Bigus Dickus said:
Man, this discussion has become ridiculous.
Joe, if you're interested, Natoma has already explicitly stated in another thread that he would support legalization of incest. I believe he's made a similar comment about polygamy.
I have no issue with polygamy. Never have. Actually, neither do the mormons. It has a religious context too. So you've simply got to accept it because as we all know, religion is the cats meow.
And I said I wouldn't have a problem with incest if the reasons that the government gives for banning it are removed from the equation, i.e. the deleterious effects on the potential offspring. There is no other reason the government bans incest, at least none that are put into law.
Bigus Dickus said:
I can only guess that to keep his "morals" consistent (or... the lack of them) he would also support the legalization pedophilia and beastiality if push came to shove.
As I said earlier, if the government chooses to legalize pedophilia and beastiality, then so be it, but I seriously doubt that will occur. See later on in this post for my reasons why.
Bigus Dickus said:
And about the whole natural/unatural debate... I don't think it really matters. There are plenty of diseases other than homosexuality that are completely natural.
And this assumes yet again that homosexuality is a disease. You have no scientific proof of that, nor do you have any psychiatric proof of that.
Bigus Dickus said:
And Natoma... what the hell kind of reasoning is this: "it's illegal, so your opinion on the subject is moot" and "it's legal, so your opinion on the subject is moot?" You've made both statements repeatedly. So just when is someone's opinion on something not moot, seeing as how everything is going to be either legal or illegal. It's like telling you that homosexual marriage is illegal, so your opinion on whether that is wrong or right is moot. It's illegal, end of story.
The past 2-3 pages was nothing but an exercise in showing Joe the ridiculous circuitous nature of his "opinion" definition. Nothing more, nothing less.
Btw, homosexual marriage is illegal in the states. Not in canada, or in the Netherlands, or in New Zealand, or in quite a few other countries (soon to be followed by the USA). So, forming my opinion wrt Canadian law (for example), homosexual marriage is right.
Bigus Dickus said:
Why make such ridiculous statements? To avoid answering a simple question? I suppose so. This whole debate is about whether certain laws are right or wrong, and if they should be changed or not. What use is it to make a statement such as "it only matters what the government says, your opinion is moot?" Why even have this discussion? Why have a petition... the opnions of everyone who signs it are obviously moot.
Not at all. I simply followed Joe's train of logic to it's ridiculous conclusion. It was quite fun too.
But if you really want to know my opinions on the subject, there are legitimate reasons to keep pedophilia and beastiality illegal, which have nothing to do with the downfall of society or religion.
Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an individual has a fixation on a prepubescent male or prepubescent female's body, but not necessarily the substance of their personage. They form intense, and sometimes very loving attachments with these children. Yet once the children have gone through puberty, the pedophile loses their fixation and fixates on another child. Healthy, long lasting, relationships cannot be formed in this manner. They end up being nothing but psychically detrimental to both the pedophile and the child.
You could almost mistake Pedophilia for a fetish (and argue that it should be legal in this manner because other fetishes are indeed legal) in the way in which the fixation takes place. However fetishism is a fixation on a particular object (whip fetishes, handcuff fetishes, etc) or nonsexual part of the body (fecal fetishes, golden shower fetishes, etc). Pedophilia is illegal in our society because of these particular facets of the pedophile relationship.
The other laws that make it illegal are child protection laws and statutory rape laws. There have been cases for instance where an 18 year old was thrown in jail because of sexual activity with a 17 year old. Ridiculous, but true.
Beastiality, also known as zoophilia on the other hand is illegal because of animal protection laws which prohibit sexual abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse. Sexual abuse is deemed as such because animals cannot make their own decisions wrt this matter in human interactions. These laws have been made for their protection from those who would abuse for their own sexual gratification.
The laws prohibiting zoophilia and pedophilia are similar in that fashion. To prevent the non-consensual sexual abuse of another being.