I swear..the single best PVP change I've made in ages is Skip grenades...combined with full discipline and ATS8 chest...22 second cooldown. Even just having one piece of out of place gear and moving down to tier 4 grenade cooldown, makes a HUGE noticeable difference to me (well, it is +9 seconds)
They make a amazing close quarters effectiveness, which lets you run sniper all the time which is what I've been doing lately (unless it's just an rare overt shotgun map). They prime spectacularly. I feel like I set up 70% of my kills with skip grenade. I read these posts on reddit sometimes that are like "if you run x and then pair it with y and then do z on the warlock you just rape" or whatever...well I feel like I found my thing. I had a 23-6 rumble game earlier,
granted it was a bunch of blueberries, and in the last 3 hours of occasional play I've had games of 22-9, 20-9, and 15-9 as well.... At this rate I may hit 1.0 k/d this century after all. I feel like if I just spammed rumble I could run +5-10 kills regularly, however that'd be boring and grindy. Speaking of...
A nice round number anyway.
Oh and 1kys>Weylorans March...really that 167 damage in a single shot just gets so many cleanup kills, it easily makes 1k the more deadly weapon, regardless of any other factors. If Bungie wants to make the low impact snipers more viable, they need to increase the ROF delta, because 1k doesn't fire slower enough to nearly make up the difference. So yeah, people dont run high impact snipers for (or just because of) the res snipe, IMO they run them because they're just better full stop.
I love the idea of a sniper that's almost a hybrid "scout/sniper" thing, low zoom scope, light impact, fast, but such a thing would be OP anyway.