Watched the in game footage from the ps4 reveal event and the concept art ,as awesome it is, seems to have lost quite a lot of magic while turning into 3d objects
! There are some talented guys, then why do the 3d models look so different and non enigmatic ?
Also, where is that 'oh so Awesome' HDR Lighting from Reach ? I can't see it ! Reach was the only game on the box which made me wish it was on the ps3 or PC too and it was all due to their beautiful HDR lighting. Can't see that magic here
Thirdly, the footage looks very current gen , especially shaders and textures. I hopethe gameplay reveal on the ps4 on 10th has some next gen sauce to it !
Their concept seems to be HUGE, but they haven't divulged anything about it except for what they told in that GDC conference. I like the worlds they are building, don't like the three choices we have for our character. They say, unlike linear shooters, they want ppl to visit the same places again n again. Hope it is via some interesting story/ gameplay mechanic and not via randomnly generated fetch quests.
Lots of questions need to be answered. Hoping 10th comes sooner !!.
Also, where is that 'oh so Awesome' HDR Lighting from Reach ? I can't see it ! Reach was the only game on the box which made me wish it was on the ps3 or PC too and it was all due to their beautiful HDR lighting. Can't see that magic here
Thirdly, the footage looks very current gen , especially shaders and textures. I hopethe gameplay reveal on the ps4 on 10th has some next gen sauce to it !
Their concept seems to be HUGE, but they haven't divulged anything about it except for what they told in that GDC conference. I like the worlds they are building, don't like the three choices we have for our character. They say, unlike linear shooters, they want ppl to visit the same places again n again. Hope it is via some interesting story/ gameplay mechanic and not via randomnly generated fetch quests.
Lots of questions need to be answered. Hoping 10th comes sooner !!.