Hmm, maybe that should have been my strategy...I think it's too late for me as it ends soomn right?
First, to be clear, I leveled up quickly, but I was strictly playing IB the past few days. I just made rank 4 after grinding hard for 3 days and got the gauntlets and boots. If you do the same, you might make level 4 before it ends. I believe your rank carries over when it returns, so it's not all lost if you don't make it.
About how long did it take you to get rank 3 and how often where you winning skribbles?
At first I wasn't winning often because I was always stuck on the shitty teams... usually every 2-5 matches I would win. I started playing with 3-5 others in a fireteam and they brought to my attention that when 5-6 level 29/30s join IB in a fireteam, they usually mop the floor with randoms because the fireteams are all on one team and are probably on coms. I started paying attention to the other players to see if they're in a fireteam and I started winning more often. If you're in a game with a 6 player fireteam with level 29s and 30s, I would quit and join a different group.
But even if you play with randoms, it completely depends on how good the group is. Sometimes I can have a 3+ K
ratio, and other times I'm below 1:1. My last time playing, I think I led my team 4-5 matches in a row and we won every time. My best round was 28 kills.
What kind of matches are in IB? I only played one and it was domination typ mode, and took a long time, like 15 minutes. If I understand correctly and you only get 25 experience per win, and maybe 20 per loss, you need 6k experience to hit IB rank 4 to buy both armor, it'd take forever. I get there's bounties, but any bounty like "head shot ten dudes" I'd probably never get. I should have looked more closely at the bounties...
I know there's experience buffs like those tempers, but again not sure how much they contribute.
Do you think I could get to level 4 in maybe 10 hours of play?
IB is strictly control. And yeah, each match takes like 10-15min.
Do bounties, and as soon as possible, equip the IB emblem and wear the IB shader. I believe each piece gives you a 10% boost. And I think even the nightfall XP boost applies to this too, but I'm not too sure.
You can also buy this coin thing with a mote of light that increases your progress and lasts 12 hours.
For weapons, my favorite combo is:
Suros, Praedyth's Revenge, Corrective Measure.
I have all 3 of those maxed out. Suros with it's decent impact, range and perfect stability make it a headshot magnet. Praedyth's Revenge with it's high fire-rate and great stability make it great at range. CM is an absolute BEAST with its 100 bullet mag, great stability and high fire-rate. If I get heavy weapon ammo, I can usually get at least 2-4 kills in a row.
I use my Warlock and sunsinger subclass. I absolutely love using the solar grenades (which kinda makes me sad because I'm probably gonna have to give-up using the sunbreaker gauntlets for the IB ones). In my last play time, I was holding zones with 2-3 guys rushing in on me by myself with my super and solar grenades. When I see them coming on the radar, I toss a grenade and finish them off with my melee. If I die, I revive myself and spam grenades/melee attacks. It was an absolute blast, probably because we kept winning.
Playing IB was A LOT more rewarding for me than the raid lately. I finally got 2 level 30 pieces, and I was also rewarded Timur's Lash twice (IB hand cannon).
Some random tips from playing over a 100hrs of crucible/IB:
-When you hear a blade dancer activate their super... run.
-At the beginning of a match, try not to group up and all go to the closest zone. When the entire team groups up and tries to capture zones, they usually lose. I usually go for the second closest zone at the beginning of a match and hope at least 1 person joins me.
-Personally I like to focus on holding 2 zones. If we have two zones held, I stay at the zone with fewer people and just try to defend it. Or if I see one of our zones being taken, I will go and help to defend. I don't bother running off and trying to take the third zone. Only when we're losing will I try to go and capture a zone.
I'm by no means a PVP expert, but that's how I found the most success.