I bought the game too. I really think this game was meant to be played on the gamepad. The experience is so much better. From the day I've played torchlight on xb360, I knew I wanted Diablo3 there
Random tidbits:
* The game begins to show its age, lighting looks flat against other ps4 games. I'd love to test a 3D enabled version though, but it doesn't look like to be supported.
* They broke subtitles. I hate that, now I cannot get subtitles for any dialog from characters during the game. On PC, there were some kind of dialog bubble on top of characters. I know I don't miss much but still.
* They changed the layout and I don't understand why. No more easy-to-see red glob for life, everything is stashed on the left-bottom corner. No character list on top-left. In multiplayer, each avatar gets a big colored disc, why ?
* The stash looks cumbersome. I don't know how I will manage it during endgame. It's weird, the res is bigger that on my pc, and I can see only 4 items at once ? I think a better compromise exists between pc and console version. I need to check, but I don't think I can get how much better loot is in %
* I wish I could import pc chars. I don't understand why they didn't enable that, after all, the expansion was an opportunity to make things equal and remove the auction house imbalance.
About the game itself, I advise playing at the highest level as possible as soon as you start, and reduce it as soon an elite pack crush you, which should happen at level 30 approximately ^^
Cota runs are soul-crushing, I don't understand how people enjoy doing that.
I'm playing WD again, waiting on patch 2.1 to try the crusader