Will PSTwo affect the PSP?
Will PS3 affect the PSP?
Will Xenon affect the PSP?
Will DS affect the PSP?
Will Gizmondo affect the PSP?
Will Ipod affect the PSP?
Will PMC affect the PSP?
Will GBA affect the PSP?

You also need to ask yourself, are consoles moving more towards "PC-like" features or the "plain old TV-like" features? Not much to say of course, since any success MS may enjoy out of Xbox line, has little to do with competing in the "wrong" turf.
Will PS3 affect the PSP?
Will Xenon affect the PSP?
Will DS affect the PSP?
Will Gizmondo affect the PSP?
Will Ipod affect the PSP?
Will PMC affect the PSP?
Will GBA affect the PSP?
Prime time TV viewing is down. World wide sales and usage of PC and Internet is at an all time high. Without good statistical proof I cannot claim that PC has overtaken good old TV as the center, but i dare say both are competing much more closely than ever before. I wouldnt even say competing, more like complimenting.PC is still not at the center in home contrary to what Intel plans for several years, and a good old TV is still at the center as a consumer appliance. (Or, simply skipping fat PC and moving into more personal devices such as ubiquitous cell phones and handhelds)
You also need to ask yourself, are consoles moving more towards "PC-like" features or the "plain old TV-like" features? Not much to say of course, since any success MS may enjoy out of Xbox line, has little to do with competing in the "wrong" turf.
Tell that to the PSP...fortunately in this market it's not simple as to say "throw lots of money and annihilate competition by our financial strength"
it must sound childish, but i would really prefer a fair competition which would rely on the merits of each opponents..
imagine the olympic games where one could buy a gold medal..