For those of us at work, what weapon is Xur selling?
Truth (again) I heard.
For those of us at work, what weapon is Xur selling?
Anybody have any details on that thing where if you do 250 VIP kill mission patrols, all mobs on that planet drop resources or something?
I remember some posts on GAF or Reddit about it. I thought the deal was 250 VIP kill missions, and "mobs" (I took it as literally groups of enemies) were supposed to drop more resources I guess. Or resources every time you killed them?
I have not really heard about it other than that.
It looks like it may be "rank II" of what you posted, if it exists. The details were on a grimiore card.
I remember the conversation as something like: Gaffer 1 "250, that'd take forever". Gaffer 2 "well, you're going to have to grind either way, might as well do it and get it over with"
Edit: after googling seems I either misremembered, or it's bugged, or nobody understand bungie's description "additional resources for completing city tasks", or it was something beta specific...I'm going to guess it doesn't exist as I imagined it since I never see anybody on reddit talking about it...
Is Glimmer a problem for people? It's the one resource I've got too much of. It seems I'm always at the 25000 limit. I wish it was useful for more stuff.
Anyway, djskribbles is right. Adding shards does increase the Light level, just not by very much. I dumped all I had into my armor and just barely squeaked past 27.
Yeah, most defense upgrades grant 2 additional light. On legendaries one of the upgrades (3rd from last) gives 1 light. I think starting from 18, the upgrades go 2-2-1-2-2, so a maxed legendary has 27 light. A maxed exotic or raid gear will have 30.
Levels, 30=120 total light needed, 29=109, 28=98, 27=87, and so on.
I got my last legendary armor piece to complete my set (I have an exotic chest). I used the 18 shards I had saved and is now for the first time at a real lvl wall in Destiny. Shards are needed to get to lvl 28 and above, and they don't grow on treesThat seems right.
The other non-raid places to get them are the daily missions (up to 2) and the first PE you gold tier of the day. These are your best bet if you're not raid ready. Do them daily.
In my experience once you start raiding you get enough it stops being a pressing problem. You probably get 6-12 per raid from chest and loot drops.
That was a excellent tip, thanksthey dont grow on trees but they shed easily from legendary gear.
go visit vanguard or crucible gear seller, buy with marks, shard it
they dont grow on trees but they shed easily from legendary gear.
go visit vanguard or crucible gear seller, buy with marks, shard it