DirectX SDK June 2007

Ditto on the thanks!

How do you find out about new DXSDK releases so quickly? I normally look here, but you usually post several days ahead of that page being updated (at the time I'm writing this, it still doesn't mention the June DXSDK).
Well that’s right but dave wasn’t my source. Every time I know that a new SDK is just around the corner I start checking the download server two or three times a day. It’s well know that it always take a while until the web pages are updated.
Yeah thanks for that :) Seems they *finally* fixed the crashing bugs in DXUT, which means more stable tech demos for everyone! :D
But the big View/Resource reference counting bug is still in. My report was too late for this release.
I just noticed that with the June SDK DXUT it seems to be limiting the frame rate to a maximum of ~200Hz... not critical for production (using DXUT??), but annoying for benchmarking to say the least. Anyone else notice this or have any idea why this is happening? I haven't had a chance to look at the DXUT diffs in detail yet.