I dunno, you're a lot better than me, but for me my opinion is AE is pretty much just garbage. It's weak, it has poor stability. In regular PVE forget taking down any mid-bosses with it. But that's just my opinion maybe it needs revisiting as I shelved the weapon a long time ago.
Yeah these hard teams are getting crazy good. Normal must be a joke these days. It's not even really much of a challenge, except for confluxes sometimes imo. Time for Dark Below I guess
2nd char raid haul, I think 2 or 3 more raid gear I dont even remember, but I did get the boots again so once I level everything I'll officially have 3 30's. And I got another helmet to. I must have 12-15 raid gear now plus exotics, it's getting just crazy how much sheer crap I have. I think I have 5-6 raid chest armor now.
Also got Praedyth's Timepiece. Which I note Strange doesn't have in his Atheon loadout so it must not be that good

STILL missing all the big 3. Must have damn near everything else by now.
Like I have time to investigate let alone level 90% of this crap...
Skribbles, do you just have one char? There's absolutely no way imo you can run the hard raid much and not be getting significant raid gear. It drops a lot. I think 5 pieces in my two runs tonight.
I see that hard might be more of a problem for a 29 though, kinda a catch 22 there.
"I fire 7 rounds of Gjallahorn one time, and as many PRs as possible the next time. There's simply no need to refill ammo."
Where do you fire the Gallahorn from?
Your strat sounds like probably a level of min-max above where I'm at. And may ever get to, with DB coming.
The PR reasoning makes sense.
I was getting 17k+ crits with IB +weapons of light this time. So I sometimes question the need for Gallahorn.
Edit: oh, just realized Praedyth's TP is a arc primary legendary. Much more jazzed about it now, that'll help next arc strike.
Last raid of the week: Got more boots and another helmet, and another Vex Myth...
So lots of gear this week, which is the most important thing. But on the bad side still not those weapons I want.
Now I'm free to just do fun stuff like nightfalls and leveling the rest of the week.
Getting a tiny bored tho. I'm thinking it might be best to just cut back to doing everything on two chars instead of 3. The problem is I know it will be hard for me to do mentally without actually DELETING that third char. As long as he's sitting there I'll want to use him.