this update has me interested as this means I don't have to play Kings Fall.
What Matchmade activity can I play to be on my road to 335 now? Cos, though I asked, my friends are not coming back to Destiny, so its matchmaking or nothing for me. This is where I like Division a LOT. There is no barrier at all. Play what u want, when u want.
uhh, everything I see says Division endgame is completely impossible to solo (and boring as hell anyway, bullet sponge etc, I certainly found the beta that way)
I dont know what matchmade drops 335, Iron Banner I guess? Oh, and strike specific drops can go up to 335. But those seem few and far between to me and wont cover every item (for example, no helmets etc that I know of). Faction packages are totally solo and can drop up to 330. Oh, and I just forgot, you ought to able to use 3oC to get all the way to 335 via infusing with those exotics.
Nightfall, POE42, and Kings Fall arent matchmade.
Nightfall to me is basically matchmade, if I dont feel like talking (usually) I just post on LFG "330 hunter, no mic, invite me" or something and wait for invites. POE42 is brain dead also (super easy) and 3 man so it's easier to group for.
Seems like hitting 335 will be REALLY easy, I mean it might take 3-4 weeks, but it seems completely inevitable.
For anybody that doesn't know, the new loot system looks at your level at the time of the drop (whatever it may be) and gives you in a range up to 5 above your light. So, if I'm 325 and it gives me gauntlets, they will drop 325-330. And so on. Challenge mode in the raid can make that spread 10. So it could be 325-335 in challenge mode. Same applies to faction packages, exotics engrams or anything else. Except legendary
engrams are capped at 310.
So far, it really seems to make things inexorable. Not sure how it works >330 (are drops still in 330-335 range, or can they only drop equal or higher than your light?)
I ran my first raid tonight post update, was 325 going in came out 328. Seems like helmet will be a sore spot, mines 320. But then, exotics...cant believe I forgot to stock up on 3oc's last week
Basically Bungie giving out light like it's candy.