opposed to the PS2, the role of the superscalar component is dramatically decreased?
If anything, I would hazard that while the BE is hardly the 'bestest' thing since sliced bread and the glow-in-the-dark condom, it's design would appear to incorporate many architectural features which seem to be included due to lessons learned with the Emotion Engine and PS2. So, feel free to support or rip me a new one... heh.
EDIT: I'm also not implying that we'll see 90%+ utilization rate on all software or any such thing one might somehow be led to believe - this is something I just wanted to make absolutly clear. Also, if anyone knows the Chicago cop who saw fit to give myself and around 10 other people tickets with codes for parking under a viaduct which doesn't exist... feel free to lead him to the head of the class, ass.