Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Agh Destiny have too many small maps. I really miss the best map of all 'the moon map with sparrow' that I forgot the name.

Now Too many maps with small encounter area. Bloody annoying. Time to kill is super fast.

Probably because most destiny player are cod player so bungie caters to that taste?

It's a trend that I really hate and it seems ALL developers are doing. Like battlefield series that always goes even smaller and faster time to kill for every new version/release.

I miss the high time to kill, the freedom of exploration, freedom to exploit the terrain, freedom to take advantage of vehicles in old destiny maps.

For me, that kind of battle is the most fun and engaging. Not walk then die then spawn then die die die die die die. Then the game got confused and refuse to spawn me. Then the game spawn in on enemy spawn.

Edit: but if for destiny 2 they are can copy paste what titanfall has done, I will be happy.

Titanfall have small map but it have unprecedented freedom of exploration and strategy.
Once you hit 310 (or maybe 311?) light, all exotics are 310. Being 318-319 on my characters, I wish they would start dropping at 320. I guess they expect us to infuse our exotics up.

It would be a loophole way to level to 320. Hell I got to 310 mostly via exotics/3oC's spamming and that's why I never learned the raid on normal.

Must be noob night on IB


That's not even trying and forcing the snipe a lot just to play more with March and screw around.

I like it a lot, the two tap is nice on it, once you realize it shoots pretty fast and adjust accordingly. I switched casket mag for injection mold for the two taps. I think I'll stick with it.

Have I mentioned I love my Dis 43? I feel like I always have the BEST primaries in crucible (I guess the advantage to playing and reading up so much) and this latest update is no exception. Man, it's just so good, I'll beat 2-3 opponents in primary fights at 40 yards often. Mida might be a smidge better, but only a smidge.

I tried a Not like the Others that dropped, nowhere close despite the stats say it is. It should have a decent amount more AA than Dis, but I sure cant feel it if anything the reverse (maybe Dis slightly better range?). Actually, on a podcast Bungie basically if I understood it right, said the bars dont have any correlation to anything really (if I understood it right, it made no sense at all). So like a scout with just a little more stability on the bar can actually have like double stability of the other, even though it's bar might be only 5% longer. So I'm wondering if that little more range Dis has than most other scouts is actually like double range or something...might explain why it's so good.

Also been going with machine gun heavy (Raid MG) for a change of pace. Fun also.

So far tonight my first extended time grinding at rk 5, the best I got was a 317 Ghost (and my Ghost was already 317). Grrr.
Screw grinding IB for loot...drops let alone over 310 are super few and far between. All the weapons dropped like 280's for me. Maybe only Ghost shells drop over 310. Big time not worth it at any rate.

By grind I mean continue to play after rk5 expressly for drops.

I mean maybe if you want IB gear. Just dont do it expecting it to raise your light.

Like Weylan's March a lot though, had a few crazy (for me) sniping sprees with it.
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The same for me. 2 ARs around 280 and all armor :love:00. Only thing dropping above 300 were classitems/ghosts and the leveling rewards.
Dang...came so close to beating Oryx hard+challenge mode tonight (still never beaten hard). So close....thought it was gonna be one of those great Destiny firsts but, didn't happen (they were trying to do it before reset and ran out of time after several fails).

Super nice group though, the last couple groups have booted me on Oryx as I flail about, so after a few fails (I kept fucking up which platform I was supposed to get) I told them just boot me, but they refused.

Still getting a lot better, now pretty confident with every single part of the raid except Oryx, and getting close there. Really tonight was my first major experience on him (other than the first time I beat him on normal which I dont even remember what happened).

Loot for the run sucked though. Went from a 316 cloak to a 317 was my only light gain.

Editz: And now back to warpriest challenge...unfortunately I'm already 320 at the heavy and special spots :(
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Yay, got a 320 Ghost shell from the raid...this is one of the hardest pieces to get...

This gives me 5/10 slots at 320 and 318 and a half light.

Now it's just a matter of time to brute force the others with challenge modes (+any lucky 320 drops). May be a while I guess...I dont need anything 320 from Warpriest this week. 3 characters would help but oh well, I dont regret deleting one.

Dayz later edit...started running Mida more in crucible. I claimed my Dis 43 was comparable but I'm not sure again, I think THE best scout is still Mida. The thing about Mida is it's more effective at close range. The run speed is great too. And you add in all the just, free bonuses it has like 90 AA, 100 Reload, snapshot, high caliber rounds, it's hard to beat. I kinda feel like concentrating on my k/d right now, which means strictly running my best loadout. Whenever I start experimenting with different subclasses or weapons I tend to struggle. It's at .87, almost .88 globally. I think around 11k deaths and 9800 kills overall, which means if I want to hit 1.0 I need to go +1200 over time. Running Mida means I cant run Truth...I just run vendor Smolder for seems to be overlooked by most but having tripod it picks up 4 rockets with boots and 3 without, and I really dont think the velocity and blast radius are too bad. Maybe I'm wrong but I think 4 or even 3 less effective smolder rockets are on balance a definite upgrade over two say, Vertigo rockets.

Trying for k/d means I switch out shotgun or sniper based on map (if I switch to shotty, I switch my boots from sniper to rocket). I find most maps I prefer sniper. Still absolutely loving my Weylorans March I feel like it's a hidden treasure and gives me an edge on opposing snipers. 100AA (70 base+15 HH+15 Viewtac scope). I run injection mold over casket mag cause I'd rather have more stability for two taps than one extra round (it still holds 5). It's a master two tapper which gives me a big edge in duels cus the opposing guy is likely running a much less effective two tapper like 1kys, so if we are both moving around trying to avoid getting domed, advantage me.

Whoa, just had what has to be my best game ever...22-4 on rumble!

I feel like if I'm just shooting for 1.0 k/d Rumble may be the quickest gains.
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I'm not sure there is a magic number for 310 decrypting now. I'm getting 290s still when I'm at 310 and I'm reading its the same at higher.
guaranteed 310 drops when you're >310

Rangers, ever tried Thaloc in PvP? With super on the TTK is unreal. I use it a lot in Taken PEs these days too.
I'm playing this game wrong. I just focused with my light level and don't care the weapons lol.

Thorn is unique but not on hear 2. Just got the fallen exotic thunder auto rifle and it's basically the same as thunder Lord.

But I Love to use telesto. That weapon is unique with its basically a halo needler.
I feel that my sniping game is getting pretty decent now. Here is a short clip of a trials match from last week on Memento. I got a few nice short range revive kills, all on the same guy. :LOL:

What's a good basic AR that melts up close and is vendor/easily available? A AR/sniper build sounds fun, although whenever I experiment with loadouts my k/d tends to go to shit...

I thought Suros was the best one but even it kind of sucked when I tried it in Taken King.

I thought i was getting "ok" at sniping, then I run into guys who are actually ok and can use it like a primary at middle distances and smoke me all day. Ugh.

I switched to skip grenades because based on stats they are the most effective even though few people use them. And arcbolts got nerfed ages ago hard.

So far I think I already get more kills with them than bolt, they're weird but do more damage and track.

But anyways cant wait for the upcoming leaked "Shinobu's Vow" exotic gauntlets now, it gives you two skip's and they improved (whatever that means). That sounds great if not OP. Definitely seems worth running over my ATS8/Tarantella.

Edit: Also, been experimenting with sidearm. Hoping they would just "click" with me. They do to some extent. I think the issue is they are not ENOUGH better than a primary in close. They are like 5% better seems like, and you can easily lose to a primary even up close it seems like. Maybe if Bungie buffed their damage just a 3-5%.

Lately I dont mind running sidearm, sniper, or shotgun, depending on the map etc. So I like feeling like I'm good enough to be able to vary it up and do OK.
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I find that the higher fire-rate ARs are best for close range, between the Doctrine type ARs (max fire-rate) to the Monte Carlo/Hard Light type ARs are best IMO. Personally I think the higher impact ARs are almost useless in PVP because I think they're outclassed by pulse or scout rifles at mid-long range, and they're outclassed by hand cannons and higher fire-rate ARs at close range. Not to mention shotgunners.

The max fire-rate ARs may not be the best choice if you're not comfortable sniping at mid range because it's harder to control the recoil on these ARs at distance. Something like a Monte Carlo/Hardlight might be a better choice for you. I'm pretty comfortable sniping at mid-range so Doctrine works great for me 99% of the time.

Skip or flux grenades are definitely the way to go... they nerfed arcbolt too hard. I personally use skip grenades. Just think of it as a ball that breaks into seeking clusters once it hits a solid surface. You basically want to throw it a few meters in front of your target. The clusters track very aggressively.
What trips me is when you throw the skip grenades and they just stick on the ground. I guess that's when no enemies are nearby but it's weird, and they seem to be useless at that point. Maybe somebody could walk into them but I dont think I've ever seen it and I dont know what would happen if they did.

Best way I heard it described on reddit is they dont behave consistently. It's just a drawback to go with their pluses.

Yeah higher fire rate AR is what I the exotics are best, that's no prob I have both those I believe.
What I like are high rate fire ARs with Focused Fire. My current favorite legendary to PvE with is ARI-41 with Focused Fire, Rifled Barrel and Perfect Balance. It's got a great scope with enemy highlighting and the magazine is 41. It feels like a fast firing scout rifle. While the time to kill is slower in theory, it's so easy to get a precision shots on every bullet the kill time is actually much higher than fast ARs that are hard to control. Factor in how large the mag is, I can kill dozens of lower level mobs with each reload.

I also lucked out on a god roll of 1000 Yard Stare. With triple tap and casket mag I can get off 7 precision shots before reloading. It's a PvE beast.
Yesterday I glitched out of destiny map again and found... THE MINE have hundreds of steel wire hidden from view. Making me wonder, does the rasputin steel wall is movable? It stands on top of two rails.

Those wall have bullet mark so usually this means those walls won't be able to move. But in TTK, bungie introduced moving objects that HAVE BULLET MARKS.

Or its simply a scrapped mission lol.
Got the 320 chest from another golgy challent...makes 318.8 or something, and 6/10 320's. Or put another way, I need a total of 12 more points increased for 320. Hopefully tomorrow on my other character I can get 320 gauntlets from Golg.

Golg challenge is easy now too. And tonight for the first time I felt comfortable on Oryx (although once again, a disband occurred, and it's bedtime). Although I struggle dropping my knight sometimes still, that's different from being confused. STILLLLLLLL have not beaten hard Oryx, amazing. Maybe tomorrow.

The only part I'm still uncomfortable with is being Torn on daughters. I'm not good at that. I've only successfully done it once, which means I dont know how to deal with her blowing you back when you dunk. Plus sometimes I just flub the jumps, still. Bones doesn't really make it easier, cause my mind starts freezing up thinking whether it's a double or single jump ahead or what. It makes hitting the daughter easy I suppose.

I am not sure who drops what from challenges, but I expect my sticking point may be acquiring the 320 class item...

I'll be good for IB too, should be really high light 315+ or something with most loadouts.

I need more primaries for infusion bad, due to my lack of hard clears all my primaries max at 310 or under except for one, the 318 Nerwins I got from IB. Thank goodness, or my highest primary would still be 310. I wish I could get my Dis 43 up high, I miss a scout so much in Kings Fall, I dont like the mushy feel of pulses in PVE at ALL.
Grabbed Destiny TTK on a whim as a Christmas gift to myself. This is the first console fps I've ever really played and having a good time so far, though still getting used to running around shooting things with thumbsticks. Titan at 270 light.

The game is fun but the social features are rubbish and it seems nobody does lower level raids anymore. I read that Vault of Glass is a lot of fun but I might never see it.

I don't understand Bungie's stubbornness about restricting high level content to people who happen to have a lot of friends who play Destiny on the same platform at the same time. I have exactly zero friends who (1) own a ps4 and (2) have even heard of the game. Let the hardcore guys form private fire teams but let the rest of us scrubs use matchmaking with randoms if we want to.