Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

I've had MMT for a while. It's good for low level enemies, but I find it not very effective in higher level PVE. It's pretty good overall, but hardly worth an exotic slot if you have something better. It has a high rate of fire, good stability, radar stays active when you ADS, it will fire with a light press of the trigger (not very noticeable IMO); but the impact just seems a bit weak in higher level PVE. Or maybe it's just that the sound it makes when it fires makes it seem weak. That's just my 0.02. Some people seem to love it.

Been playing a lot of iron banner lately and got up to rank 3 pretty quickly. Finally have some level 30 gear! No thanks to the raid! I should be able to rank up to 4 so that I can buy the gauntlets too.
Hmm, maybe that should have been my strategy...I think it's too late for me as it ends soomn right?

About how long did it take you to get rank 3 and how often where you winning skribbles?

What kind of matches are in IB? I only played one and it was domination typ mode, and took a long time, like 15 minutes. If I understand correctly and you only get 25 experience per win, and maybe 20 per loss, you need 6k experience to hit IB rank 4 to buy both armor, it'd take forever. I get there's bounties, but any bounty like "head shot ten dudes" I'd probably never get. I should have looked more closely at the bounties...

I know there's experience buffs like those tempers, but again not sure how much they contribute.

Do you think I could get to level 4 in maybe 10 hours of play?

At least the IB gear is guaranteed to not be all strength...I like that.
Well, I guess I'll pass on MMT too. I have plenty of guns that rock low level enemies. I need some that rock high level enemies.
I'm kinda leaning toward passing too now. I can give Suros to one alt and it'll be effectively the same...Vision seems to be the better scout, plus it has the flexibility of a legendary.

Edit: Man I'm pissed, between some connection issues and trying to find my footing and such, and the game gypping me, I lost about 5 hours tonight trying to do the IB 2.0.

Thing is I REALLY liked the idea of grinding the game in a different way, and EARNING 30 gear, once I tried it.

But the game just choose to give me no medallions for losses sometimes, then inexplicably gave me no rep after about an hour playtime session .4 matches, 3 losses one of which it gave me no medallion for for no reason that I can tell, then the last one a win. I went to go check my progress at the vendor, nothing, I was still at the 81 rep rank 1 I was at prior to the session, but the two medallions were gone from my inventory. WTF. 4 matches and an hour down the drain, I gave up. I have no idea why it was doing this to me, anybody know?

I gave up after that, but like I said I kinda love the concept. I might jump on the next event earlier.
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Hmm, maybe that should have been my strategy...I think it's too late for me as it ends soomn right?
First, to be clear, I leveled up quickly, but I was strictly playing IB the past few days. I just made rank 4 after grinding hard for 3 days and got the gauntlets and boots. If you do the same, you might make level 4 before it ends. I believe your rank carries over when it returns, so it's not all lost if you don't make it.

About how long did it take you to get rank 3 and how often where you winning skribbles?
At first I wasn't winning often because I was always stuck on the shitty teams... usually every 2-5 matches I would win. I started playing with 3-5 others in a fireteam and they brought to my attention that when 5-6 level 29/30s join IB in a fireteam, they usually mop the floor with randoms because the fireteams are all on one team and are probably on coms. I started paying attention to the other players to see if they're in a fireteam and I started winning more often. If you're in a game with a 6 player fireteam with level 29s and 30s, I would quit and join a different group.
But even if you play with randoms, it completely depends on how good the group is. Sometimes I can have a 3+ K:D ratio, and other times I'm below 1:1. My last time playing, I think I led my team 4-5 matches in a row and we won every time. My best round was 28 kills.

What kind of matches are in IB? I only played one and it was domination typ mode, and took a long time, like 15 minutes. If I understand correctly and you only get 25 experience per win, and maybe 20 per loss, you need 6k experience to hit IB rank 4 to buy both armor, it'd take forever. I get there's bounties, but any bounty like "head shot ten dudes" I'd probably never get. I should have looked more closely at the bounties...

I know there's experience buffs like those tempers, but again not sure how much they contribute.

Do you think I could get to level 4 in maybe 10 hours of play?
IB is strictly control. And yeah, each match takes like 10-15min.
Do bounties, and as soon as possible, equip the IB emblem and wear the IB shader. I believe each piece gives you a 10% boost. And I think even the nightfall XP boost applies to this too, but I'm not too sure.
You can also buy this coin thing with a mote of light that increases your progress and lasts 12 hours.

For weapons, my favorite combo is:
Suros, Praedyth's Revenge, Corrective Measure.

I have all 3 of those maxed out. Suros with it's decent impact, range and perfect stability make it a headshot magnet. Praedyth's Revenge with it's high fire-rate and great stability make it great at range. CM is an absolute BEAST with its 100 bullet mag, great stability and high fire-rate. If I get heavy weapon ammo, I can usually get at least 2-4 kills in a row.

I use my Warlock and sunsinger subclass. I absolutely love using the solar grenades (which kinda makes me sad because I'm probably gonna have to give-up using the sunbreaker gauntlets for the IB ones). In my last play time, I was holding zones with 2-3 guys rushing in on me by myself with my super and solar grenades. When I see them coming on the radar, I toss a grenade and finish them off with my melee. If I die, I revive myself and spam grenades/melee attacks. It was an absolute blast, probably because we kept winning. :D

Playing IB was A LOT more rewarding for me than the raid lately. I finally got 2 level 30 pieces, and I was also rewarded Timur's Lash twice (IB hand cannon).

Some random tips from playing over a 100hrs of crucible/IB:
-When you hear a blade dancer activate their super... run.
-At the beginning of a match, try not to group up and all go to the closest zone. When the entire team groups up and tries to capture zones, they usually lose. I usually go for the second closest zone at the beginning of a match and hope at least 1 person joins me.
-Personally I like to focus on holding 2 zones. If we have two zones held, I stay at the zone with fewer people and just try to defend it. Or if I see one of our zones being taken, I will go and help to defend. I don't bother running off and trying to take the third zone. Only when we're losing will I try to go and capture a zone.

I'm by no means a PVP expert, but that's how I found the most success.
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While building up my alternative character I went back to the old Stranger's rifle from storage which I skipped back then quickly as I got it too "late". This would have been a nice weapon with legendary specs. It made me realize why I actually enjoyed Pulse rifles a lot in my first run. Quite effective against all kinds of Hive.

BTW, about the current Nightfall. Played through the Heroic28 version yesterday and wondered if the Nightfall is significantly worse?
That's a lot of good tips Skribbles. But I think it's too late now. I have maybe one 6-8 hour block of time left available to play this week. That's not enough to rank up and I dont want to waste yet more time now.

If I hadn't wasted friggen 5 hours tonight to end up with less than 200 IB rep...

I dont know what the hell was going on why it kept not giving me rep, I dont want to just blame "bugs" cus I feel like there had to be a reason.

I think the first time I didn't get rep a couple times it was because like a complete idiot I was choosing the "rumble" playlist and not IB and not realizing it.

But the last session, where I lost about an hour progress, I'm really confuzzled on. But that was the last straw.

Like I said, it was a real breath of fresh air though. Besides whatever was causing me to not get rep of course.

And no I was not wearing a different faction class item.

The only possible things I can surmise are:

For the couple times losing my first match gave me no medallion, well maybe you only get a medallion from the 2nd match on?

For the time I lost an hour, maybe because I backed out of matchmaking between matches or something? Maybe you have to play a certain number of matches in a row before it credits you or something? I cant see how, though, and where did my 2 medallions that were clearly in my inventory go? Just disappeared?

You say IB will come back, are you sure? And will it be useful again? AKA by then, they will need to be selling 32 gear.

It kinda sucks I have Suros and all but it's 260. Same with Praedyths Revenge, although it might have 1 or two upgrades. Oh and I also started the IB on one of my alts that I rushed to 20, one that DOESNT have any of the bladedancer tree filled out. By the time I realized this/that bladdancer looks good in PVP, I had already invested enough IB time in him I didn't want to switch (even 181 rep when it took you 3 hrs to earn through stops and starts and figuring out the basics).

I wish I had started and dedicated to it early in the week.
just keep restarting the matchmaking a few times until destiny take ages to find player. It will match the game with easy player. dunno why. its been like that since the start
I played one PvP match a while back for an exotic bounty. It was horrible. Never again. I have zero interest in PvP.
I played one PvP match a while back for an exotic bounty. It was horrible. Never again. I have zero interest in PvP.
Wha....! I love the MP, its so damn fun with all levelled up characters and their varied grenades and Supers.

BTW, I come back to Destiny after a conscious break and did the RAID last night. it was my first time and.....WOW ! I felt like I was in LOTR and Interstellar together :D ! So much fun and required all of us to work together like crazy ! Awesome ! Two of us knew everything about it and the other 4 including me were first timers, we took around 4 or 5 hours to do it, I think and boy am I a happy gamer ! It felt like following Gandalf into a completely unknown adventure ! Last night was fantastic ! I hereby proclaim I will not buy any shooter which does not have a RAID in it :cool: ! Hmm uh !

oh, and I got Atheon's Epilogue and Hezen;s Vengeance while at it. no Raid gear though ! Also got lots shards, but I don't want to spend the shards on non-raid gear. A friend was showered with rewards and guns including Vision of Confluence which made us a ll go "Wooooooooo!" while he had no idea it was that good :p !
5 hours? omg... how can you guys stand playing that long?

i usually stopped mid-way if the teammates take too long. 30 minutes taking a lunch or a bath. then continue if they still have open slot or not.
^ It was our first time, obviously we didn't know anything about it. Thats what was most fun, discovering everything. 4-5 hours includes a 30 mins dinner break. We conciously avoided people who had played it before. We were going to take only one regular raider along, but then took two as one guy didn't show up.
I know groups that took eight days to crack it the first time, before it became common, of course. I don't believe in watching youtube an reading up on stuff before attempting. Takes away all the fun.

Now that all the suspense is gone, next time should be 1.5 to 2 hours. Thats what we were discussing after the raid actually. !
EPIC it was ! The first time , discovering all those passages, jumps, oracles, relics, ritual etc. E-P-I-C :cool: :D !
I joined a group at the Atheon checkpoint yesterday. I got Atheon's Epilogue and what is probably the ugliest ship in the game. Was still pretty fun though.

There is no way in hell I would sit through a 5 hour raid. You can tell pretty quickly if your team is gelling and has it together.
Going into the VoG blind without a clue is an exercise in frustration imo. I read walkthroughs and watched some videos just to get some idea of how to prepare. If I went through that thing on day one, I would have quit the game and never returned. It definitely doesn't feel like a wonderfully epic adventure. So many aspects are contrived to add difficulty for no other reason than to be difficult. The raid is more of a test of perseverance and teamwork/coordination than anything else.
thats the opposite of my experience when Raiding for the first time. If i remember correctly it was like this

Huge gate stands in front of my team.
It was grand and intimidating.

As we run around like headless chicken, we found that there are 3 plates that makes funny sound when stepped on and something started to grow from it. It was a semi-transparent stuff (lets call it eclipse) that's slowly rising. "We need to protect this plate", i shouted to my fireteam.

Waves and waves of enemies keeps coming. Some enemies get to the funny plate but luckily the eclipse keeps growing. Suddenly a Terminator comes and make the eclipsed turned to red and shrinking. As soon as the Terminator-Vex dead, it grows again.

"Guys! dont let the Terminator capture it" shouted my friend.

Now we know that Terminator is the only Vex that can stop the plate from growing. Now we protect it like mad and throw RPG at Terminator like there is no tomorrow.

Finally the spire thingy was formed, we hear grandiose sound effect and the gate opens.

Huge gate stands behind me.
It was grand and intimidating.

Surprisingly, Dinklebot said nothing although he was very curious about Vault of Glass in previous mission (Ishtar Archive with Dr. Shim).

"Holy **** thats one big-ass Terminator!" i shouted.
But it was no Terminator. It was Atheon, the last boss of Vault of Glass.

At first we were confused how to fight him but then we realized that this fight is a culmination of the strategy, technique, and gameplay we used to kill Oracles and Templar. We now get the hang of the gameplay mechanic and everything started to feel "right" but we keep getting wiped.

Something is wrong.

for some reason,
the Terminator randomly regenerating their health.
The Vex Gate randomly failed to teleport people back to Atheon room.
The Relic fails to deflect attacks.

and the most annoying is...
The Oracles randomly play-dead. It have the dead animation and effect but it is not dead. Its alive and makes us succumb to...
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Nowdays most blow through the normal raid in what, 1.5 hours? Depending of course.
Yeah, that's about how long it takes us to do normal raid. On my very first raid though, it took us probably even longer than 4 hours. But this was very early, when barely anyone knew anything about the raid and we had to figure out everything on our own.

I just beat the raid starting at the gatekeeper on Hard for the first time last night. It took us a while, but we only had 2 level 30s, and stupid glitches prevented us from beating it at least 3-4 times.

And what did I get as rewards? My FOURTH Vision of Confluence, another ship and shards. Yay! :(
I agree with orangpelupa. One would think "dinklebot" would at least tell us what the hell we should be doing in the VoG raid.
Going into the VoG blind without a clue is an exercise in frustration imo. I read walkthroughs and watched some videos just to get some idea of how to prepare. If I went through that thing on day one, I would have quit the game and never returned. It definitely doesn't feel like a wonderfully epic adventure. So many aspects are contrived to add difficulty for no other reason than to be difficult. The raid is more of a test of perseverance and teamwork/coordination than anything else.

I disagree, it does feel pretty damn awesome, at least in some parts, the first time through.

It may feel a little contrived in that they obviously wanted to force teamwork and communication, through gameplay mechanics. I dont even know if that's a bad thing though.

It definitely feels like a separate game experience to itself, different from the rest of the game, and that's a big success imo. Heck that's why just the Dark Below raid itself will be in essence tons of new content. It's almost like "raid" is a different third of the game, or something, with standard PVE, and PVP being the other thirds.

I don't see how anyone can do it in less than 4 hours the first time. One doesn't know what to do, its all discovery through trials and errors.

Not calling you guys liars but, when the raid first came out there were all these top clans and stuff racing to complete it on twitch and stuff, and the world first raid clear took over 16 hours past it's release I think (which is always funny now that people know what to do how fast average Joe's beat it). So, I have a hard time believing people could go in truly cold and beat it in 4-5 hours. If so you could have easily cleared it first in the world by 3X faster than the actual record. Or for that matter you should go do the first clear on Dark Below when it comes out :) (although I'm wondering if DB will take as long for first clear now that people are familiar with Bungie's raid tactics) I'm guessing surely many of your team members actually knew about some of the raid by osmosis.