did you people not even notice my absence?

Sage said:
well first if there's no penis contact then no worries. im generally a giver not a taker. any anyhow i got the full gamut of tests done at the student health centre. I'm in perfect health after all! :D

Just means the virus you have is in dormant mode. You can still give a partner a nasty surprise a few years down the road as Herpes Simplex looks to be strongly implicated in cirvical cancer.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Just means the virus you have is in dormant mode. You can still give a partner a nasty surprise a few years down the road as Herpes Simplex looks to be strongly implicated in cirvical cancer.

actually, you're incorrect. the test is for antibodies and not the virus itsself. in order to test for the virus itsself you have to have an infected spot. there are two versions, one which is most effective in the mouth and one that is most efective in the genital region. however, you can be infected with either one in either place (just more common to find the one in the mouth and the other not). 80% of adults have it in their mouth so doing an antibody check will usually show positive although that cant show if you have genital or oral, the best you can do is se what kind it is so you know typically the infection of that kind is in what spot. by the way, you can also give a partner genital herpes if you have it orally... so that means that 8/10 of the people giving oral sex are risking infecting their partner with genital herpes. Kind of makes you reconsider that blowjob, doesnt it?
Sage said:
well first if there's no penis contact then no worries. im generally a giver not a taker. any anyhow i got the full gamut of tests done at the student health centre. I'm in perfect health after all! :D
Unless you're absolutely honest with them about your history, you go on my short list of 'people that should rot in hell'.

Regardless of remission, or anti-virals, or 'unless there's open sores, no problem', the people with whom you're having contact with should know the risk and judge how small it is themselves.
RussSchultz said:
Unless you're absolutely honest with them about your history, you go on my short list of 'people that should rot in hell'.

Regardless of remission, or anti-virals, or 'unless there's open sores, no problem', the people with whom you're having contact with should know the risk and judge how small it is themselves.

try rereading my post
Russ: 90% of the humanity should never have sex if it was for herpes.
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Sage said:
try rereading my post

Don't you think your prospective partners would want to know? You know they would want to know, yet you keep it a secret. You take a risk with their health for your own pleasure, and take away their ability to make an informed choice.

You're really no better than those people who have HIV but continue to have unprotected sex without informing their partners. You risk silently infecting another with a disease that they will have for the rest of their lives, some of whom may contract cancer and die because of you.

You are a horrible, selfish, immoral person.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Don't you think your prospective partners would want to know? You know they would want to know, yet you keep it a secret. You take a risk with their health for your own pleasure, and take away their ability to make an informed choice.

You're really no better than those people who have HIV but continue to have unprotected sex without informing their partners. You risk silently infecting another with a disease that they will have for the rest of their lives, some of whom may contract cancer and die because of you.

You are a horrible, selfish, immoral person.

Blah, blah. As stated, over 90% of the population carry the herpes simplex 1 and 2 virus. Some 30-40% (estimated) carry the HPV (genital warts) virii, and these are responsible for cervical cancer, not herpes as someone falsely stated above.
_xxx_ said:
Blah, blah. As stated, over 90% of the population carry the herpes simplex 1 and 2 virus. Some 30-40% (estimated) carry the HPV (genital warts) virii, and these are responsible for cervical cancer, not herpes as someone falsely stated above.

So you think that makes it okay to infect people with sexually transmitted diseases you are carrying without giving them the option to make an informed decision themselves?
Of course not. All I'm saying is that if you had herpes once, that doesn't mean you'll be able to transmit it. At least not if it's been a while ago and there is no outbreak currently visible/detectable by a professional.

By your reasoning, noone should ever have sex. Also, would you just say "Y'know, I had genital herpes once but now it's all okay" to a hottie you'd really like to have? Suuure...

Also, there are condoms ;)
RussSchultz said:
Yes. Its the only decent thing to do.

I can't speak for myself as I never had herpes type 2, but I doubt more than 1% of people would say it, decent or not.
_xxx_ said:
By your reasoning, noone should ever have sex. Also, would you just say "Y'know, I had genital herpes once but now it's all okay" to a hottie you'd really like to have? Suuure...

If I wanted to have any self respect, or respect for a woman I was attracted to. What are you going to do if it's more than a one night stand - tell her a couple of months down the road "yeah, I've got herpes, but I didn't tell you when we first started having sex because I didn't want to risk not getting to screw you" ?

How would you feel if a woman you had been sleeping had herpes, kept it to herself, and then gave it to you for the rest of your life?

This is about treating others how you wish yourself to be treated. I guess for some of us treating others with some basic human compassion and respect comes easy - all it takes is the ability to consider future consequences. For others it seems to be an unobtainably high goal.
I couldn't sleep at night if I had sex with a girl and didtn't tell her that I once had herpes. Even if the chances of her getting it are very slim....I still percieve myself as putting her in a horrible situation to which theres no way out of. Any decent person should tell their partner that they had herpes at one point. Although, telling your partner seems to have been already agreed upon.
I have a laptop (apple, suckers!) now so I can get online again. and i was here searching for my name to see if anyone had brought me up, I was really hoping that SOMEONE was missing me... and all i get is this thread. this thread in which people show their inability to read. what part of "i dont have herpes after all" do you people not understand? There's no such thing as "had it once, dont have it anymore," you either have it or you don't. I don't. I thought I did but got tested and now I know that I was wrong about thinking I did. Geez, for a bunch of people who are supposedly edumacated you are seriously lacking in logic skills.
Sage said:
I have a laptop (apple, suckers!) now so I can get online again. and i was here searching for my name to see if anyone had brought me up, I was really hoping that SOMEONE was missing me... and all i get is this thread. this thread in which people show their inability to read. what part of "i dont have herpes after all" do you people not understand? There's no such thing as "had it once, dont have it anymore," you either have it or you don't. I don't. I thought I did but got tested and now I know that I was wrong about thinking I did. Geez, for a bunch of people who are supposedly edumacated you are seriously lacking in logic skills.

I don't think it was ever a lack of reading comprehension on our part, more a matter of WE DONT GIVE A £%$^^£& ABOUT YOUR HERPES!
