Expressing a dislike of MS' current first party development/publishing strategy does not automatically make someone a juvenile Sony/Nintendo fanboy.
In fact such small mindedness and over-sensitivity towards anything expressed even remotely negative towards MS on a public forum could be considered more juvenile and fanboyish than most of the stuff expressed in this thread.
In the end your post adds nothing to the disscussion, and considering these comments were spun out of another thread and not simply deleted outright, I would assume that even the MODs consider the topic at hand as something at least worthy of consideration for discussion and not something to be so easily dismissed out of hand.
The point is, based not only just on MS 2012 E3 conference, but their release schedule for first party core games in the last couple of years, there has been a bit of an over reliance on existing IP and long running game franchises. Whether the other platforms holders do the same is irrelevant, because for someone who is a core gamer, only owning an xbox 360, there has been an undeniable dearth of fresh new IPs developed or published by MS in the most recent period. If said gamers are happy with only sequels of Halo/gears/Forza/Fable, then fine for them, however for those who aren't it presents a very concerning situation, especially when the bulk of MS' recent first-party development isn't going towards new core IP, but a predominantly casual focus.
The big questions are, will this continue? Or is it simply a symptom of their more limited first party development resources (less internal teams), combined with a decision to shift most of that internal dev focus to next-gen (it being the end of the cycle?
These are important questions worthy of discussion, as the answer to both of these questions could very well shift consumer mindshare in their competitor's favour come next-gen launch. Anything is possible.