Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

I have 170+ hours and I only have 4 maxed weapons currently. Of course, I am always working on more.

I dont think it's designed that you should be able to easily max every weapon you own. Many legendaries I have no real plan to max. Max your best stuff...

I make priorities about which weapons to max. The best and the ones I use a lot, ones that would be good in the raid, I focus on those. Ones that have a long term future. I dont think it's wise to sink energy into marginal weapons. Ice Breaker, yeah, 300 no doubt. Patience and Time? I dunno, maybe eventually....till then I'll do the upgrades that dont require energy (this is a good plan for lots of things that may not be in your long term plans, do the upgrades up until they require shards or energy), and/or max the upgrade tree without actually initiating all the upgrades.

But yeah like for me, I have Gallahorn which people say is one of the best weapons in the it's very high on the "too upgrade" list. Vision of Confluence is my current primary and also known as a beast, so, likewise. Anything else is just going to sit on the back burner for a while. I think I have like 4 different legendary solar rocket launchers too, so they may never see upgrades, there's no point. Or I may do one when I get to it, if ever...since Ice Breaker will be my go to for solar burn anyway...

I think a bigger issue is resources. Shards and energy are not a problem for me, but collecting resources is beginning to drag, I think it's a bit out of whack compared to other in-game time sinks. I think bungie knows this, hence a way to buy resources is coming.

Nisaaru, do you raid? Raiding imo is what made shards and energy a non-issue for me, you collect quite a few with every raid. Although by diligently doing my dailies and not wasting them, I dont think I was hurting for them before either.

I never ended up actually buying armor to shard...I dont think it's a very efficient way to do things. It's a waste of time imo. Like the people who farm materials and sell them for vanguard arks...utter inefficient waste of time. You can get vanguard marks a million faster ways. I would do the armor thing though if needed. I just never found it necessary.

Also, sinking a bunch of time upgrading armor to shard it strikes me as colossal waste of time as well. How many hours to upgrade armor? 6? You can get that many shards in 2 days of PE's/daily mission of like 20 minutes each (assuming you are pre-raid). Besides that I've heard it's myth that upgraded armor gives you more shards.

I dunno...not to brag but I'm just at a place in the game where I have tons of everything. To me the downer is kind of resources. It's not hard to get, just requires time.
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I need to try raiding. I've got my Warlock to lvl 28, and I think I've seen everything the game has to offer and I'm getting kinda bored doing the same shit over and over again. Hopefully, the raid is fun and not just tedious frustration.

Anyone on the Bone interested in forming a raid party?
Strike is Archons Priest this week. This one was really tough for me a few weeks ago, but I've improved immeasurably in the meanwhile so we'll see.

It's Arc burn, and if there's one area I still lack it's arc weapons. I only have Light/Beware and Patience and Time, that I can think of offhand, for arc damage. Definitely need to upgrade that area.

We'll see.
I hate that Archon Priest strike mission. If that's the Nightfall, I think I'll take a week off. For some reason, that mission is much tougher for me too. I think its because they spawn snipers and those invisible bastards just as your health gets low. Feels cheap.
I don't Raid. If you don't know what to with your vanguard marks and you need shards dismantling armor makes sense. About resources, just sold a few hundreds of all sorts to push to the next vanguard level. My reward was 1 energy and 1 pointless armor. A few weeks ago I got weapons you could at least toy around with but since perhaps mid october I've only seen useless armor.

Arc Burn isn't bad for me. Thunderlord, The Swarm, 77Wizard, The Calming and Epitaph are all Arc.
Strike is Archons Priest this week. This one was really tough for me a few weeks ago, but I've improved immeasurably in the meanwhile so we'll see.

It's Arc burn, and if there's one area I still lack it's arc weapons. I only have Light/Beware and Patience and Time, that I can think of offhand, for arc damage. Definitely need to upgrade that area.

We'll see.
I did the nightfall with orangpelupa using my Titan and it was a lot tougher because my Titan is by far my weakest character in terms of weapons. I didn't bother putting weapons in my vault and just used a blue level sniper. But I solo'd it with my Warlock and it was a breeze using VoC and P&T. Use VoC on shanks and goblins, and P&T for pretty much everything else. At boss, hide under the deck and snipe him with P&T. I also have Admonisher (arc RL) and Unfriendly Giant (arc version), which really helped for large crowds.
If you're a hunter or Titan, make sure you use the arc subclass to do massive damage with your grenades.
For rewards, I got another MIDA Multi-tool and a void Admonisher (this one doesn't have a fieldscout perk like my arc version). I still have to do it with my hunter now.

Got some goodies running the raid today. Got another VoC, Universal Remote (exotic primary shotgun), Praedyths Revenge, shards/energies (of course) and probably my 6th chatterwhite, all in one go. I can't really complain when I hear others with terrible luck in the raid, but I really wish I would start getting some armor instead of weapons (edit: on second thought, I really want Atheon's Epilogue). So far from the raid, I've got:
2xFound Verdict
Universal Remote
Praedyth's Revenge
6 chatterwhites
ship and sparrow
Titan badge
A bunch of ascendants
Zero armor
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actually this nightfall is one of the quickest nightfall to finish due to the arc burn. The archon priest basically stunned forever if youshot his head with arc burn sniper.
bam bam bam. 2 reloads later, he's dead.

most of enemies also can be skipped. The only unskipabble are:
- the crossfire between Fallen and Vex, and the following Vex battle
- the archon priest and its minions.

be careful listing all of that stuff. not everybody loved by RNGeessussss.... :p
I did the nightfall with orangpelupa using my Titan and it was a lot tougher because my Titan is by far my weakest character in terms of weapons. I didn't bother putting weapons in my vault and just used a blue level sniper. But I solo'd it with my Warlock and it was a breeze using VoC and P&T. Use VoC on shanks and goblins, and P&T for pretty much everything else. At boss, hide under the deck and snipe him with P&T. I also have Admonisher (arc RL) and Unfriendly Giant (arc version), which really helped for large crowds.
If you're a hunter or Titan, make sure you use the arc subclass to do massive damage with your grenades.
For rewards, I got another MIDA Multi-tool and a void Admonisher (this one doesn't have a fieldscout perk like my arc version). I still have to do it with my hunter now.

Got some goodies running the raid today. Got another VoC, Universal Remote (exotic primary shotgun), Praedyths Revenge, shards/energies (of course) and probably my 6th chatterwhite, all in one go. I can't really complain when I hear others with terrible luck in the raid, but I really wish I would start getting some armor instead of weapons (edit: on second thought, I really want Atheon's Epilogue). So far from the raid, I've got:
2xFound Verdict
Universal Remote
Praedyth's Revenge
6 chatterwhites
ship and sparrow
Titan badge
A bunch of ascendants
Zero armor

Wow I had never even considered using bladedancer for the arc grenades on arc burn. Good idea.

both my alts dont have any bladedancer skills unlocked though, since i just rushed them to 20.

Yeah I checked out the Nightfall for a couple minutes last night, I wouldn't really be worried about anything but the boss. Last time everybody kept stressing the under ramp hiding place, but the problem is once I got under there Archon just aggroed on top of the platform over me and would not move. So I could not shoot him no matter what. It made me pretty angry. I should stress this was solo. I think a lot of people who think the under ramp spot works do so because they are not actually solo. Other players surely draw Archon out and about.

I'm figuring out the cheese spots and foolproof strategies for every nightfall as they come one by one, I just haven't got this one...yet. I failed at it last time.

This thing looks easy enough though

Thats pretty bad you've gotten no raid armor, I got all three of my needed pieces (minus exotic helmet) fairly quickly.

And I have Atheons Epilogue twice lol. RNG...

It's really not that good, Vision is vastly better as a primary imo. The only good point is the void damage for void burn strikes.

I honestly think AE is poor enough it's debatable whether it's even better than Vision in the raid. You'll get a advantage I guess on praetorian shields due to void, but a large disadvantage vs Vision in everything else. When I use AE in the raid my kill counts are pathetic...

But yeah it's good on Void burn strikes, just cuts through enemies there.

Apparently I wont need it, but I wish I had a arc machine gun at least, never mind an arc primary. Something for occasional hairy up close work. Just P&T and my arc fusion dont make me feel confident there, since they are no really close quarters weapons.

Looking on the net, apparently both the arc primaries only fall in hard raid. Ouch. Anyways, I'd love to acquire a full arc arsenal as I'm already good on solar and void, heck I have primaries of those.
Sorry orangpelupa, I know RNG hasn't been your friend. :)

While I've been getting quite a few weapons, only half of them are any good. And I really want some armor now.
Wow I had never even considered using bladedancer for the arc grenades on arc burn. Good idea.
Yeah, I highly recommend working on both subclasses. Both my hunter and Warlock have both maxed. Now I'm working on my Titan's defender subclass.

Yeah I checked out the Nightfall for a couple minutes last night, I wouldn't really be worried about anything but the boss. Last time everybody kept stressing the under ramp hiding place, but the problem is once I got under there Archon just aggroed on top of the platform over me and would not move. So I could not shoot him no matter what. It made me pretty angry. I should stress this was solo. I think a lot of people who think the under ramp spot works do so because they are not actually solo. Other players surely draw Archon out and about.
He will move off of the ramp. Just keep moving around a bit and he will eventually drop down. Once he does, he usually stays in the perfect spot to snipe him. And as orang said, if you have a good arc sniper, snipe his head and he will get stunned. Just wait until he comes out of his daze before firing off another shot so you can stun him again. With arc burn, he goes down quick.

Thats pretty bad you've gotten no raid armor, I got all three of my needed pieces (minus exotic helmet) fairly quickly.

And I have Atheons Epilogue twice lol. RNG...

It's really not that good, Vision is vastly better as a primary imo. The only good point is the void damage for void burn strikes.
Well, I honestly don't raid a lot. I have been quite a bit lately though.

As for AE, I don't desperately want it, but I would like to have one, mostly for the raid and taking down oracles. And maybe for void burn nightfalls. VoC is my go-to primary.

Apparently I wont need it, but I wish I had a arc machine gun at least, never mind an arc primary. Something for occasional hairy up close work. Just P&T and my arc fusion dont make me feel confident there, since they are no really close quarters weapons.
You don't need an MG. P&T was infinitely more useful than my Thunderlord, which is a beast of an arc MG. Just keep your distance from the dangerous enemies (hobgobblins, minotaurs, captains etc.) and you should be fine with P&T.
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I finally got in on a normal raid. We got all the way to the point where you take the relic through the portal (Atheon checkpoint?) before people started bailing out, so I never got to finish it. I got energy, leg armor, and an arc shotgun (Found Verdict?).

It was kind of hectic. I didn't really know what the hell was going on most of the time. Most of my weapons sucked, but my Lord High Fixer and legendary void fusion rifle (can't remember the name) were money. Surprisingly a lot of close range work. I can see why rocket launchers are a death sentence for some people, LOL!
Yeah the raid is a different beast to the rest of the game. Pretty tense and confusing at first. It probably took me half a dozen tries before I really started to wrap my head around what I was actually doing, decently.

The funny thing is my first raid gave me a false impression cause the group I was in was really good. They blew through it and carried me, so I didn't actually understand what I was doing for a while later.

Eventually it gets where normal raid is pretty easy.

The part I dont like is where you follow that crevice/tunnel all the way down after the templar. It's not hard, but I always tend to get lost, stuck, or lag way behind, even now. I think my Tv is set too dark too cause I cant see crap, but it's too much trouble to change my TV.

And yeah, you get a lot of shards/energy. If you have 3 chars like me, it basically means you dont need to worry about those any more.

Yeah, I highly recommend working on both subclasses. Both my hunter and Warlock have both maxed. Now I'm working on my Titan's defender subclass.

I have bladedancer maxed on my 1st char, just not my two alts that I rushed to 20. I imagine I'll work on it (they dont even have the gunslinger tree 100% yet) eventually, but I'm not too arsed.

I actually originally wanted bladedancer to invisible sneak past enemies in hard strikes. Now I've progressed to the point where I dont care about/need that (and never actually used it), so bladedancer is back to being useless, except this newfound arc damage idea.
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My first group doing the raid were all first timers. This was a while ago. Took us forever to get to the final boss. But now it's pretty easy for me on normal, assuming you have a decent group who know what they're doing. The fact that you can't be revived in Hard is enough reason alone to scare me away from it.

I 100% agree about the tunnel part. I'm not good with directions and sneaking so that part is always the part I don't look forward to. I just follow everyone else and hope I don't f*** it up for everyone. So far I haven't got lost on my own. But I'm sure I've been spotted many times before.

I'm also not great holding the relic. Sometimes I'm pretty much forced to when getting teleported during atheon because no one else knows how to use it. I'm getting pretty decent with it though.

As for ascendants, I don't agree that they're not an issue with 3 characters. Energy has been an issue for me, specifically because I am running 3 characters. Only because I want to nearly max out all of my weapons and I have 35 legendary/exotic weapons spread across 3 characters; that's 630 energy to max them all! I still have close to 70 energies, and a lot of my weapons are maxed and/or close already; but I would still probably need another 100 or so.

Shards on the other hand, are not an issue.
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we should team up and raid :D

btw about archon priest, if you sit on the small dent/low part of under-bridge... (pardon my english).
the arcon priest will walk by himself to be able to see you. so you now can shot him.

if he is stubborn and keep standing idle above your head, just make a coffee or something. he will move eventually :D
much better than going out luring him and risking getting killed in solo nightfall.
I'm always down for the raid. I don't think we have enough active B3D'ers to make a full group. JPT, Renegade and you and I are the only ones that play on PS4. But If you have a group and need 1 more, invite me and I'll do the same.

And in regards to the archon priest in the nightfall, I think the spot you're referring to is the one I always go to. It's also the safest spot because if you're taking damage, you can just duck for cover. You rarely get into trouble in that spot though.
My first group doing the raid were all first timers. This was a while ago. Took us forever to get to the final boss. But now it's pretty easy for me on normal, assuming you have a decent group who know what they're doing. The fact that you can't be revived in Hard is enough reason alone to scare me away from it.

I 100% agree about the tunnel part. I'm not good with directions and sneaking so that part is always the part I don't look forward to. I just follow everyone else and hope I don't f*** it up for everyone. So far I haven't got lost on my own. But I'm sure I've been spotted many times before.

I'm also not great holding the relic. Sometimes I'm pretty much forced to when getting teleported during atheon because no one else knows how to use it. I'm getting pretty decent with it though.

As for ascendants, I don't agree that they're not an issue with 3 characters. Energy has been an issue for me, specifically because I am running 3 characters. Only because I want to nearly max out all of my weapons and I have 35 legendary/exotic weapons spread across 3 characters; that's 630 energy to max them all! I still have close to 70 energies, and a lot of my weapons are maxed and/or close already; but I would still probably need another 100 or so.

Shards on the other hand, are not an issue.

Yeah I hate the relic too. That was another point where I had to relearn the raid when Bungie changed to random teleports.

Actually I still dont know the relic. But at least now I'm getting competent as part of the teleport team.

I think, as I keep saying, resources are more an issue for me than shards or energy.

But yeah I doubt I feel like I have excess energy, it's just a matter of being choosy about what weapons to upgrade.

And I didn't mean the gorons gaze part, I meant just the part where you follow that tunnel/crack down for a long ways, right after templar. It's stupid but I tend to get left behind/lost there. Although I've finally progressed to being somewhat competent.

Hard raid is indeed...hard. Paradoxically, especially for a 29. But, you get double loot as I understand it, so it can in essence save time. Also you get some stuff you cant get anywhere else.

On my 3 chars, lets say I have 24 hrs/week if lucky, to play. 3 normal raids at 2 hrs each probably,. already 6 hours. Hard raids are longer because more failure, if you figure 4 hrs each, that's 12 hours. So by that method just raiding will eat up almost all my time. So, I'm interested in saving time by only hard raiding and skipping normal raids altogether.

But, it's hard, so we'll see. Since it's hard, more depends on your team as well. And if they get stuck, often they give up and disband, so you wasted more time. Everything in the game has been getting a lot easier for me so I'm imagining hard raid will eventually too, hopefully soon. I dont think I've even tried hard since 30. But one person cant make that much difference anyway.

we should team up and raid :D

btw about archon priest, if you sit on the small dent/low part of under-bridge... (pardon my english).
the arcon priest will walk by himself to be able to see you. so you now can shot him.

if he is stubborn and keep standing idle above your head, just make a coffee or something. he will move eventually :D
much better than going out luring him and risking getting killed in solo nightfall.

I guess so. I really only did it once last time and I dont remember how long I waited. Seemed like a long time with no signs of him moving but I'm sure I just need to wait more. What about the spot in that video I posted? I'm going to try that first, although it looks a little risky. I read about it on reddit and the guy said most enemy fire will not hit you up there. So even if you cant just overwhelm Arcon guy immediately like he did in the vid, it should work.

I dont mind waiting in a hiding spot a long time until the boss lets me shoot him, that's what I did for Valuus last week.
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From my experience both ways it's a lot harder solo.

But my experience in a group is limited, so I guess I could be wrong.

I just know the one time I was in a group we easily destroyed the same nightfall that had stumped me for several tries solo.

It is true they have less health and all, but I dont think it balances out. Having one gun to put fire on enemies versus 3 is an absurd difference.
Wow I had never even considered using bladedancer for the arc grenades on arc burn. Good idea.

both my alts dont have any bladedancer skills unlocked though, since i just rushed them to 20.

Yeah I checked out the Nightfall for a couple minutes last night, I wouldn't really be worried about anything but the boss. Last time everybody kept stressing the under ramp hiding place, but the problem is once I got under there Archon just aggroed on top of the platform over me and would not move. So I could not shoot him no matter what. It made me pretty angry. I should stress this was solo. I think a lot of people who think the under ramp spot works do so because they are not actually solo. Other players surely draw Archon out and about.

I'm figuring out the cheese spots and foolproof strategies for every nightfall as they come one by one, I just haven't got this one...yet. I failed at it last time.

This thing looks easy enough though

Thats pretty bad you've gotten no raid armor, I got all three of my needed pieces (minus exotic helmet) fairly quickly.

And I have Atheons Epilogue twice lol. RNG...

It's really not that good, Vision is vastly better as a primary imo. The only good point is the void damage for void burn strikes.

I honestly think AE is poor enough it's debatable whether it's even better than Vision in the raid. You'll get a advantage I guess on praetorian shields due to void, but a large disadvantage vs Vision in everything else. When I use AE in the raid my kill counts are pathetic...

But yeah it's good on Void burn strikes, just cuts through enemies there.

Apparently I wont need it, but I wish I had a arc machine gun at least, never mind an arc primary. Something for occasional hairy up close work. Just P&T and my arc fusion dont make me feel confident there, since they are no really close quarters weapons.

Looking on the net, apparently both the arc primaries only fall in hard raid. Ouch. Anyways, I'd love to acquire a full arc arsenal as I'm already good on solar and void, heck I have primaries of those.

AE is the best oracle killing primary available. Keep that in mind.
From my experience both ways it's a lot harder solo.

But my experience in a group is limited, so I guess I could be wrong.

I just know the one time I was in a group we easily destroyed the same nightfall that had stumped me for several tries solo.

It is true they have less health and all, but I dont think it balances out. Having one gun to put fire on enemies versus 3 is an absurd difference.
I've done several nightfalls/weeklies solo, with two people and with 3 people, and it definitely seems like the difficulty gets ramped up with more people. Others I've played with felt the same.
Strangely, I'm having some difficulty at the very beginning of the raid, where you build the spire. The damn Praetorians get onto the platform before I can kill them. I don't really have trouble killing them, it's just that I can't kill them before they teleport onto the platform and erase all our progress. This is bad because the longer you take to build the spire, the more intense the enemy waves become.

My void Swarm isn't really cutting it here. I guess I should have bought Truth last week. It seems a lot of people use rockets here, and the high velocity and strong tracking of the Truth would probably help me here. You guys have any suggestions? People get frustrated because this is supposed to be easy, and I feel like I'm letting my team down here.