Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Anybody have any details on that thing where if you do 250 VIP kill mission patrols, all mobs on that planet drop resources or something?

I have never heard of anything like this. There are bonuses where if you kill 5000 mobs on a planet, chests and nodes can drop extra resources (2 instead of the normal 1). You can check to see if you have that by going to your grimoire page, looking at bonuses, and looking for Old Russia, Meridian Bay, Ishtar Sink, and Ocean of Storms.

Every so often, you get a "super" chest which drops up to 10 resources. Those are the only resource increases that I've run across.

* Edit * - just found this bonus as well :
Unlock Rank 1 VIP Kills on Patrol – 50 VIP Kills:
Completing Patrol side-quests grants additional resource and loot drops.

Haven't unlocked that one yet. That is probably the one you are referring too.
I remember some posts on GAF or Reddit about it. I thought the deal was 250 VIP kill missions, and "mobs" (I took it as literally groups of enemies) were supposed to drop more resources I guess. Or resources every time you killed them?

I have not really heard about it other than that.

It looks like it may be "rank II" of what you posted, if it exists. The details were on a grimiore card.

I remember the conversation as something like: Gaffer 1 "250, that'd take forever". Gaffer 2 "well, you're going to have to grind either way, might as well do it and get it over with"

Edit: after googling seems I either misremembered, or it's bugged, or nobody understand bungie's description "additional resources for completing city tasks", or it was something beta specific...I'm going to guess it doesn't exist as I imagined it since I never see anybody on reddit talking about it...
I remember some posts on GAF or Reddit about it. I thought the deal was 250 VIP kill missions, and "mobs" (I took it as literally groups of enemies) were supposed to drop more resources I guess. Or resources every time you killed them?

I have not really heard about it other than that.

It looks like it may be "rank II" of what you posted, if it exists. The details were on a grimiore card.

I remember the conversation as something like: Gaffer 1 "250, that'd take forever". Gaffer 2 "well, you're going to have to grind either way, might as well do it and get it over with"

Edit: after googling seems I either misremembered, or it's bugged, or nobody understand bungie's description "additional resources for completing city tasks", or it was something beta specific...I'm going to guess it doesn't exist as I imagined it since I never see anybody on reddit talking about it...

Grimiore bonus activate when you activate the 10 min glimmer generation items. When the items are actived the relative enemies drop more glimmer if you have the card bonuses.
Is Glimmer a problem for people? It's the one resource I've got too much of. It seems I'm always at the 25000 limit. I wish it was useful for more stuff.

Anyway, djskribbles is right. Adding shards does increase the Light level, just not by very much. I dumped all I had into my armor and just barely squeaked past 27.
Is Glimmer a problem for people? It's the one resource I've got too much of. It seems I'm always at the 25000 limit. I wish it was useful for more stuff.

Anyway, djskribbles is right. Adding shards does increase the Light level, just not by very much. I dumped all I had into my armor and just barely squeaked past 27.

Yeah, most defense upgrades grant 2 additional light. On legendaries one of the upgrades (3rd from last) gives 1 light. I think starting from 18, the upgrades go 2-2-1-2-2, so a maxed legendary has 27 light. A maxed exotic or raid gear will have 30.

Levels, 30=120 total light needed, 29=109, 28=98, 27=87, and so on.

28 is really a big endgame level to aspire to, you can do pretty much everything in the game short of hard raid without a disadvantage. 29 is kind of a tweener level, it can allow you to dabble in hard raid (though you'll still be at a level disadvantage) without having a raid gear set.

About glimmer, it's not really a "problem", but I dont currently feel like I'm overflowing either.

Probably about the only useful thing to buy with it is ammo synth. If you have excess then you aren't buying ammo synth. At almost 1k a pop, heavy synth (which is pretty valuable for endgame) will eat it fast. The better way to buy ammo synth is with strange coins 5 for 1.

Glimmer for me is kinda just "there" since it's a bit superflous. It's mostly around for the upgrades that need it, and then when I build up enough extra I use it to supplement my ammo synth, the majority of which I buy with coins.

For endgame you wanna buy in bulk, I'd like ideally 40+ heavy synth, special, and regular (although regular is rarely needed) if not that many for each of my 3 characters! Try buying that with glimmer.
Yeah, most defense upgrades grant 2 additional light. On legendaries one of the upgrades (3rd from last) gives 1 light. I think starting from 18, the upgrades go 2-2-1-2-2, so a maxed legendary has 27 light. A maxed exotic or raid gear will have 30.

Levels, 30=120 total light needed, 29=109, 28=98, 27=87, and so on.

If I recall correctly

Normal Legendaries
18 20 22 23 25 27
red upgrades require 6 ascendant shards (18 needed)

Raid gear
18 20 22 24 27 30
red upgrades require 7 ascendant shards (21 needed)

Exotic gear
21 23 25 27 30
red upgrades require 8 ascendant shards (16 needed)

EDIT: wrong values for exotic gear, fixed.
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That seems right.
I got my last legendary armor piece to complete my set (I have an exotic chest). I used the 18 shards I had saved and is now for the first time at a real lvl wall in Destiny. Shards are needed to get to lvl 28 and above, and they don't grow on trees :)
I need some raid gear armour, I only finished VoG once, got the Scout Solar gun then, bu need friends to play Vog with, so I can get more stuff :(
Currently I need Energy to level up my weapons, currently got a decent bunch of shards...
Today I got The Last Word from an engram. OMG what an absolute pile of crap! This has got to be the worst hand cannon in the game. It has absolutely no range and ridiculous recoil, and it doesn't look like any of the upgrades fix that. My Lord High Fixer is 10x better in every way (except looks - THW does look badass).
they dont grow on trees but they shed easily from legendary gear.

go visit vanguard or crucible gear seller, buy with marks, shard it :D
The other non-raid places to get them are the daily missions (up to 2) and the first PE you gold tier of the day. These are your best bet if you're not raid ready. Do them daily.

In my experience once you start raiding you get enough it stops being a pressing problem. You probably get 6-12 per raid from chest and loot drops.
The other non-raid places to get them are the daily missions (up to 2) and the first PE you gold tier of the day. These are your best bet if you're not raid ready. Do them daily.

In my experience once you start raiding you get enough it stops being a pressing problem. You probably get 6-12 per raid from chest and loot drops.

It becomes a pressing problem again if you're trying to get three of each weapon to all your characters lol.
Yeah, I'm actually running low on Ascendant Energy because I'm running 3 characters now (with ~30 weapons spread between them). At one point I had over 60 energies. Trying to get all of my weapons to at least 280+. I'm gonna need another 12 more to do so. Plus I want to max out a few more weapons to 300, so I'm gonna need a few more.

Shards have not been an issue though... I still have a bunch left over (two level 29s with multiple armor pieces for different perks, and a level 28 titan).
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A while back you spoke of a "precision multiplier" stat for weapons. Would you happen to have values (or at least relative values) for Scout rifles and hand cannons?

I think I've noticed this effect (my A.1F19X doing higher crit damage than my maxed out Lord High Fixer despite my LHF having a higher Impact rating), and I'm wondering if this is the reason?
Scout rifles and Hand cannons are apparently 1.5X. Most red mobs double that number so headshots deal 3x damage. Yellow mobs don't have that extra multiplier so they deal 1.5x.
they dont grow on trees but they shed easily from legendary gear.

go visit vanguard or crucible gear seller, buy with marks, shard it :D

Well shard it immediately you got 2 energies… but growing up it until you need energies (but don't use energies for it), and shard it at this time you got 5 energies. A much better deal, isn't it? ;)

And you don't have to use the gear, only equip it when you're returning contracts.
In my case shards(RNG or whatever) aren't an issue but energy is. You can make 3 shards or energy guaranteed per day(Daily lv28+Event) depending on RNG and based on luck/activities you can add a few per week. But if you're in the process of maximizing all your weapons this is beyond pain. I truly don't think Bungie really played this through time wise. You can add 18 shards in 6 weeks if you buy/dismantle Vanguard weapons(150 marks).

You need 18 energy per weapon. Even after 2 months game time I have 1 maxed weapon and a few others close to max I will always use(Icebreaker,Gjallarhorn,Thunderlord) but a lot others are still at default with all slots opened. Just think about the actual playtime necessary here. It's just stupid or they had F2P in mind when they designed this with micro transitions to "help" the poor poor gamer.