E3 - Predict the game of the show


For me it will be GT4, but I'm not sure if it will be game of the show even if it holds all the things I hope for it as it is "just" an update.

What are your predictions? Post them here! :)

For me.. it'll probably be Halo 2 (assuming a good build is shown), but I expect Half Life 2 will get it, no contest.
My most anticipated games are Gran Turismo 4 or Jak II for me. :)

As for game of the show.. hmm... I'd say Gran Turismo 4, if it they manage to include damange..
I doubt Metroid Prime 2 will be there so for me it'll probably be anything new from Silicon Knights. A playable build of Rebel Strike would be nice though 8)
It will not be "the game" but i´m looking forward to see ACE5..
Bungie or Valve will probably get the "best game" of the show.
It´s a shame i haven´t played ICO, can´t get my hands over it.. :cry:
Should´t they release it as Platinum or something soon!?
overclocked said:
It´s a shame i haven´t played ICO, can´t get my hands over it.. :cry:
Should´t they release it as Platinum or something soon!?

i dont think it sold enough copies to be awarded the Platinum thingy thingy thingy... even though games like ONI and Crash made it.... :rolleyes: :LOL:
Half-Life 2, and I predict that Bungie will port it to Xbox in return for Valve porting Halo 2 to the PC, thereby continuing the current Halo port arrangement.