Evolve [PS4, XO]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 86764
  • Start date
This DF frame test vid showcases quite nice graphics to my eyes!

Definitely one of the newer wave of non-cross gen titles, though surely still just scratching the surface.
I've pre-ordered the Evolve Triple Season Pass Monster Jizz Edition.
I had a decent length session on Evolve last weekend and have to say I was quite impressed.

It looks very nice, controls well, feels very polished overall and seemed pretty much lag-free and bug-free (Xbox One).

The asymmetric gameplay was what intrigued me, and it totally delivered on that promise. Playing the monster feels distinct from playing a hunter in terms of viewpoint (3rd vs. 1st person), controls, abilities and navigation (monster has free reign, can climb walls, jump chasms, etc. whereas hunters are corralled by the environment, and the maps are designed to provide that advantage to the monster).

The dynamics of a match are far more nuanced than your average competitive shooter too. You don't just run at each other from opposite sides of the map and shoot until one team lands more bullets and wins.

The monster needs to evade the hunters until it can hunt down and eat enough wildlife to evolve. The more levels you evolve the better chance you have of taking the hunters, so the hunters need to properly use hunting techniques like scent tracking, listening to the monster crash about, spotting flocks of birds fleeing the monster, etc.

The wildlife that the monster snacks on attacks the hunters. Shooting it can give away your position.

When the two sides eventually meet, the hunters need to use traps to keep the monster contained in an area, they need to use heals and shields, they need to use harpoon traps to slow the monster (manoeuvrability is the key to survival, not raw firepower) and this has to be co-ordinated.

It all works brilliantly IMO, but it does require teamwork and communication on the hunter team. A huge plus for gaming communities, but a big turn-off I would imaging for fans of lone wolf shooting. I can't see it appealing much to the average CoD fan (not being derogatory, I've enjoyed plenty of CoD in the past) due to the slower paced lead-up to the monster/team face-off and subsequent chase/tracking should the monster flee mid-battle.

It's not really a game for me as I can't plan regular sessions with a team. I have to snatch gaming time when I can. For those with a regular online friends list I think it would be a supremely tactical game, once you thoroughly learn each of the roles abilities.

The class tutorials seemed really good, and were actually a lot of fun on their own.

I read somewhere that there will be a campaign. If that's true I'd probably pick it up for that as the gameplay is really solid.
sad to see frame rates are a becoming a persistent issue this generation as well.

Drops to 21fps as seen on digitalfroundry. Personally these drops cause me headaches.

Everything looked good on this generation early days (bf4 mp at ~60fps, KZ mp at ~60fps) but I confess I perhaps jumped the gun when purchasing a next-gen console for these type of games, as I'm starting to consider moving to pc for the online "competitive" oriented titles.
Evolve is going free to play on Steam and will follow suit on consoles.


All of this of course begs the question, what happens to the people who paid for Evolve or purchased the DLC? Turtle Rock has addressed this. Previous purchasers are now called "Founders" and will be granted "Founders Status" in-game. All Founders will have their previously paid for content transferred over into the new model, and will also be eligible for "exclusive badges, skins and other cosmetic items." Founders playing Stage 2 have already been given "3,000 Silver Keys, all past and future Adaptations for previously owned Hunters and Monsters, dozens of Weapon Skins, and four unique, animated Founder badges," with future Founders content promised down the road.