Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

FINALLY beat Oryx hard mode+challenge mode...

I was just LFGing the Oryx checkpoint (cause I wanted challenge mode loot) so that means I still haven't beaten the raid in one go...but I now have beat all parts individually.

It gave me 320 helmet so that puts me to 319...barely. I just need primary, gauntlets, and class item now. I know class item is going to be the hard one since it doesn't come in any challenge mode...still mad I never really got jack from SRL.

Got ship, shader, emblem, all that stuff. Not much badly needed 310+ primary infusion fodder either. Just one 312 primary. I'll save it for now, not much point taking my 310 Mida or 310 Dis 43 a couple points higher. Ideally I want to get the Dis-43 as my highest light primary for PVE eventually. Stuck hating my mushy 318 Nerwin's Mercy in PVE.

Oryx is fairly easy honestly (just the age old matter of no one dying at any random point, always easier said than done). I still find sisters the worst because of torn. And the piston jumping puzzle. The first two jumps on that one STILL give me problems.
Our group just completed the raid+challenge mode with all of the chests opened in <1 hour on reset but I would never call it easy. It's only easy because of experience and knowing what to do. Plus having at least 4 experienced raiders helps. I've ran the raid with randoms and its still hit and miss.

My 3 characters are at a comfortable 319. My Warlock just needs a chest piece and ghost to hit 320. If I focused on one character I would just need a ghost. Still the highest ghost I've received was 319. I was lucky to get 2 x 320 class items this week with one more raid to go.
The class items and ghost shell are the hard part, I got a 320 shell recently. Still mad I didn't get 320 CI from SRL. I asked a 320 guy in raid tonight where he got his 320 CI and...SRL.

Good chance I pick up a 320 primary on my other char Oryx challenge this week. The 320 chest I either have to get random luck or have a better chance in two weeks when Golg challenge rolls around again.

I feel like people already jump at me to get in raids at 318, at 319 it's just going to be more so.

Like all raids the randoms on LFG just get better and better over time, it's amazing how human knowledge advances and the best strategies get distilled. but it's still somewhat hit and miss on any LFG situation. But, I think if you see a group with high light across the board, lets say a bunch of 317+, is your best indicator.

Editz: got the 320 primary from Oryx. This time we did it first attempt. These guys weren't playing and all 317+.

I can now infuse my 310 Dis 43 to 320 between the Nerwins and Anguish, but I feel like using an auto rifle in PVE again, if only for 20 minutes or something.

I think I may have figure out THE best way to get an alt IB char to rk 5...just complete the dailies and turn them in on Monday (they will be worth 830 apiece with alt bonus, and you need 8500 XP for rk5). So far I have completed 5, and it took me THREE matches. Now it just depends how the other supposed 4 shake out, if they show up at Lord Salad Bar or not. If all 9 show, I can basically hit rk 5 on the alt in a total of like 5-6 matches. If not you would have to complete a 525 bounty, and they're all structured to require a little bit of grind in and of themselves.

Alternately, the top scorer/ten streak/5 double kill 525 bounty might be able to be dispatched speedily, but it kind of depends on a little luck.

Actually the 50 primary, 13 heavy, 25 special, bounty, I completed most of it in those 3 matches on my alt, BUT, I only have 2/25 special kills. The special kills is really my sticking point on that bounty, and it really highlights my struggles with special weapons, I hardly use them. I had to force myself to snipe to complete it on my other char, and sure, with forcing a mindset I start getting sniper kills. But I dont know if it ever works naturally or makes me a better player. It doesn't ever really feel not forced. If it feels not forced, that just means I hardly ever use it.

I think the more natural loadout is shotgun since Mida is good at range. Better than a sniper for me 19/20. However, I cant remember last time I got a shotgun kill. I just dont use it. Part of the problem is my defacto close range tactic now is skip+mida, that's kinda supplanted shotgun.

I was debating not even bothering ranking my alt to 5. One shot at a 310-320 gun (that will probably be garbage) is hardly worth it at all. But if it's fairly easy, I'll probably do it out of OCD, even though lootwise it's pointless.
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I swear..the single best PVP change I've made in ages is Skip grenades...combined with full discipline and ATS8 chest...22 second cooldown. Even just having one piece of out of place gear and moving down to tier 4 grenade cooldown, makes a HUGE noticeable difference to me (well, it is +9 seconds)

They make a amazing close quarters effectiveness, which lets you run sniper all the time which is what I've been doing lately (unless it's just an rare overt shotgun map). They prime spectacularly. I feel like I set up 70% of my kills with skip grenade. I read these posts on reddit sometimes that are like "if you run x and then pair it with y and then do z on the warlock you just rape" or whatever...well I feel like I found my thing. I had a 23-6 rumble game earlier,
granted it was a bunch of blueberries, and in the last 3 hours of occasional play I've had games of 22-9, 20-9, and 15-9 as well.... At this rate I may hit 1.0 k/d this century after all. I feel like if I just spammed rumble I could run +5-10 kills regularly, however that'd be boring and grindy. Speaking of...


A nice round number anyway.

Oh and 1kys>Weylorans March...really that 167 damage in a single shot just gets so many cleanup kills, it easily makes 1k the more deadly weapon, regardless of any other factors. If Bungie wants to make the low impact snipers more viable, they need to increase the ROF delta, because 1k doesn't fire slower enough to nearly make up the difference. So yeah, people dont run high impact snipers for (or just because of) the res snipe, IMO they run them because they're just better full stop.

I love the idea of a sniper that's almost a hybrid "scout/sniper" thing, low zoom scope, light impact, fast, but such a thing would be OP anyway.
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Yup skip grenades are great. I worry that they will be OP once those new exotic gloves are available though... better tracking plus gain an additional skip grenade... scary. Gaining an additional grenade would be good enough IMO.

I'm starting to run nightstalker more and more in trials though... tether can be very effective in this mode. Suppressing supers, weakening your enemies (which makes it possible to body shot kill people with 1KYS) and limiting their movement comes in handy a lot. It's more of a defensive super though so it's different.
Shadestep and keen scout are also great abilities. And while the nightstalker has pretty terrible grenades, when paired with the smoke grenade it's a pretty deadly pairing.

I was lucky enough to get a 320 ghost finally at the totems. Warlock just needs a 320 chest piece and he will be 320. If I really wanted to, I could take my 320 Alpha Lupi from my Titan and use that to infuse my Warlock's chest piece, but I'll just wait till I get one as a drop.
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Yeah nightstalker is just kinda fun fun fun in any mode.

It would bother me in PVP though cus then I'd want all int/strength gear, and trying to juggle, acquire, and infuse so damn many gear combos just gets too complex and annoying to handle. Plus whenever I step out of my comfort zone in PVP my k/d tanks badly. Plus you almost need to rewire yourself to use shadestep IMO. Honestly though I feel like Tether as bad as it is might be better than arc blade, simply because it operates at a distance, and arc blade is really only good for 1-2 kills per these days people are so good at shutting it down. But yeah, I should definitely start playing around with NS in crucible for fun.

They need to buff Tether just a bit in certain ways IMO (it doesn't need to be among the best offensive supers, but it has too many loopholes as is, such as it doesn't even suppress opposing supers that effectively)...however then they'd probably feel like the subclass as a whole was OP.

And yeah I worry Bungie is going to "catch on" to skip nades too. I dont see how they can both give you two AND improve them.

The thing about "double nade" gauntlets though is, correct me if I'm wrong but it's not like they give you two nades in one charge cycle, they just give you two separate but equally long staggered charge cycles. So yeah, there's occasions where you could have two grenades available for one encounter, but it takes a long amount of charge time to get two anyway so it's hardly OP.

And I guess this means you officially beat me to 320 damnit...oh well. Honestly I have pretty much taken the worst path to 320 in TTK...I didn't even raid for ages and ages, combine that with only running two characters now. I probably could have had 320 ages ago had I really went for it. I still dont see that many people at 320 so it'll still be special when I get there.

I'm missing Class Item and gauntlets. Challenge Gorgy will give the latter sooner or later (although this is where having 3x characters would help, to run potentially 3X on Gorgy challenge weeks instead of 2). The CI will be the harder part, for those I can only run Oryx+Daughters 2x per week and hope.
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Yeah it just allows you to have two grenades charged, but you have to wait two full charge cycles once you use your initial 2 at the start -- much like armamentarium or starfire protocol (except armamentarium gives you 2x any grenade type for any subclass). Still, increased tracking and two grenades is a little much. I would rather have increased tracking as the sole perk, and/or an additional skip grenade + maybe faster charge or something. Honestly I wouldn't mind if they just scrapped those gloves and brought back Lucky Raspberry.

If you hit 320 before me, I'd be pissed. :p I've done almost everything I could to get 320 drops... 3x raids and challenge modes, 24x trips to the lighthouse in year 2 alone, rank 5 in IB clash on all 3 characters etc. I didn't really play any IB Rift but still. There's only 1 person on my friends list that is 320... it's not easy.
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why chasing to 320.

the power difference is no longer huge like in 29 to 30. but the grind is very huge for 320.
Just to say you did it and be at the max level. We understand there's little real benefit.

BTW, new must have's from New Monarchy and I saw a couple dudes with I gotta have it...

I was kinda lazily going for the exotic CI, I had my Future War Cult up to level 16...but once I saw that ship I switched to Monarchy...since I'm only level 3, I'm probably going to blow all my resources, all ~450 coins etc, on ranking in NM to 25...and hope I get the ship on the way...

Right now at this point in the game there's no use for coins anyway. By the time of the next expansion I'm sure I can build them back up.

Look at this bad boy

theres blue ship like that. its blue/white coloured. so it looks less striking.

btw im still flying the old 1st ship lol (the truly very old 1st ship, before repaired).
I keep the 1st ship too...not sure what you mean about the repaired part though, guessing I have the post repair one.

I just change around, whatever you use gets boring after a while.
So an upcoming change is less special ammo in 3 v 3 matches. No spawning with special ammo either. This is an attempt to make longer, primary weapon, focuses fights. I think it is a good change. We need less 1000 Yard Stare dominated matches with 1 hit, 1 kill. Too bad they are not doing the same to 6 v 6 game types. They are also starting a rotation of non-fire team Crucible list. This is good for people who want to play, but don't want to get faced up against fire teams.
So an upcoming change is less special ammo in 3 v 3 matches. No spawning with special ammo either. This is an attempt to make longer, primary weapon, focuses fights. I think it is a good change. We need less 1000 Yard Stare dominated matches with 1 hit, 1 kill. Too bad they are not doing the same to 6 v 6 game types. They are also starting a rotation of non-fire team Crucible list. This is good for people who want to play, but don't want to get faced up against fire teams.

I will spawn with sidearm. Suicide twice, equipt fusion rifle special weapon...

Usually tiesto