Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Blade dancer super "R2" is great arc damage. It also have arc grenades that give crazy amount of damage over wide area.
Using the bladedancer super is pretty risky in the nightfall, because enemies are super aggressive and will melee you when you get too close. They will take you down quick if a mob of enemies all melee you. I haven't actually tried it, but personally I wouldn't attempt to use it.

The part before the boss is really the only challenging part. This is the part where a good arc rocket launcher is handy.
But once you take out the hydras and head towards that area, when you drop down, stay around that area. Don't rush in... you'll get destroyed. Stay back and slowly take enemies out with your VoC and P&T. Captains will rush you, but just jump back up top and take them out with your arc weapons. Once you take out the captains and snipers, it's really easy from there.

Yeah that's what I was afraid of that with the arc super. However if I can use it to get the Captains off me it might be useful.

I do stay back in the crevice you start in. Still getting meleed/'s kinda hard to jump back up sometimes in the heat of the moment (might have something to do with hunter jump too). I'm going to try to use that platform above to the left of the start area this time though. That looks very promising.

Hand cannons are great if you can get head shots, but I can't help thinking a good Auto Rifle is what you want for close, rushing asshole mobs. I don't have a good AR yet.

I know you don't like shotguns, but if you have it why not try Found Verdict? The one I got from the raid is arc, and it's a freaking beast up close (full auto too for extremely hairy situations). It might pair well with VoC as primary.

I have Atheons Epilogue AR maxed, but I just consider it weak. Loath to switch to it. Have Suros and Shadow Price too (AR's). Suros is almost more like a scout though imo.

It's just bad luck the Dregs have meleed me a few times, I'm sure I'll break through this time.

I don't have found verdict. I might have an arc legendary shotty in storage, I just figure if dregs get that close it's bad news anyway.
Got Praedyth's Revenge from a full-ish raid run normal tonight, no gear. Plus I think my third Hezen Vengeance, third Atheon's Epilogue, and chatterwhite.

Not sure if Revenge was the one Strange wanted so bad, i dont think so. Anyways it's a legendary void sniper so it should be super useful. I now have snipers of all three elements.

Xur doesn't have anything worthwhile this week imo. I was hoping for Achlyophage Symbiote. Well maybe The Last Word but I already have that from the raid. I now realize how people feel when Xur sells something they already had. now every Tom Dick and Harry will have what I earned dagnabbit! Lol.

I paid 175 marks for the rare sparrow, it looks nice and is a decent upgrade. Now I bought the green booster engine from Xur, it upgrades it to a legendary. And makes a cool green trail, plus it's faster longer lasting etc.. You cant shoot with it though, somebody mentioned the upgraded sparrows can strafe, I though that meant they had guns. Nope, they just can move side to side with LB/RB.

Can you apply both engines too one sparrow? I want to say I read a post by somebody that leads me to believe that.

I feel kinda proud I guess that I have so much I can afford these things, heh.
I got a rare sparrow from an engram I think, now I am considering upgrading it with a booster from Xur.... Just because there really is nothing else to spend the coins on :/
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What if you hate PvP, need to play it for some Bounties, would you buy the The Last Word? I hoped the Suros would pop up because I've always missed it the weeks it was there..
but then if you get VoC or some other legendary primary with elemental damage, TLW become unused (because exotic will be used on Heavy or Special)
Beat the nightfall solo with my other two characters. Got 6 strange coins the first time and young akahamara spine (exotic hunter gauntlets) second.

The only way I could use the gauntlets is if I somehow picked up the raid helmet before I got another exotic helm (since i already have 2 exotic helms). then I could theoretically end up in a situation to use it to complete a build to 30 for one of my alts. Since I dont hard raid much lately, and Xur should be selling Symbiote again soon enough, this seems fairly unlikely. Still, cool to see an exotic drop.

It's also odd that on my first playthrough the adds stayed alive after Archon died, during the 30 second mission end timer. In fact they killed me with arc damage when I came out from under the platform unprepared. Same thing happened in datto's vid of the nightfall this week. I still got the Crypt Dweller SR1 (loot), experience bonus, head on fire, etc, so I'm sure it didn't effect anything, but it's still a weird feeling. But the 2 times I beat it this morning, the adds disappeared when Archon died like they're supposed to. So I'm thinking it was something fixed with their server maintenance. Or just a bug...

I am getting too much crap. Ran out of storage space tonight for guns at one point. 20 exotics and legendaries were stored. I still have some room with remaining slots on all 3 characters, but I suppose it wont last forever. Sooner or later I'm gonna have to start sharding some legendary weapons I suppose. Heck if I get a 4th Atheon's or Hezens, those'll be easy decisions to shard since there's no possible way they could be useful when you already have 3. I will never upgrade 60% of this crap anyway. It would be cool if Bungie gave us more storage space soon to go with the more bounty slots.
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What if you hate PvP, need to play it for some Bounties, would you buy the The Last Word? I hoped the Suros would pop up because I've always missed it the weeks it was there..
I wouldn't waste coins on the Last Word. It's not very good, mainly because of the lack of range and shallow magazine. The Devil You Know and Lord High Fixer are much more useful in my experience.

Anyway, I was disappointed with the weapon Xur is selling, but at least I snagged Armamentarium for my Titan. An extra grenade and additional heavy ammo will be very useful.
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Finished my first normal raid today (was a continuation of the unfinished raid earlier in the week). In total, I got energy, Found Verdict, leg armor, chest armor, and a chatter white shader. Not too bad a haul I guess, but I would have really liked to get some good weapons.
FFS, everyone's getting armor but me. I got shit all in my last two raids. At least before I was getting weapons. 7 weapons, 7+ chatterwhites, sparrow, ship, shit ton of ascendants, mark/cloak... zero armor. If I don't get any armor soon I'm giving up. I'll never reach lvl 30 at this rate.
FFS, everyone's getting armor but me. I got shit all in my last two raids. At least before I was getting weapons. 7 weapons, 7+ chatterwhites, sparrow, ship, shit ton of ascendants, mark/cloak... zero armor. If I don't get any armor soon I'm giving up. I'll never reach lvl 30 at this rate.
Too bad we can't trade stuff.
My quality of life has been better since I stopped playing destiny this last few days.

Now waiting for dragon age.
But planning to back playing destiny again (this time as warlock) simply to cheat it from start to end.

Unlimited life, unlimited ammo, unlimited extra xp, unlimited grenade.

Pushing bosses :D
What a total pain in the ass. I joined a group last night at the Atheon checkpoint, and long story short, we spent the next 3-4 hours in utter frustration and failure (weren't able to defeat him). I noticed most people have no idea what to do with the Relic, myself included. I'm talking which buttons are used for melee, which for cleansing, strategies for each location (Venus has Minotaurs and snipers, Mars has only snipers). This is the area where we were failing.

This is a helpful link if anyone else is having problems:
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On Venus people without relic throw their grenades on Minotaur (there no snipers on Venus only Gobelins) to blow his shield and after the Relicman bit him, but on Mars the player with the relic splash the snipers, and no grenades or the snipers go to solar shield. Also the Relicman need to be high in discipline to heal quick.
Holding the relic is actually pretty fun at atheon. It's a refreshing change from shooting oracles or supplicants. But I will still only pick it up if no one else does.
Had a second go at atheon on hard, and now that I'm more experienced in the raid, it honestly wasn't THAT hard (personally speaking), even though I'm only level 29. Being a sunsinger obviously helps immensely in the hard raid being able to self-revive.

The hardest part is finding a fully capable team and making sure everyone does their job, every cycle, and doesn't die. We got atheon down to a sliver but couldn't finish and eventually called it quits, but I held my own pretty much every time. We even got him down to half with just 5 people at one point. When a 6th guy joined, 1-2 people kept dying.

I think it's also essential to have at least a few level 30s to be the relic holder.
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