Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Anybody have any idea who should I ask for DLC region lock in destiny?

I asked Activision support, they say I need to ask on bungie help Forum.

I asked bungie help Forum and Twitter but they ignored me.

I'm stumped.

Game disc Asia
AFAIK, the dlc needs to be the same region as your disc. Your PSN account's region doesn't matter. For example, I bought from the US PSN, so I need to buy the DLC from US PSN. I play from my Indian account, no problems.
Down to doing daily Heroics at lvl 28, collecting shards, messing around a bit with lvl 24 raids (to easy). While there is still something to do, this game is sadly dying for me, i would like to raid but i simply can't be arsed to go outside the game and try to get a raid going. This is simply the one place where Bungie did the biggest fuckup with this game. Provide an ingame access to 6 man raids that works.
"Nono the raid is to hard fo randoms.." then find a way teach n00bs how to play the raid, make it a Bounty and provide the needed training grounds before opening up access to the raid.
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RNG is truly mocking my second raid piece, and they're gauntlets. So all that grinding in IB for nothing.
Also got Atheon's Epilogue, a second Corrective Measure and Plan-C (two separate raids). So not bad I guess. I'm hoping to do the hard raid to get either a chest piece or helmet so that I can finally hit 30.
I'm more or less in your situation. My main issue with the Raid is the time investment. I don't wanna spent hours of game frustration with random people. Time is already an issue with high-level strikes. You can't just continue the next day or in the case of the solo Nightfalls you throw away an hour of game effort with some bad luck against the boss. That game design is the anti thesis of Halo.

Now I mostly play it to play with different weapons and max them(close to impossible).
When you do the raid often, you meet a lot of people that are willing to do the raid whenever. I've built a pretty good friends list this way and now it's not that hard to find people to do the raid or nightfall. Plus it helps when you're a high level because you get invites at the tower fairly often.
Earlier tonight, I beat the nightfall and raid (on normal) in less than 1.5hrs.

With a mostly experienced group, the normal raid takes like 1.5hrs tops, so it's not so bad. But I felt the same way before.
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Down to doing daily Heroics at lvl 28, collecting shards, messing around a bit with lvl 24 raids (to easy). While there is still something to do, this game is sadly dying for me, i would like to raid but i simply can't be arsed to go outside the game and try to get a raid going. This is simply the one place where Bungie did the biggest fuckup with this game. Provide an ingame access to 6 man raids that works.
"Nono the raid is to hard fo randoms.." then find a way teach n00bs how to play the raid, make it a Bounty and provide the needed training grounds before opening up access to the raid.

I used to feel that way but quite frankly there's little difference in difficulty between using (or .com, .com seems the better site to me but net is a lot more popular) and matchmaking. I still would rather matchmaking for the raid, but it's no biggie anymore. Why dont you try it? You dont have to sign up for anything.

Typically I go on there, scan for an already existing group that needs 1-3 more members, shoot them a short note with my level, GT, and hey I'm ready, and I usually hear the invite sound on my Xbox within 30 seconds.

Especially I have noticed myself in demand when I dress in my 30 armor (which I always do for hard). For hard raids 30's are in demand and 29's are less desirable.

Sure you get in some bad groups or whatever, but for the most part it works well.
Is there any advantage to increasing Vanguard rank or Cryptarch rank? It says you can unlock better gear if you level up, but that doesn't seem to be the case. My VG rank is like 11 and my CR is like 23, and I still have the same shit choices from the Quartermaster and my engrams still decode into turds.
They shadow nerfed it early October. Until then I got most of my weapons through leveling rewards. These days I either get just blues, shards/energy/coin/motes and a few pointless armor.
Is there any advantage to increasing Vanguard rank or Cryptarch rank? It says you can unlock better gear if you level up, but that doesn't seem to be the case. My VG rank is like 11 and my CR is like 23, and I still have the same shit choices from the Quartermaster and my engrams still decode into turds.

Dunno, I too thought maybe it gave you better chances for things like blues to decode into legendaries.

I think my cryptarch is like level 30 though on my main.

They give you postmaster packages that are nice though. And those also give you experience. Heck I remember one lucky time I got three legendary weapons from one postmaster drop.

People say this game is stingy with loot, there are times I've gone back an forth between cryptarch and postmaster like a pingpong, loot, vanguard level, loot, cryptarch level, more loot..heh.

When you get to true endgame, experience will be almost more valuable to you than anything else, because you're basically doing a lot of leveling up weapons and sometimes armor. Hence if I do a daily story mission these days, it'll be for the 7500XP, not the mats. I have tons of ascendant mats. Approaching 100 shards.
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I think I figured out a "new" VoG strategy for my role. Of course I'm sure many players already knew this...

For Atheon, my loadout needs to include IB, because that's what you go in the bubble and pound Atheon with, and it's too hard to switch in the heat of battle when you only have 20 seconds of Time's Vengeance or whatever. However, when I go portals, I never grab the relic (since I just dont have experience with it). So mostly I just shoot oracles with VoC, which works well enough. However I realized it would be really helpful for the relic holder, if I throw a couple rockets down at the ads real quick before I start hitting oracles. Everybody talks about Gallahorn a lot in the raid, but again since I need IB equipped for this phase, that wont work. So...Hezen's Vengeance it is. That has a 3 round mag. I have a void launcher that might be better for the Praetorian, but's only a 1 mag. I use VoC mostly for Supplicants I find it works best. So Voc, IB, Hezen's, ideal loadout for Atheon I think.

Another VoG tip for confluxes, pointed out to me by another player, was use your super a lot. Once my super is charged I tend to "save" it for a tough moment/pratorian. A lot of times I just end up not using it much. Use it. Even on low level ads if need be. Because this will cause more orbs to drop, that other players pick up, and if everybody does this a lot more supers will get used, the section will be easier, and there's less chance in general of anybody dying. These type of strategies really come out only in hard mode.

Oh and btw, there definitely appears to be a new "green" elemental type of weapon damage coming in the DLC.
In VoG, I use VoC / Final Rest II (void) / either Corrective Measure or Unfriendly Giant (void). I quickly switch to Icebreaker to take down the gatekeeper, then I switch back to FRII when I guard the plates (or I keep Icebreaker if I have to go in the portal). At Atheon, I switch back to Icebreaker. I would prefer to use Praedyth's Revenge at Atheon, but Icebreaker just saves me from using synthesis.

VoC works great for oracles, but damn can it be tiring on your trigger finger. The auto mode jams up too much that I just press the trigger any way. I think I'm gonna start using AE for oracles at Atheon now, once I fully upgrade it.
AE sucks :)

I doubt you'll find it hits hard enough. Maybe I'm wrong. But VoC has oracle disupter too, and hits way harder/more DPS, I think it's much better for oracles. I have 300 versions of them both, never touch AE anymore. Although I've considered using them to take shields off Prats and then go to fusion. That'd be the only possible usefulness I see.

Also not sure why you'd want pradeyth's, it hits like literally HALF as hard as IB (granted my comparison was probably 260 PR vs 300 IB, still). If you want a great stability, fast shooting sniper for Atheon DPS, just use Patience and Time, it's much closer to IB's impact (though still less).

Personally screwing around with ammo with other snipers is just too annoying for me. Although I do feel P&T if used properly could possibly put more DPS on Atheon than IB, so I want to investigate this (only tried it once, and my P&T wasn't 300 yet). Overall it's usually just easier to use IB though, like I said no worries with having to pop an ammo synth and stuff, nothing to think about. Also reloads are an underrated time waster. Yeah P&T can put six shots on Atheon quicker than IB, but then you have to sit through a lengthy reload before you can get any more shots, where IB doesn't. Plus, if your group starts wiping, which is very possible in Atheon/hard mode, the game is going to start taking your newly synthed P&T ammo, one more thing to worry about.

I would love a good void Fusion for Prats.

I need to do a few tests that have been percolating in my mind:

Light Beware against Praterion Foil for damage. See if PF is markedly harder hitting.

Test the impact of intellect/non intellect armor builds on how fast my super charges, perhaps with and without killing ads (though the latter will be really hard to control for)

And there's at least one more test I wanted to do that I cant remember...

Void strike this week. I feel pretty well equipped between Zombie, AE, and Preadyth's all void. It's only arc stuff I lack really, mostly Fatebringer and an arc heavy.

I saw this guy on reddit showing off his loadout for any strike burn, he has all 300's in every slot for every damage modifier.
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I think I figured out a "new" VoG strategy for my role. Of course I'm sure many players already knew this...

For Atheon, my loadout needs to include IB, because that's what you go in the bubble and pound Atheon with, and it's too hard to switch in the heat of battle when you only have 20 seconds of Time's Vengeance or whatever. However, when I go portals, I never grab the relic (since I just dont have experience with it). So mostly I just shoot oracles with VoC, which works well enough. However I realized it would be really helpful for the relic holder, if I throw a couple rockets down at the ads real quick before I start hitting oracles. Everybody talks about Gallahorn a lot in the raid, but again since I need IB equipped for this phase, that wont work. So...Hezen's Vengeance it is. That has a 3 round mag. I have a void launcher that might be better for the Praetorian, but's only a 1 mag. I use VoC mostly for Supplicants I find it works best. So Voc, IB, Hezen's, ideal loadout for Atheon I think.

Another VoG tip for confluxes, pointed out to me by another player, was use your super a lot. Once my super is charged I tend to "save" it for a tough moment/pratorian. A lot of times I just end up not using it much. Use it. Even on low level ads if need be. Because this will cause more orbs to drop, that other players pick up, and if everybody does this a lot more supers will get used, the section will be easier, and there's less chance in general of anybody dying. These type of strategies really come out only in hard mode.

Oh and btw, there definitely appears to be a new "green" elemental type of weapon damage coming in the DLC.

Switch your Ice breaker for Praedyth's Revenge. You'll get a lot more damage by doing that. Ice breaker gets off around 9 shots inside the bubble (and this is max, capped due to refill time of ice breaker).

with Praedyth's Revenge, I manage around 18+ shots.

9 shots amount to ~12840*9 = about 115k.
18 shots of praedyth's revenge ~7826*18= about 140k.

Just a note, Gjallahorn hits Atheon for ~28k.
Initial hit is 12006+3780 there are 8 wolfpack rounds each hitting for 556 + 1112

so 12006 +3780 + 8*(556+1112)= 29130 damage.

Other rocket launchers manage ~ 13k per shot or so, so keep that in mind.

Also, I can confirm that for primaries hitting oracles, AE is hands down better than VoC. Period.

I also confirmed these numbers with something to add to it.

                     VoC    AE     FB     TP
Normal               297    61     502    81
Oracle               235    61     335    81
Capacity             27     70     13     42

Unload Time          8.8s   4.7s   6.0s   4.9s
Reload Time          1.7s   1.4s   2.0s   2.0s

Oracle Burst         721    908    725    694
Oracle Sustained     604    700    544    493

So it's clear that AE beats all other Raid Primaries by a very significant margin.

AE crits Atheon for I think ~380 or so IIRC, about a 6.25x multiplier. (1.25 headshot multiplier * 5x Time's vengeance), so AE can sustain ~4300 damage per second (AE shoots for 15 sots per second or around 1 shot per 2 frames). So if you run out of ammo it's not a bad idea to just mow Atheon down with AE.
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As one who just recently acquired Atheon's Epilogue, I support these posts.

Question: Does the Titan bubble shield damage perk stack with the Time's Vengeance damage perk?
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As one who just recently acquired Atheon's Epilogue, I support these posts.

Question: Does the Titan bubble shield damage perk stack with the Time's Vengeance damage perk?

Yes, IIRC Weapon of Light doesn't work with Rocket launchers and Time's Vengeance doesn't work with Hunter Golden Guns though.
So AE is supposedly best for oracles, though I dont know if I believe the redditors numbers as truthful since he seems biased and wants AE to be better. So who knows if he fudged the numbers a bit.

I dont usually see trouble with bringing oracles down and since VoC is so much better than Ae everywhere else, has better range etc I'll stick with it. I'm not one for switching weapons mid phase. And VoC is great for Supplicants.

The PR thing is very interesting and worth investigating, but I'm still kinda skeptical. First off the damage isn't that different, second it requires you to crit 18 times. Atheon is often moving around or I just miss. Or am late to the bubble. I'm probably a lot likelier to get around 6 solid IB shots in than anything.

But like I said why not go with P&T if you're going with a non-IB sniper?

It seems from that reddit you linked Praetorian Foil is best for oracles. However this creates big loadout problems as it obviously takes your sniper slot. And switching from PF to a sniper to DPS Atheon is going to cause ammo issues. Either IB will start regening from zero, or it'll halve your normal sniper ammo, etc. (besides that I'm slow at switching weaps, it's going to waste time etc). You really IMO need one loadout per phase.
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Just ran my first char of the week through hard. Granted no confluxes, Oracle checkpoint. Took about 35 minutes Maybe.

Course it was all 30's I suppose, looking back.

People are getting so good there's no reason to do normal raid anymore imo. This hard raid only thing should allow me to save loads of time.

Got Vex Mythoclast, which I'm not super jazzed about post nerf, but I shall homework it to see if it's still good. But at least I finally got another one of those fewer and fewer elusive guns I've heard a lot about but never had. Still lacking my "wanted big 3" of Fatebringer, Corrective Measure, and Thunderlord though.

Also got a raid chest and boots. The boots are discipline/strength I think, hey at least it's not all strength. I think the chest was another all strength roll that plagues me. Chest's seem predisposed to strength though. Anyways the boots are nice cause now I've officially got two 30's once I level it. Need one more boots. All in all a pretty good raid lootwise. Oh and I got that Aspect of Glass thing (ship) which looks OK.

Bungie seriously needs to give us more storage space.

There is a TON of people on destiny LFG even at 12-1AM. Perhaps it's the holiday week, but I'm not seeing this game losing any popularity.
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So AE is supposedly best for oracles, though I dont know if I believe the redditors numbers as truthful since he seems biased and wants AE to be better. So who knows if he fudged the numbers a bit.

I dont usually see trouble with bringing oracles down and since VoC is so much better than Ae everywhere else, has better range etc I'll stick with it. I'm not one for switching weapons mid phase. And VoC is great for Supplicants.

The PR thing is very interesting and worth investigating, but I'm still kinda skeptical. First off the damage isn't that different, second it requires you to crit 18 times. Atheon is often moving around or I just miss. Or am late to the bubble. I'm probably a lot likelier to get around 6 solid IB shots in than anything.

But like I said why not go with P&T if you're going with a non-IB sniper?

It seems from that reddit you linked Praetorian Foil is best for oracles. However this creates big loadout problems as it obviously takes your sniper slot. And switching from PF to a sniper to DPS Atheon is going to cause ammo issues. Either IB will start regening from zero, or it'll halve your normal sniper ammo, etc. (besides that I'm slow at switching weaps, it's going to waste time etc). You really IMO need one loadout per phase.

Nah, I have all 4 weapons and tested their damage against oracles/reload times. They're pretty accurate.

Next issue is PR. What PR actually does is it allows you to still do significant damage as a sniper, and still allow you to equip an exotic of your choice. (which is why you don't equip P&T.

So what really happens for me is that I equip AE, PR, and Gjallahorn. AE is used for downing oracles, supplicants, so I don't have to waste special/heavy ammo.

Next, when fighting Atheon, current hard raid teams basically kill him in 2 rounds. 3 is for the weak :p
I fire 7 rounds of Gjallahorn one time, and as many PRs as possible the next time. There's simply no need to refill ammo.
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I dunno, you're a lot better than me, but for me my opinion is AE is pretty much just garbage. It's weak, it has poor stability. In regular PVE forget taking down any mid-bosses with it. But that's just my opinion maybe it needs revisiting as I shelved the weapon a long time ago.

Yeah these hard teams are getting crazy good. Normal must be a joke these days. It's not even really much of a challenge, except for confluxes sometimes imo. Time for Dark Below I guess :)

2nd char raid haul, I think 2 or 3 more raid gear I dont even remember, but I did get the boots again so once I level everything I'll officially have 3 30's. And I got another helmet to. I must have 12-15 raid gear now plus exotics, it's getting just crazy how much sheer crap I have. I think I have 5-6 raid chest armor now.

Also got Praedyth's Timepiece. Which I note Strange doesn't have in his Atheon loadout so it must not be that good :) STILL missing all the big 3. Must have damn near everything else by now.

Like I have time to investigate let alone level 90% of this crap...

Skribbles, do you just have one char? There's absolutely no way imo you can run the hard raid much and not be getting significant raid gear. It drops a lot. I think 5 pieces in my two runs tonight.

I see that hard might be more of a problem for a 29 though, kinda a catch 22 there.

"I fire 7 rounds of Gjallahorn one time, and as many PRs as possible the next time. There's simply no need to refill ammo."

Where do you fire the Gallahorn from?

Your strat sounds like probably a level of min-max above where I'm at. And may ever get to, with DB coming.

The PR reasoning makes sense.

I was getting 17k+ crits with IB +weapons of light this time. So I sometimes question the need for Gallahorn.

Edit: oh, just realized Praedyth's TP is a arc primary legendary. Much more jazzed about it now, that'll help next arc strike.

Last raid of the week: Got more boots and another helmet, and another Vex Myth...

So lots of gear this week, which is the most important thing. But on the bad side still not those weapons I want.

Now I'm free to just do fun stuff like nightfalls and leveling the rest of the week.

Getting a tiny bored tho. I'm thinking it might be best to just cut back to doing everything on two chars instead of 3. The problem is I know it will be hard for me to do mentally without actually DELETING that third char. As long as he's sitting there I'll want to use him.
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