eBay erm.. XBox 360

That is definetely a deceptive listing, it talks all about the xbox 360, then at the end says the 360 is not the product being sold. What if I made a listing that told all about tuna, and then said that the listing is for a tshirt?
Fox5 said:
What if I made a listing that told all about tuna, and then said that the listing is for a tshirt?

That was you?! BASTARD!

I want my 300lbs of sleeveless tuna.
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Unscrupulous grifters trick desperate holiday shoppers into buying pictures of Xbox 360s on online auction sites.

The hot holiday item, if one believes the media hype, is the Xbox 360. Short supply and high demand have left many holiday shoppers looking for the console empty-handed. While the thought of parents looking into the teary eyes of children left without an Xbox 360 this Christmas is saddening, imagine the same scenario with said parents paying upwards of $800 for a worthless photo of the gaming system.

That's exactly what has happened to a few shoppers desperate to get an Xbox 360 under the Christmas tree this year. eBay and other Web sites have multitudes of bidding wars going for the next-gen console, and the frenzy has attracted the cold hearts of those looking to take advantage of the situation. In a "cross-your-fingers-and-hope-someone-falls-for-it" scam, some tricksters on online auction site eBay have set up pages hawking what appear to be Xbox 360s.

Read More: GameSpot
Most of those don't get very far. Very few ever actually get any money, most of them wind up being banned by ebay.

/shrug its always going to be something on ebay.