Natoma said:
I suppose the Constitution does indeed support homosexuality, thank you very much Supreme Court. See? Looks like your morals are in conflict with the Constitution.
Thanks for pointing that out.
No, the constitution apparently supports the right to certain homosexual activity done in the privacy of the home.
We will not "know" if the Constitution (as interpreted by the Supreme Court) is in conflict with my morals, until such a time that a State decides to ban homosexual unions, and that ban is challenged in court.
My morals tell me that acceptance homosexual unions should be a state level decision to be made. Right now, that is exactly what we have.
I said before that you can have your opinion all you like. That doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion about your opinion now does it.
Of course not. The point is, you are intolerant by virtue of the fact that you won't entertain ANY basis which would support a negative moral view of homosexuality.
I have said repeatedly that I RESPECT your opinion. Or didn't you read that the last 10 times I said it?
Ahh but the fact remains that there were times in this country when marrying outside your race, despite the "moral" conflict in the constitution, was illegal thank you very much Anti-Miscgenation laws.
So what's your point?
The fact remains that people still do have a moral issue with interracial marriages. The fact that a law exists doesn't change one's morality.
But the Supreme Court came through yet again, as it did with Anti-Gay laws on the books, in striking those laws down as unconstitutional.
Which laws? Laws which uphold some "right to privacy?" The Supreme Court upheld a discerned right to privacy. Not the right (or not) of states to legislate for or against homosexuals.
So no, even if enough people share a particular moral does not make it constitutional according to the letter of the constitution.
Um, isn't that exactly what I said? Oh yes, I said: "If enough prople share that moral, and if it doesn't conflict with the morals enshrined in the constitution, then it will become law. "
Joe DeFuria said:
What say you about pedophilia and beastiality?
Natoma said:
The same as I said before. It is illegal. My opinion on it is moot, just as your opinion on homosexuality is moot, wrt the law of the land.
Um, that's nice. However we are asking this question
wrt your personal, inherent, moral code. Not wrt to the law of the land.
So what's your answer?