Everything I need to know about overclock CPU ?


Hi I'm newbie to overclock here.

I know couple things about overclock CPU.

- You cant change multiple unless you're using extreme version.
- You need to rise voltage of the CPU to overclock

Here's my question

If I got Q6600 I want to overclock it only way I can is rise the FSB,if I think correct I'll rise from 1066 to 1333 that will make my CPU running at 3.0GHz.

- Zalman's fan cooling enough for this overclock ? or do I need water cooling ?
- Does water cooling really using water or other type of liqud?
- What's default voltage of this CPU and what it should rise to ?
- Is it safe to overclock Q6600 this speed ?
- Will it shortage life of your CPU ?
- If I use correct cooling system and voltage,will my system run stable as much as stocked speed CPU ?

Thanks you alot for take a look and answer. :smile:
1: yes - no
2: yes - no
3: cant remember - it shouldnt rise
4: yes assuming "this speed" means 3ghz
5: quite possibly
6: yes
Thank you and I hope you dont mind to answer more. :)

Yes "this speed" = 3 GHz

- Rising the voltage is dangerous to my CPU ?
- What is average life of a CPU ? and If O/C shortage it how much ?
- Do I need extra cooling system such as "Aluminium Case" ?
- If 450w powersupply enough for stocked speed CPU ? will I need more if I O/C it ?
Liquid cooling doesn't have to be exclusively deionized water. Corsair usually includes a special chemical into the mix, presumably to raise the boiling point. Oils can be used as well. The main issue is making sure that the liquid is non-conductive.
1: no but you dont need to "rise the voltage"
2: dont know but if you overclock it may only last 10 years ;)
3: no
4: not 100% sure (depends what is also in your pc) but i think you'll be ok
- Rising the voltage is dangerous to my CPU ?
- What is average life of a CPU ? and If O/C shortage it how much ?
- Do I need extra cooling system such as "Aluminium Case" ?
- If 450w powersupply enough for stocked speed CPU ? will I need more if I O/C it ?

a) It can be dangerous to overvolt the CPU, but these days a decent motherboard just won't boot up if you manually increase the voltage too much. Just clear the CMOS and begin again. Some motherboards have an auto voltage setting that will do the work for you.

b) CPUs can last well over 5 years; I haven't had one for that much longer, so I can't say what the upper limit might be. I think by then you'd get some sort of upgrade entirely. I generally only overclock when I intend to run games anyway, so the life expectancy shouldn't degrade that much. If you do keep the system turned on 24/7 with overclocked settings, you may be looking at a much much shorter lifespan.

c) An aluminum case wouldn't matter unless there's some sort of heatpiping directly from the case chassis to the CPU heatsink. I'd rather have better airflow.

d) 450W should be enough, but what other system components are you using?
b) CPUs can last well over 5 years; I haven't had one for that much longer

my legacy pc is running a pentium 2 - 450mhz from 1997

and a local company's stock control porgram is running on an original ibm pc (8088) from 1981
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Thank you for all reply. :)

The compoenets is based on my other thread about my new pc and its seem 450w should be okay for it.
I'm reconsider about it tho becuase of yorkfield,G92 dual slot cooling (during noise issue),price of x38 atm.

Anyway here's more detail what I'm going to do with it.

- I'll use this PC to render 3D work. (Faster CPU faster render)
- Gaming as well of coruse.
- Its seem I might turn on PC all entire day.

Hope this infomation help.
But Tom's O/c is pretty bad. When I ca get 3.6GHZ using 1.40 volts and he can get 3.3 using 1.46 volts there is something wrong.

PS My motherboard is a ASUS P5k/e $145 cheapy board comparable to his.
I phoned my vendor and asking about O/C thing.

They said I need a special CPU that suitable for O/C not every Q6600 is good enough for O/C
They also said that O/C could effected(void something like that) my CPU warranty if my CPU burn or anything that they can detected you O/C your CPU.
They even gave me example of O/Ced CPU that turn out cant restore back to it original FSB.(Celly 300A)

How risky chance of those problem will occur on my CPU if I O/C them ?
All vendors will say that. It's how they sell higher priced products.

It's not risky at all if you do not up the voltage, or if you do you do it within reason. Remember to keep an eye on temps.

I've overclocked since the days of the P133 and have never had a cpu die due to overclocking.
What about FSB issue ? Do you believed this possible ?

How do I know my default voltage of my CPU ?
Set voltage to auto is risky right ?
Setting voltage to auto means it will only use what the CPU is specified to use.

I never had any FSB issue either, where the cpu would no longer run at the original specs and I've done some crazy overclocks and overvolts and other modifications.
What about special CPU that require ? They said not every CPU can do O/C.
You need special until or stock of CPU for stable O/C.
Why won't you try it out? There are a lot of overlocking tutorials for c2d CPUs. If you are lucky, you will get a decent overclock without rising the volgate. For example, my e4300 runs at 3Ghz (up from 1.8) on 1.4 volts.
They are correct that not evry CPU can do an overclock, but most can because Intel does not make their CPUs so tight to the specified frequency. It is good business practice to leave a buffer to allow for variations. That way you are always guaranteed to sell the CPU with the specified frequency.

The whole basis of overclocking is people realizing that and seeing what their specific CPU buffer is. Start overclocking without increa sing the voltage first to gain confidence. No voltage increase no damage possible. The most that will happen is your computer will not boot. At that point set it lower and try again. I have patience so I slowly increase step by step where as my friends takes the highest he hopes for and tries there and lowers the frequency until it works.

Adding voltage can be safe and will make for higher o/c. I just searched forums of people who had similar motherboards and cpu and got a feel for what is appropriate. Most people are actually very conservative in their o/c so the information for most part will apply to you. The aggressive o/c will talk water cooling etc and those you leave out from your investigation.

Once you get to a comfortable o/c I usually then tweak the voltage to try and get the lowest voltage for that o/c.

Have fun.
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How I ensure that my CPU can O/C before I buy special parts such as faster ram,fan for CPU ?

Try to increase FSB first ? if I can boot OS and then its appeared blue screen mean my CPU can O/C ? after that I just change to better cooling fan ?
There are a number of sites that can provide some guidance on what to change first. There are a number of stuff that can be changed, booting up the PC and getting into the O?S is good. Getting the blue screen of death is not. However that means that change was too aggresive.

You don't need to spend on stuff to o/c. I personally do not o/c my memory. The fans provided by both AMD and Intel are adequate for a bit of overclocking but any decent o/c needs a better fan. In my case having a better fan actually meant my computer is quieter since most upgraded cooling for CPU's are just was better and quieter. If u change your mind re o/c you have a good chance that your money spent on a fan will still benefit you in quietness.

Like has been said...there are a many sites that specialize in overckocking discussions, this is not one of them.