Blade dancer super "R2" is great arc damage. It also have arc grenades that give crazy amount of damage over wide area.
Using the bladedancer super is pretty risky in the nightfall, because enemies are super aggressive and will melee you when you get too close. They will take you down quick if a mob of enemies all melee you. I haven't actually tried it, but personally I wouldn't attempt to use it.
The part before the boss is really the only challenging part. This is the part where a good arc rocket launcher is handy.
But once you take out the hydras and head towards that area, when you drop down, stay around that area. Don't rush in... you'll get destroyed. Stay back and slowly take enemies out with your VoC and P&T. Captains will rush you, but just jump back up top and take them out with your arc weapons. Once you take out the captains and snipers, it's really easy from there.
Hand cannons are great if you can get head shots, but I can't help thinking a good Auto Rifle is what you want for close, rushing asshole mobs. I don't have a good AR yet.
I know you don't like shotguns, but if you have it why not try Found Verdict? The one I got from the raid is arc, and it's a freaking beast up close (full auto too for extremely hairy situations). It might pair well with VoC as primary.
I wouldn't waste coins on the Last Word. It's not very good, mainly because of the lack of range and shallow magazine. The Devil You Know and Lord High Fixer are much more useful in my experience.What if you hate PvP, need to play it for some Bounties, would you buy the The Last Word? I hoped the Suros would pop up because I've always missed it the weeks it was there..
Too bad we can't trade stuff.FFS, everyone's getting armor but me. I got shit all in my last two raids. At least before I was getting weapons. 7 weapons, 7+ chatterwhites, sparrow, ship, shit ton of ascendants, mark/cloak... zero armor. If I don't get any armor soon I'm giving up. I'll never reach lvl 30 at this rate.