eHarmony hates me

No I'm all screwed up are you a guy, a girl, a bi jees I think I shall call you it from now on. :p :devilish:

(edit:No hard feelings sounds a little rough doesn't it :? )
Xenus said:
...I wouldn't no the first thing about looking for places and trying to stay out of a bad neighborhood.

yeah me too!

I have NEVER been to a bar or club. I have NEVER been to any kind of concert. I danced once when I was 13 at summercamp but even then all I didn was slow dance. I NEVER went to parties or even hung out with friends after school when I was in highschool. Okay actually thats not true- there was one time that I went to my friends house and we kinda walked around her back yard and talked for a few minutes, another time I had some friends over for haloween and we kinda mulled around outside for a bit, and another time that my girlfriend and her friends took me out driving around and smoked weed and something white and powdery that they later denyied ever existed. I had a few LAN parties (like about 7 maybe) at my house with 2 or 3 other people. Oh, and the morning after my 17th birthday I went to pick up my girlfriend from my other friends house and take her home.... we had sex for about an hour in the back of my car... eventually I just gave up on getting any enjoyment out of it and took her home.
...You can count the times you've been out with... people?

I'm so confused.

Xenus, bless, u're new.... This is the General Forum of the gayest 3D website on the planet.

KIDDING. But hey, that's the explanation. Wait till u learn about Sage's "tastes".................
No, I already clicked that one I'm talking about the general route of the conversationin regards to the next link. I really hope I don't have to explain what the next link may be. :LOL:
Xenus said:
No I'm all screwed up are you a guy, a girl, a bi jees I think I shall call you it from now on. :p :devilish:

(edit:No hard feelings sounds a little rough doesn't it :? )

heh thats normal, most people are confused. "it" works just fine for me.

and this is the Gayest forum on planet earth. This forum is gayer than Gaydar.
Xenus said:
No, I already clicked that one I'm talking about the general route of the conversationin regards to the next link. I really hope I don't have to explain what the next link may be. :LOL:

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Request has timed out, please provide additional data.
I was refering to london-boy. I'm pretty sure your a guy pleases feel to correct me if I'm wrong though. :LOL:
Xenus said:
I was refering to london-boy. I'm pretty sure your a guy pleases feel to correct me if I'm wrong though. :LOL:

yes, he's a very very very BIG guy ;)
Xenus said:
With you a can never tell. :p
Whether thats a good thing or not I haven't decided yet. 8)

trust me, you'll NEVER figure it out. not even with detailed pics. noone can. I'm a mystery.