Dogs in the Workplace - good or bad?


3dfx Fan
I have a problem. One or two of my employees like to bring their pups/dogs to the office. None of the other employees minds at all (most really enjoy them), but the landlord isn't happy - his company occupies part of the same building and one of his employees (who never has to be in the 18k sq ft we occupy) has complained to the point where the landlord is saying no dogs in the building.

Nothwithstanding the legal issues (the lease may not allow him to do this), or the logical ones (I have tons of toxic chemicals, explosive gases and very hazardous stuff that doesn't bother anyone), I'm wondering what people think.

Personally I think dogs (well-behaved ones) lower stress and make for a better work environment. But I'm a "dog person" so I'm biased. What do you think?

Am I nuts or is the landlord being lame?
No animals at work, or any other closed public places. Definitely a sin against other people who want to have their peace.
_xxx_ said:
No animals at work, or any other closed public places. Definitely a sin against other people who want to have their peace.

But you're German! It's common to see dogs in restaurants in German towns!
Dogs anywhere are bad enough, but in the workplace that's a big "no" (unless you work as a butcher in the Far East).
Mize said:
It's common to see dogs in restaurants in German towns!

Unfortunately yes. I'd forbid that yesterday, but I can't. To me, that's abuse. Keep your dogs outside of restaurants, bars, cinemas, whatever of that sort, because (to the owners) IF YOU LOVE YOUR DOGS, DON'T EXPECT THE REST OF THE WORLD TO DO SO! ;)
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Mize said:
But you're German! It's common to see dogs in restaurants in German towns!
Heh, I'm German too, but I've never seen a dog in a restaurant. And for me, that would be a reason to leave.
If the dog can be complaint with the following rules:
- Small dog
- friendlly dog
- In good health and with all vacines
- Always clean
- Confined to the employ´s cubicle
- Low noise

Then maybe it is possible but not in all environments.
Mize said:
Here are some links:
I didn't bother to click them. Personally, I really don't like dogs. They're animals, predators in fact, and basically unpredictable. You handle them the wrong way or they snap for some reason (bad genes, mistreatment etc), there's no telling what they'll do. It's all right with a small dog, you could just step on it and squish it. But a big dog, well, let's just say I'm personally not particulary keen on having a face transplant operation...

People should keep their dogs where they belong, at home. End of story.

And I've not even touched the health/allergy issue here thus far, that's another whole different story. Dogs are dirty, and they shed tons of hair. Suppose one of the workers at your place have family members who are allergic without knowing it. Is it fair they should suffer because one of the parents brings home allergens to their home without even knowing it just because you like to surround yourself with wild animals?
I agree that there shouldn't be any pets at work.
I'm thinking of office work, since that is what I do. It might work better in some other workspaces.

It happens that some coworkers bring their dog to work if they have temporary problems with a "baby sitter". That doesn't bother me personally as long as they bring the dog directly to their office room, and it stays there (quiet). Since there are allergic people here, it's not allowed. But I think everyone here think it's acceptable as a "panic solution", as long as it doesn't happen often.

I'd say the same thing about kids at work.
It's OK if there's a problem with baby sitters/day care. But only if it doesn't happen often that anyone use that emergency route.
So how do you guys handle "work" dogs (seeing eye dogs for example)?

As for the big/small dog predator argument - I agree some dogs can be raised to learn violence, but my 80 lbs retriever let my 2 year old clean his ear with a wire hanger when her mom was in the other room. He merely yelped for help. Hasn't even ever bit another dog let alone a human.

BTW I am talk about "on occassion" and confined to the employees office (no cubes here).
I have a health issue with animals (severe allergies) no animals in the office or within 10m of me, please!

How much work would one get done with a dog at work? All they do is attract attention. *brings out the whip* "Get back to work!" :p
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My brother visited Google's office in San Jose, California.

Lot's of dogs, kids, etc....
mito said:
My brother visited Google's office in San Jose, California.

Lot's of dogs, kids, etc....

Actually the dogs in workplace is supposed to be very popular amongst some of the fast rising and cutting edge companies.
Xmas said:
Heh, I'm German too, but I've never seen a dog in a restaurant. And for me, that would be a reason to leave.

I actually have. But that was the reason for THAT guy to leave after I called the manager and made some noise.
Mize said:
Actually the dogs in workplace is supposed to be very popular amongst some of the fast rising and cutting edge companies.

That's some kind of a fashion thing it seems.
Unless they're seeing eye dogs, pets should have no place in the work place. They're a distraction and depending on the job can be a saftey hazard, no matter how obediant it is. :devilish: