Natoma said:
For one, I stated that any equivalence or any comparison of the two is completely disrespectful. The comparison alone shows a disrespect for homosexuality.
Exactly. This is not in question. You exude INTOLERANCE. Anyone who would dismiss ANY comparison whatsoever without regard to the context and specifics of the comparison, is simply wholly intolerant. This was discussed at length in another thread.
My point of view: Beastiality and Homosexuality can be compared
on some specific levels.
Your point of view: No way no how should the two ever be mentioned in the same sentence. Anyone who thinks they can be is a bigot...blah blah. Anyone who is replused by homosexuality is either "ignorant, immature, or inconsistent with their viewpoint."
Natoma said:
It doesn't turn me on, and frankly it does sicken my stomach. But as I've said before, so does heterosexuality. But I'm not going to equate my feelings about beastiality to my feelings of heterosexuality because I don't consider the two comparable by any stretch of the imagination. Just as I don't consider homosexuality comparable to beastiality by any stretch of the imagination.
do consider homosexuality and beastiality comparable at specific levels.
It's all fine and dandy that you don't. We understand this. The point is, you will not entertain or consider any comparison at all as VALID. To you, it's not that you DISAGREE with such comparisons and tolerate the difference in opinion, you feel they are flat out invalid and are completely intolerant.
*Snip the re-tread of the "natural vs. unnatural" debate. *
The point is, as was repeated to you SEVERAL TIMES in the other threads, that
to you, your definition of natural is the only acceptable one there could ever be. You are wholly intolerant of any point of view that states otherwise..
Joe DeFuria said:
Agreed. The purpose of my post, is to tell you that we have different definitions, (and that likewise, OTHER) people will have different definitions of "natural"...different from yours, and different from mine. And that just because other's definition of "natural" isn't the same as yours, doesn't make them any less valid....Who are you to tell me or anyone else what the "correct way" is to look at this? That's my point. I understand your defintion, I don't agree with it, but I'm not callining it "incrorrect" either.
Joe DeFuria said:
The problem is, you don't seem comfortable with others having the Position of being repulsed by homosexuality. You seem to argue (correct me if I'm wrong), that anyone who is genuinely repulsed by homosexuality, isn't looking at it "the right way" (your way.)
------ Further down the page ----
Joe DeFuria said:
3) You can't imagine that some people think that homosexuality is wrong, and at the same time have a valid premise for that belief.
Natoma said:
3) No I can imagine it. I live through that kind of bias every day. Heh. They can even have what they deem is a valid premise. But I don't consider it to be valid, which goes back to point #2 you stated.
Read my last quote and your response to it again.
You cannot fathom that someone believes homosexuality is wrong, and also has a valid basis for that belief. That is the very definition of intolerance.
Just because you may recognize that someone has a valid basis for an opinion, doesn't mean you have to agree with that opinion. I think that's where you are stuck.
I guess you're just afraid acknowledge a BASIS for an opinion as valid?