Yes the special ammo Nerf doesn't affect sidearms.Dunno, my free Sidearm from How have it
Yes the special ammo Nerf doesn't affect sidearms.Dunno, my free Sidearm from How have it
Yes the special ammo Nerf doesn't affect sidearms.
Just don't do the bounty?
Most bounty Its an option, not obligation.
I dont...but, take the regular crucible bounties, there's like only one or two normal ones, one or two more that are class biased (have to play as a certain subclass, like get two golden gun kills), 2-3 more that are related to the daily featured mode (like Salvage/Rift/whatever only bounties) and then now you even have ones that you must do in a fireteam. It's all trying to push me to do something I may or may not want to do. If I normally just want to play Clash on my Bladedancer solo, well screw me! There's only 1-2 "normal" yr 1 style crucible bounties every day!
Then the Shaxx weekly bounties, I play enough crucible that I would normally probably pick these up and complete them without thinking about it too much, and get that nightfall level (aka sucky) reward. And hell I grinded FOREVER to unlock those bounties. EXCEPT there's always that one you must complete in a fireteam...I'm not gonna go LFG to do one freaking I'm out of luck on Shaxx bounties every week...again the reward is going to probably suck so it's not a huge deal, but still.
Bounties also give Strange coins (and engrams and motes).
I am reading everyone is just jumping off the map for quick end of match rewards in CD. Nice.
Just do the activity without bounty. You already strong enough in destiny. More xp is an optional luxury.
Bounty only give xp right?
I still use bounties to help level gear, get motes/coins/engrams, faction's not like i worry about them but I like to be stocked so some will complete while I do whatever. Just being efficient with time..