Seems awfully terrible, if your gear doesn't drop you just never ever get to 30. I don't know any way around that. What is the minimal level requirement to do Dark below raid? And also are you sure the strike missions in DLC do not give you enough light to get you to 30 without raiding antheon?
No not sure at all. Just a guess on my part.
Maybe they can do more Iron Banner type events to help people get 30.
Dont see how strikes will do it...
I'm assuming minimum level for DB raid will be maybe 28, with 30 being where you're not at a disadvantage.
Doing some HM raiding tonight since I'm all through with normal, so far have got Praetorian Foil, which seems pretty rare, and a raid helm, which is....a strength only roll, LOL. Oh well at this point I barely care what the stat roll is, just gunning for 30 on all chars...oh and got the raid sparrow that's kind of superfluous but eh.
I guess I should preorder the DLC for that trick sparrow...except I dont really give a shit, I'm not 18 anymore, and thus doing "sweet" barrel rolls in a video game isn't a source of great amusement to me, LOL.
I dont see how PF should be that much better than my Light Beware, by the stats it has slightly more impact but also a slightly slower charge time so it seems about even (but I'm not sure if you can compare stats across weapons??). it's also solar rather than a preferable void (my LB is arc though, so no victor there)...anyways we'll see. And joy, yet another gun to priority level up...I haven't even got my Gallahorn close to 300 yet! I'll probably rather level my PF than finishing my LB to 300.
And yeah skribbles, CM sunds awesome I want it bad. 43 mag on my Zombie Apocalypse! I only use it cus it's 300 and my only void MG
Did have a funny raid anecdote though, I was with a group and we got a bit bogged down, somebody left because it was late. So after a solid 15-20 minutes delay, we got another guy off DestinyLFG. This guy though, was extremely drunk. It was pretty hilarious things devolved pretty fast, and he kept going on about some "hobgoblin in the back" that was apparently supposedly spawning behind him and causing his routine deaths. And yeah, as things devolved the other guys just ran with it and it became a joke catchphrase "hey guys, I'm just gonna warn you now before we start, there's a hobgoblin in the back" and "Damnit, we could have got it that time except for the damn hobgoblin in the back!" "getting the hobgoblin in the back is key!" And so forth and so on. Things really went to shit and the guy ended up cussing us out (I think it was mostly in good fun) and everybody left but it was pretty funny.
Man I really lack boots. I have this theoretical lineup right this second:
Char 1 Exotic helm, raid boots, raid gloves, raid chest
Char 2 raid helm. exotic gloves, raid chest
char 3 exotic helm, raid chest, raid gloves
Just need two sets of boots for all 30. Damnit Iron I have to play RNG roulette for them...
Edit: Just got another helm, this one is Intellect/disc so I'll level it...
Hard raid doesn't seem too bad anymore. In fact, we 5-manned Gatekeepers and Atheon in my 2nd run of the night because somebody had to go. Definitely think I will be running hard raid only going forward to consolidate and save time.