Quite frankly, it's embarrassing to come back and see another Killzone vs Crysis discussion with people flinging around screenshots without any real technical input other than "it looks good, therefore it's better than some other game for which we do have technical data". We also still seem to be using words from PR as evidence of some heavy tech being utilized when we should be examining the technical matters from an objective point of view, but instead it is again, "that's what she said, so that must be true!"
There is certainly no problem with liking the art style or the end result, but again we are in the tech forums. There is no problem if you think something is impressive, but can we just move along from arguing what one finds impressive and not impressive? Opinions differ: news since the beginning of mankind.
Comparing game tech directly? Sure, one dev does this, how does another dev approach it... Why, what bottlenecks etc. NOT "this game is doing so much more hear me roar. Those devs are lame cuz it doesn't match my game." It's boring, and a waste for these theads.
Please don't hesitate to ask about the tech. I'm sure there are some here who might shed some light on it if they could filter out the rest of the nonsense that seems to occur in this very sector of B3D often enough.