No idea if this is accurate or not, but basically it is claiming RTX doesn't need Tensor Cores for it's operation:
"Denoising for real time applications is using an algorithm (cross-bilateral filtered denoising) and not AI (like NVIDIA's OptiX Ray Tracing Engine does). This sounds like tensor cores are not required for RTX and therefore tensor cores are definitely not required in the upcoming GeForce line?
Full presentation: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1024813/
If you got excited about Nvidia's Star Wars demo for real time ray tracing elements (Reflections, Shadows, AO) during GTC 18, here is the full technical story. Watching the presentation is absolutely worth it. The dedicated RTX hardware provides optimized implementations of:
"Denoising for real time applications is using an algorithm (cross-bilateral filtered denoising) and not AI (like NVIDIA's OptiX Ray Tracing Engine does). This sounds like tensor cores are not required for RTX and therefore tensor cores are definitely not required in the upcoming GeForce line?
Full presentation: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1024813/
If you got excited about Nvidia's Star Wars demo for real time ray tracing elements (Reflections, Shadows, AO) during GTC 18, here is the full technical story. Watching the presentation is absolutely worth it. The dedicated RTX hardware provides optimized implementations of:
- Acceleration structure build/update
- Traversal and scheduling of ray tracing and shading
- Split-sum approximation used for cross-bilateral filtered denoising (for visibility term only). No Monte Carlo or holistic solution for the rendering equation
- Only incoming radiance is denoised. BRDF integrals are pre-integrated, so there's no need to denoise them (as they don't produce any noise)
- Minimum of 2spp necessary for contact shadows/close region AO in order to get reasonably close to ground truth (for now)
- 1 area light source per pass for best results (you could do more in one pass, but you'd lose the benefit of efficiency for real-time use)
- Not so good results for overlapping penumbrae of two or more occluders of very different distances away from the shadow receiver
- The greater the roughness of the material, the further away the results are from the ground truth
- NVIDIA is still experimenting with deep learning solutions for denoising in the future
- In-engine Path Tracer for reference and fine tuning materials
- Instant Lightmap Baking feature only focuses on lightmap texels contributing to current image instead of full scene in order to update in real-time
- API support for the Data Acceleration Structures necessary for ray tracing does not appear to have any special optimizations. Developers will need to figure this out on their own (not easy for dynamic scenes)
- Tessellation does not work well with NVIDIA's solution. More work to be done resolving this issue in the future
- Demo was presented in real-time with the computer on stage, not pre-recorded before the presentation"