No, you don't understand, I was not saying the game wasn't good, I was saying I disbelieved they had left any significant RAM free. No developer worth his salt would leave RAM sitting on the table. Heck, if nothing else, I would be unrolling loops to improve performance, and tabling up on things I would normally be calculating in real time.With one of best graphics, A.I. (it won awards from the A.I. community), etc.; I like the way they were "doing something wrong." I wish more developers would do just that.
Really? I thought the best game graphics award, for the past 2 out of the 4 years the PS3 has been around, has gone to PS3 exclusives.Feel free to come up with whatever excuses you like.
Best game graphic award from what? Except for Uncharted, I personally prefer the 360 exclusives in terms of graphics compared to the PS3 exclusives. I was completely not impressed by Killzone 2.