This isn't "random". There are streaks/patterns.
Actually that's what you'd expect with random...any baseball hitter that hits .330 on the year will have games where he goes 4-4 and games where he goes 0-4.
Edit: I had a complete raid last night where I only got shards, energy, and chatterwhite. Terrible and I dont remember ever having a raid that bad before, so I'll jump on the conspiracy bandwagon and pretend it must be Bungie nerfed loot with the new patch

Actually I was trying to watch other players loot as well and that I noticed, only a couple non-materials dropped for anybody in the whole raid, one guy got a raid piece at some point and one guy got universal remote. Granted not saying I kept up with what others got perfectly.
I dont mind terribly, still ended up with like 10+ each shards and energy which will help a lot on upgrading all the tons of stuff I need to upgrade. Some guns I was one the fence about spending energy on, I now wont mind doing so. I think I have ~70 energy now so, time to spend some.
I tried the nightfall and it is pretty rough with Captains being able to one-barrage you. It wasn't that bad but I kept dying on stupid stuff and not being patient enough, so I kept my vow to not keep beating my head on it this week and gave up on it for now. I'll come back to it and if worst comes to worst group it. My new policy in general is going to be Raids before nightfall. The only problem is I had preferred to do everything (weekly, nightfall, raid) on one char, then switch to the next do all 3, etc, to minimize equipment switching. Now I'll have to come back to characters for nightfall. However, equipment switching is not that bad, so oh well.
Also, I have not really figured out a way to totally avoid switching. Even if my guys were all 30, it's pretty much a must to trade off resources and I also like to trade my ammo synths, to avoid carryin triple stock of those basically. That and I ALWAYS have certain guns or armor I am upgrading with priority, so I kind of need to switch those as well if I want to upgrade them ASAP. So yeah, evemn with all 30 armor, sadly I've realized equipment switching will never really go away for the forseeable future. The biggest problem I cant see going away would be resources. I already hate gathering them enough...I am not going to gather them for all 3 characters separately. I guess it depends on priorities too. If Bungie allows us to buy resources soon which they hinted, I can actually see a day where I DONT switch equipment though.
One way I've found to ease the resource pain is just split them up. Every so often I just go get batches of 16 of some resource, when I dont immediately need it. Try to stockpile just a bit. This way I dont get in a point where I just have to do nothing but grind that resource for a longer period, perhaps when I get 2-3 guns/armor that randomly all take the same resource to upgrade,
Anyways with the new bounty slots it was fun earlier I completed or had already saved about 7-8 bounties, turned them all in for like 30-40k experience at once, it was fun, my guns gained gained some serious upgrades in one swoop. I also used the corresponding weapon telemetries that I had for even more. Too bad I couldn't stack them with the nightfall bonus for even more. It will be fun stacking shit like that now with the ten slots.