Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Watched the in game footage from the ps4 reveal event and the concept art ,as awesome it is, seems to have lost quite a lot of magic while turning into 3d objects :( ! There are some talented guys, then why do the 3d models look so different and non enigmatic ?

Also, where is that 'oh so Awesome' HDR Lighting from Reach ? I can't see it ! Reach was the only game on the box which made me wish it was on the ps3 or PC too and it was all due to their beautiful HDR lighting. Can't see that magic here :( !

Thirdly, the footage looks very current gen , especially shaders and textures. I hopethe gameplay reveal on the ps4 on 10th has some next gen sauce to it !

Their concept seems to be HUGE, but they haven't divulged anything about it except for what they told in that GDC conference. I like the worlds they are building, don't like the three choices we have for our character. They say, unlike linear shooters, they want ppl to visit the same places again n again. Hope it is via some interesting story/ gameplay mechanic and not via randomnly generated fetch quests.

Lots of questions need to be answered. Hoping 10th comes sooner !!.
The gdc talk was great. Their talk about a huge persistent worlds, available to millions of players...just screams X1 cloud to me!
The gdc talk was great. Their talk about a huge persistent worlds, available to millions of players...just screams X1 cloud to me!

Ha ! But they are making it on current gen as well, including PS3, rendering all cloud talk useless as usual !

I wonder how many ppl MS has got converted with this cloud BS. I have talked to three game devs working on next gen games,two in europe and one in asia, and none feel that there is anything special about the 32MB eSRAM or the Cloud power. They are calling it marketing fluff as the machine is clearly less powered than PS4 and with more hardware dedicated to extra features, providing less to games, MS is trying thier best to whip up a sense of magic around those two (unimportant)features.
That GDC talk was interesting, at least in the sense that I have a better idea what this game is about. The concept art of course looks gorgeous, and the game sounds very ambitious. Listening to them talk about all the possibilities with the different characters and races really showed (to me at least) why making Halo game after Halo game was creatively stifling.

Having said all that, I still haven't seen anything about this game that really grabs me. I'm mostly interested because of Bungie's pedigree. The cynical side of me thinks this game will fail to meet the steep sales targets in their contract and Activision will pull the plug. I hope not, but Bungie really needs to bump up the "Wow!" factor IMO.
Watched the in game footage from the ps4 reveal event and the concept art ,as awesome it is, seems to have lost quite a lot of magic while turning into 3d objects :( ! There are some talented guys, then why do the 3d models look so different and non enigmatic ?

I feel the same way, and this is something that has always bugged me about bungie. I feel like all their games have always suffered from a certain degree of blandness. Which is something that really confused me as they have very talented artists and graphic programers, they always develop new tech, and overall, they were a top tier AAA+ developer making games for one of the most money-making franchises out there, and yet all halo´s ended up looking a little amateurish for some reason. 343 kind of showed how it´s done in the presentation department in my opinion. Bungie has a ways of making the final look of everything on their games lose a bit of its shine and pop. Things look rather lifeless and sterile.
To be honest, Bungie's content creation team has never really been on the bleeding edge. So they're not bad but not that good either. Combined with last-gen restrictions it makes sense that their ingame visuals are not the best ever.
I was never a big fan of Halo, and a big part of that was how completely boring the overall look of the game was. What they've shown for Destiny, in brief clips of gameplay, is about a thousand times more interesting. There's not a single design in Halo that's of interest to me, except for maybe the Warthog.
I feel the same way, and this is something that has always bugged me about bungie. I feel like all their games have always suffered from a certain degree of blandness. Which is something that really confused me as they have very talented artists and graphic programers, they always develop new tech, and overall, they were a top tier AAA+ developer making games for one of the most money-making franchises out there, and yet all halo´s ended up looking a little amateurish for some reason. 343 kind of showed how it´s done in the presentation department in my opinion. Bungie has a ways of making the final look of everything on their games lose a bit of its shine and pop. Things look rather lifeless and sterile.

But bungie till Reach were king of the fps franchise imo.
I don't anymore if i changed or the world changed but everything fps out of there feels like cod.
They reward you for kills and for winning a match. Hope to get some of the feeling back with destiny that finished a raid or dungeon will give a big satisfaction feeling.

If there is pvp i hope they balance the skill to pvp environment when in pvp so skill have different multipliers where good gear can still give a small edge but a better player that knows what he does can still dominate in low gear.
But bungie till Reach were king of the fps franchise imo.
I don't anymore if i changed or the world changed but everything fps out of there feels like cod.

I was talking strictly about the in-game look of their games, and to some extent to their art too. I find their MP gamplay exellent and can have great fun with it.
Does no one else find it odd that the contract from the split between MS and Bungie calls for a timed exclusive release on the 360/XBO and yet the first appearance was at the Sony press conference and the first gameplay will be shown at the Sony PC at E3? Some serious money changing hands or just Bungie sticking it to MS? If the game looks decent or gets a lot of post E3 buzz, wouldn't one expect MS to start releasing trailers with the "timed exclusive" stuff prominently displayed in some fashion? (I'm a little unclear on the whether or not they could do that without Activision/Bungie's approval.) Wasn't there also something in that contract about MS having first rights for the new game in some fashion, at MS's discretion? Was this exercised or not?
IIRC, the contract didn't specify an exclusive on Xbox. Just that Microsoft has first right of refusal for an exclusive. Which includes a significant sum of money to make it exclusive. It could be that Microsoft didn't feel the title was strong enough to warrant the exclusive tag and hence the money involved to make it exclusive.

Ok. So we know, or consider it highly likely, that MS passed on that option? Still think Bungie showing up at Sony's conferences is a bit odd. Comes across as wanting to stick pins in a MS voodoo doll.
Ok. So we know, or consider it highly likely, that MS passed on that option? Still think Bungie showing up at Sony's conferences is a bit odd. Comes across as wanting to stick pins in a MS voodoo doll.

Sony has paid them for exclusive content and probably paid them for appearances at their show. I'm assuming that's how it works. I've always assumed every dev that shows up at an MS, Sony, Nintendo press conference was paid to be there.
Sony has paid them for exclusive content and probably paid them for appearances at their show. I'm assuming that's how it works. I've always assumed every dev that shows up at an MS, Sony, Nintendo press conference was paid to be there.

I think compensated would be a more accurate word. There are other ways to get content than bags of money. I believe Jonathan Blow discussed how his "timed exclusive" came about along with some of the terms (IIRC, it was already a de facto "timed exclusive" based on his planned development cycle before he was even approached). Eventually it all boils down to financials, or potential financials, in some form but not necessarily a direct cash transfer. Cross marketing deals, reduced fees, additional tools and support, I imagine there's lots of ways to sweeten a deal.

On a side note, I would love to see an actual money hat. I imagine the novelty alone of just being presented with one could be quite enticing. :LOL:
I loved the Rage-esque style of the setting. Weapons look cool time. Gunplay with the burst rifle reminded me of Halo. Coolest thing, if we believe the devs, there are lots of unique settings to explore...nice!
I actually didn't think the gameplay looked really exciting. It seemed kind of like Borderlands with much better graphics, but without the frantic craziness.